Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem: Order of the crimson Arm

>the adventure began
>We met Nigger, an unfortunate woman with revitilago
>She began properly ginger, but got a proper case of BLACKing halfway through chapter 1.
>Meanwhile, our captain led us to a new island, where miserly merchants refused to pay us for saving their life.

>What's going on?
I'm demoing a romhack of Fire emblem 7, taking inputs from you. You decide who I use and who gets stat items.
And of course, no resetting for lost units.

Other urls found in this thread:

>What is this?
This is a ROMhack of Fire emblem 7, created by an user named Tact and a few of his buddies
>Where can I find it?
>Is this hack complete?
No, currently it's up to chapter 18(?), with gaidens and default FE7 supports.
>I'm new to Fire Emblem. What's a good game to start with?
Fire emblem: The Blazing sword(aka Fire Emblem in the USA) is a fantastic starting point, featuring a comprehensive tutorial. Alternatively, Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones also has a briefer tutorial and is all around easier.
>I heard this series is just shitty waifu pandering
that's Awakening and Fates.
>what does each stat do?
HP-health. lose it all and your unit dies(permanently)
STR/MAG- how much damage you do with attacks. this is augmented by your enemy's defenses and your own weapon's MT
SKL- your chance to hit with attacks, as well as score crits
SPD- if your SPD is high enough, you'll be able to double-attack enemies, also affects your chance to avoid enemy attacks.
LUK-affects accuracy and avoidability, and reduces enemy crit chance.
DEF-affects defense against physical attacks
RES-affects defense against magical attacks
CON- unit's weight. this affects who they can rescue or be rescued by, and if your CON is too low, you will suffer SPD penalties while using heavier weapons.
>What game are you playing next?
I'll probably go back to Final Fantasy Tactics.

game over count: 1

>game overed before Chapter 2
This is going to be a bloodbath, ain't it.

>he wasn't around for my last playthrough of this
oh man.

I wonder how many times everyone will get slaughtered this time around.

>big squad of knights outside the front gate

oh well, I'm sure THAT'S nothing.

Oh shit nigger, it's that time.

>refuse to assassinate a qt armorknight
>he orders us murdered
ah hell.

well, I'm SURE this stage won't be a terrifying rush.

>that giant squad of knights is preparing to attack

...oh hell.


SOLID start for this glorious bastard.

>no SPD
it begins.

>Nigress can't run
What a shame.

>ticking clock
jesus christ

>Algimas's new crit animation
Goddamn, good work Tact.

Ya ba dabba DAMN
>SPD on boleslav

>door opening

It's over.

cyka blyat


still missing a comma here.

>I will never relive my first time through tacthack chapter 2

feels bad, man.

"To win a battle, you must first get fucking BODIED and try again."

Or just play well

stream is live btw

But where's the fun in that?

I am the BEST at fire emblem.

Nigger is getting better at tachack, after the bloodbath that happened last time.

this is my fourth time through this part of the game.

also, they rebalanced the game.

chapter 1 was harder, chapter 2 was easier.

Tact, why couldn't you colour them green and red? at least give them capes or something.

>missed chapter 2 for a second time
atleast i didn't miss a death spree

I have a playthrough video of it too if you want.

quality's kinda shit, but eh.

when the king dies, the princess will inherit his HUUUUUGE....TRACTS OF LAND.

>female knight

No longer have any interest in this hack

>being THIS NEW to fire emblem

female cavs and armorknights are staples of the series.

The's a male knight with a rocking stache and super hot wife

Oh damn the tacthack update finally came out?

not sure if sarcastic....

They just don't want to get HUGE.

the words of someone who did not get HUGE

The stache looks like its put on wrong.

>using Amelia
>As anything other than a Paladin or at least a GK




You just fell for my trap card.
i have never actually used amelia, never bothered to grind the towers

>Same exact growths as Amelia
>also has to be babied
>considered the worst unit in the game because she has to be babied

I love it when waifushitters have double standards

>supposed to be impressive
I can feed all my statboosters to one unit and make them OP too.

>not getting her to 10 the level you recruit her
I only gave her boots and a ring.

Joke's on you. You missed the one of hte best unit of the game, aka Druid Ewan

I fixed my comp and I fixed the battle palette

i actually saved the metis thing for Ewan to turn him into just that
i really just don't feel like grinding that shitty tower

They buffed the SHIT out of kurtis.

Its no wonder you're bad at fire emblem nigger.

I am the BEST at fire emblem.

Hold up Nigger. Didn't you play this before?

This one is a babby general, and have 1 STR under her average.

>Kurtis needed buffs

We didn't

it got updated so nigger is going fresh back into it

Yeah, just look at him. He needs buffs.

they updated it, released more chapters, retooled existing chapters, and tweaked characters.

Honestly its less about her growths and more about the fact that you are basically gimping her good speed stat and MOV for stat caps that she is likely to never reach without RNG abuse or stat boosters.

Memes aside of course, since I know some people make her a General because they find it amusing for whatever reason.

Also because Generals are fun.

Honestly, I find it the cutest.

Whenever I use her, she goes Knight because Gilliam is pretty shitty.
At least he's been shitty in every SS playthrough of mine.

**GBA generals
Fixed that for you

Thanks m8

>with those bases

Sorry user but I'm gonna have to disagree there, he's a way better General than her, at efficiency and grinding runs.

How the FUCK did I lose kurtis last run?

FIona is actually a lot worse than Meg.

Thats what I'd like to know.

Megs only use is to tank a tiger hit in the first dawn brigade chapter she appears in

Fionas only use is to rescue villagers.

They're about as equally useless I'd say.

His bases are good but the cavs always catch up to his Str/Def in my experience. Then once someone's caught up to him on defense there's basically no reason to use him.
Efficient runs I usually don't use Gilliam altogether once someone gets close to his def.

Fiona actually have very good growths, but what kills her is her laughable bases and availability.

>inb4 Meg can tank anything when she appears

Gilliam sucks at efficiency runs because the first chapters aren't friendly to him.

His bases are godly and he starts at level 4 however, so he can be the best General or one of the best GK's in the game if you're not going for an LTC run.

He's not shitty at all, especially if you intend to do a run where you use characters like Amelia or Ewan.

Why did OP go for the nigger tactician? Male one looks way better.

Sup Forums demanded the return of the nigress

>notice twitch is now blocking posts saying Nigger
>try to change the rules
>it won't LET me change the rules
what the fuck twitch.

Why is Sup Forums so fucking retarded

twitch is a wholesome christian streaming service didn't you know

gotta go fast

No rest for the weary

try it in a different browser

>Girls can show off they gigantic tits while streaming
>BUt people get blocked if they say nigger

roll credits

Come on Twitch, get it together

fuck it, I'll try going into the school later or something, they have firefox on computers there.

"I guess you could say that we really were, The Crimson Armâ„¢"

Bravo IS.

never log in on your accounts on school computers nig

fog of war is goddamn cancer.


Sasuga, Nigger.


>fire now fucks up cavs


Are you fucking alive?

Shoulda checked the weapon information, Nigger.

on...the enemies that were hidden by fog of war?

using magic I've yet to see?

Fire mage in Chapter 2.

Wait a minute. Something looks wrong here.

well I still didn't think to take a look at a random mage and examine their weapon.