ITT: Combat Systems You Don't Like

ITT: Combat Systems You Don't Like

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Someone post Witcher webm

asscreed / bamham / witcher 2-3 shit

>the best fantasy themed dance rhythm game ever made

Anything turn-based

Worms is great though

this was my gut reaction, then I remembered like a billion strategy games and RPGs, turn based is awesome

anything where you pause the game and spam health pots

aye, 'tis be true

le 1% chance to hit

Anything other than dark souls/zelda or FPS style fighting is complete garbage and should be banned from the gaming industry.

Sloppy hitboxes

Souls games have never had good hitboxes.

Thats not an excuse just an observation. I don't defend fromsoft games. I think Nioh did souls better than any souls game could ever dream of.

>mfw looking at the last XV thread in the archive
Holy shit.

>no rare item drop
>all seemingly cool weapons you find innawoods are already sold in shops
>generally very little weapon variety
>limited magic arsenal
>cool concept like elemency ruined by bullshit like stacking the elements instead of forming entirely new ones
>no worthwhile rewards from dungeons
>combos in battle are nonexistent
>no finishers, armiger sucks dick
>barely any worthwhile abilities earned through leveling up or spending AP
>customization sucks, accessories pretty much worthless outside of boosting HP/strength/defense
>no challenging enemies that force you to change your build
>only 2 difficulties: easy modo and normie
>no superbosses other than that stupid turtle

This pretty much sums up my problems with FFXV's gameplay, and then some. Even Kingdom Hearts is more complex.

just turn off the spidey-sense thunder bolts in the bamham games and boom, you got Royalguard: The Game: Batman Edition

Even better then the first one?

No contest.

Get good, retard

That's what I said.


>no stamina
>starting area with no dagger skill

excellent bait

Nioh is definitely better in terms of combat, at least.

Every Elder Scrolls game.

this desu

DMC4. Fell for the Sup Forums meme that it had good gameplay. turned out to be dog shit. No wonder why Capcom hasn't released a new one since 2008.

Bethesda melee.

>Wave your sword around in front of you until everything falls over
>No weight behind anything
>No meaty impacts
>Swords just passes in front of your eyes left and right no matter what

I understand how it works but I've always disliked RNG combat when it comes to 3D games.
I can understand doing less damage when not being proficient with a weapon but completely missing a point blank stationary target multiple times because of skill just looks so stupid.

Forgot to add it's just pointless button mashing.


anyone have the xcom thin man bullshit dodge webm handy?

Dragon Age
Mass Effect
Dark Souls 3

No it's not whats the point in being "stylish" when it's just a 1 button press game and the stylish points don't even reward you with anything.

Bosses were a joke aswell. just spam Nero's arm grab for a special move.

Would've been a 10/10 if it had Arcanum's system or fallout style, but they just had to make it RTwP boring-ass click and wait combat. What a shame.

Counter Strike's gunplay has always felt like shit to me. I wanted to get into it, but it felt really lightweight.

>shitty swordplay with awful shooting thrown in

You wanted to say that Souls games have never had good combat at all.

>I think Nioh did souls better than any souls game could ever dream of.

only the combat.

What the fuck were they thinking? Really good everything besides the combat.

it was built on the aurora engine user

All Suda 51 games are kinda weaksauce.

This man.
Skyrim isn't great but it would unironically be an okay/good game if it wasn't for Bethesda's iredeemably dogshit melee spam-o-thon

World of Warcraft

Animations looks like some faggy dev mocap'd himself into the game.

The only issue this system has is the difficulty. If all of them stopped the "everyone freezes" around you effect then actual avoidance and smart use of your attacks/tools would come into play.

It needed more moves (and enemies). It does seem like all the budget went into the graphics.

I hate games with high octane battles.

I dislike turn-based when it's poorly done.

If there's a ton of stats your character has like 76 agility, 49 attack, 45 sp. attack and they don't actually, you know DO anything noticeable (sure if you put on those extra damage gloves youll do 567 damage instead of 540). That, and they're often designed to be almost auto-battle tier, and have little challenge or personal skill in them typically, beyond using your most damaging attack or using an element to counter theirs.

If it's a stereotypical jrpg system with weightless numbers and such, and nothing to make it challenging or set it apart, I really don't like it at all.

Darkest dungeon was nice with party orientation, unique classes, and mixing and matching different skillsets, along with abilities and stats actually doing something noticeable. I liked how it listed raw basic 'stats' that would normally be derived from stuff like strength and agility, such as turn speed, accuracy, and damage never being retardedly high so small changes actually made a difference (6-12 damage a hit, for example).

LISA: The Pointless I enjoyed the carefully designed combat encounters and character skills, as well as the management of resources, scarce money and usable items and stat debuffs not only being useful, but essential for surviving and in fact your only companion can not attack and only uses status debuffs.

Paper mario was nice too because of its interesting take on things, with guarding and context actions, making player skill have some say in things.

Anyone got some good examples of turn-based games that did something neat, or were decently challenging and well-designed?

Elder Scrolls
Any other Bethesda game, pretty much.
MMOs that play like WoW

List would go on, but i'm sure this is enough to flare some neckbeard up.

except it becomes a potion spam-o-thon at higher difficulties

and Sonybros seriously praise this games gameplay?

Fire emblems serie

Most SMT games do turn based combat pretty well, Persona 5 on hard demand some good tactics early on.

SMT 4 Apocalypse also manage to have a hard end game.

OG XCOM and Jagged Alliance 2-style time unit systems for turn based tactics are fucking great. XCom EU/EW's simplified two-action system is also pretty good and is lot more approachable and faster to play. It mostly comes down to balance though, Darkest Dungeon for example is sort of easy to break by stacking dodge chance and enemy accuracy debuffs to make your party unstoppable.

Any XCOMs that I should look out for? I might go on GoG later and have a look, since those have always been games i'm pretty interested in. Any of them notably terrible? Or are they all decently good?

This. Hate those fucking games because of the cheap flimsy combat.

UFO Defense is the original and also probably the best, it is also 1993 as fuck so keep that in mind.
Terror from the Deep is not too different from the original but has a lot more aggravating bullshit.
Interceptor/Apocalypse/Enforcer/The Bureau aren't worth bothering with.
Enemy Unknown/Enemy Within is the reboot and is different and really good
XCOM 2 is the sequel to the reboot and doesn't really improve on it much but is still ok

if elder scrolls ever made combat good and fun the way fallout 4 did for that series, it would for sure be one of my favorite games of all time

This is the first time I've seen a kind word regarding Arcanum's combat system. I found it to be extremely messy and if I wasn't playing a mage, so I could just spam harm as quickly as i could click in real time mode, probably too frustrating to continue playing.

Zelda BotW's combat is the first thing that popped into my head.

At the time, and still today, it's remarkably smooth for tab target games. Not that tab target games aren't a relic from the internet speed dark ages but for what they had to work with at the time it's remarkable how well it still stands up.

>slow as fuck
>barely any weapon variety and weapon design itself is boring
>Blades of Chaos/Athena/Whatever always your main weapon
>only ever get a few weapons in each game
>only ever get a few magic spells each game, so there are hardly any options what you can equip at once
>said magic spells are also linear as fuck and don't have any real usage beyond their intend use
>games always have focus on slowly chipping away enemies' health from mid-range and cancelling combos with rolls
>attacks almost never have any real weight to them, so you always feel weak
>almost no real real movement options
>floaty as fuck
>QTEs all over the fucking place
>flash over substance
Why the fuck is this shit so popular?

Being more stylish gets you a better ranking at the end of the mission, which gets you more money and upgrade points, retard.

You can only get special moves with Nero when you've already downed the boss.

it's unpatched. perfect for shitposters though

>Why the fuck is this shit so popular?
Because it was babby's first Devil May Cry. It was made for people who wanted a 3D action game but didn't want to put in the time to learn all the intricacies of a complex combat system.

GoW would have been better as a really angry Zelda style exploration game instead of a linear hack and slash.

That webm was made in the latest patch, but okay sonylad.

I forgot:

>no scoring system so there's no incentive to actually git gud, nor does it give the game a unique style of play
>just generically 'kill all the enemies'

Pretty sure the loading screen after you die hasn't been just the Bloodborne logo on a black screen since like, two months after the game came out.

It didn't aged well, but when it came out it was THE shit.
The gameplay was nice-blended togheter action games like dmc with some elements from PoP.
the main reasons why it was-and still is-so popular was because of the scale of the enemies and the "epic"and cinematic experience it gave.
Ok, SoC did it, but it was and still is incredibly niche.
It also used QTE as a way to have more detailed deaths and finishing moves without using full cutcenes, but instead giving you the sense you were killing them that way.
It was violent, it was giant, and the gameplay elements, even if not very original were polished and fun enough.

Maybe not play on a low difficulty

no its not. Bloodborne logo doesn't show up in newest versions.
Hitboxes in souls games are always pretty shitty, but lying on a cherrypicked webm doesn't help you or your arguments.

elder scrolls
planescape torment
fallout-any of them
assassins creed

Doesnt help that DMC3 is my favorite game so most games combat seems kinda boring


>It also used QTE as a way to have more detailed deaths and finishing moves without using full cutcenes, but instead giving you the sense you were killing them that way.
QTEs were a mistake.

I still maintain that GoW never really did QTEs all that well, it was just one of the first big AAA games to actually do them. I don't even think RE4 did them all that well and that game was much, much better than GoW.

QTEs are, in general, terrible design. I much prefer a system that gives cool looking finishers that are actually worked into the combat system, like NG2's OT system or DMC4's Buster moves.

Literally only a level 1 problem, and thats only if you're a complete retard with your stats. People who complain about missing have not played the game.

Shitter 3 "combat"

Oh shut the fuck up. Im tired of DMC3 has good combat meme.

>Hwah, hyah, heh, blast off!!!!! Pew pew pew x10000000

>thinking that isnt the coolest shit ever
I dont even care if its cheesy

In any case, the concept that it's a pure RPG in a first person perspective, and not an action game, shouldn't be that hard to grasp. But I guess if you played Oblivion first or just know fuckall about RPGs something would seem amiss.

everyone likes to post these witcher webm's every thread but I only ever had the npc's act retarded like it shows once and it was a guard in novigrad and I put 150 hours into the game

You gotta work for your cool-looking combos

This. You can fix nearly everything about those games except for the shit combat, which always drags it down.

I tried EA's 6 hour demo of Dragon Age Inquisition.

I fucking HATE how clumsy the combat is in that game, and the tactical mode just feels strange. It's like they had ideas for two separate games and just slammed them together.

>it's this webm again

The Division, bullet sponge combat dressed up as a tactical shooter.

I didn't like BotW. All I did was pull them until all but one of the mob rubberbands, then go 1v1 by spinning around it and smacking it.

Don't pretend like you've played the game. Missing is only an issue at level one, which you would know, if you ever managed to play more than 30 minutes.

Seconding JA2.

Real shame, everything else about it seemed fine but the terrible rogue-light shittiness of the combat system completely killed it, I had to drop it.

This motherfucker just won the thread.

My friends are obsessed with modding Skyrim and Fallout 4, but I've never seen a mod fix the godawful combat in those games. Skyrim has the most flaccid, sluggish looking combat ever. There's pretty much no satisfying feedback or animations to your attacks. Fallout 4 is just a big fuck you to any kind of advances in combat with its archaic feeling shooting.

I don't reconogize that enemy and I've beaten all 3 games, from which one is it?

I don't think you read my post correctly.

it's from one of the giant's flashbacks in DS2

Git gud.

>he didnt visit the Giant's memories and rushed through the gamr

I don't think you understand. The issue is not the obtuse dice rolling, it's that Morrowind is a slap fight. It is hardly combat.

>even Kingdom Hearts

Git gud in II faggot, the combat is amazing

It was okay because it was one of the first games heavily relying on them outside of arcades.
They became the cancer in the games that followed tho.
In the end all videogaming is nothing but pressing buttons and see something happening on the screen.
My biggest problem with qte is that they break the flow of combat. In Gow they were fine because allowed for super-violent deaths, but i prefer regular combat where the enemies just dies-or it gets a nice death animations. Souls game(expecially BB)are good examples.
No qtes, no cinematic shit. Just gameplay.
cinematic games are a mistake.

Space Marine had good finishing moves as well-fast and butal, like gears of war. Too bad for that fucking QTE final boss...

regarding Re4 you mentioned, well, Re4 was fucking perfect. The last one of the series tho. 5 was an horrible game which was tollerable only for the co-op.
literally impossible, since when mobs see you all the fucking camp runs into you. Botw combat was amazing because using the sword was literally the last choice. It asked you to look at the enviroment and find the best way(among thousands, because muh complete freedom)to approach the enemies.

Oh, and regarding the Op: any musou game made after dinasty warriors 3.

> needing that many phantoms

... what the hell