Who ya mainin'?

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it really hard for me to chose. Its a 4 way tie between springman, minmin, helix, and byte + barq

Guess I'll staring at the nigress ass.

Minmin + Byte & Barq are the patrician choice.

Helix, B and B, Twin, and Spring


>2 vs 2
>4 Byte/Barqs

The ninja because ninjas are cool

Minmin or Cobra Kid, for real fighting game players such as myself

Helix and Springman mains unite


Why are there more girls in this game than guys


I count 4 girls, 4 guys, a robot and a blob monster

Master Mummy fits my usual playstyle more, but I'm in love with Helix's default loadout.

I haven't settled on a main yet, but I'll probably start out with them.

Master Mummy

That HP restore while defending seems like it's pretty easy to abuse. Plus tanking punches while throwing your own is dope.

I won't play it.

>4 guys
>4 girls
>2.5 things with no gender but I guess they are considered male

Twintelle obviously.


Nice input, thank you for posting

That's unfair. This game is prejudiced towards blob monsters.

>Actually playing video games
I'm just going to jerk off vigorously to all the porn.

What is cobra's special ability?

>not playing ALL of them
>not becoming the ULTIMATE ARMS CHAMPION

I want to FUCK Minmin

best to worst

byte and barq
spring man
master mummy
ribbon girl
kid cobra

he has a forward dash I think

His dashes are fast and he ducks during them

>only 10 characters


Design-wise I like Mechanica and Byte & Barq

But Minmin seems like the most fun to play

>I didn't watch the direct: the post

>Twintelle that low

Inb4 some Sup Forums shit

I love how colorful all the characters are. All brimming with personality.
Hope it does as well for Nintendo as Splatoon did. These new IPs they're making are all so stylish.

Also I'm totally being a Master Mummy main.

This. They have an awesome desing

>Master Mummy main

How boring must your life be to want to main Master Mummy

>more being added for free later
>literally thousands of fighter/arm combinations
I don't mind a relatively small roster when there's enough variance in playstyle between them.

Sorry, my keyboard was acting up
Meant to post

Ribbon Girl
DNA man
Master Mummy
Byte and Barq
Spring Man
Kid Cobra


Minmin, Twintelle, and Springman

Helix and Kid Cobra
I really like Helix's stretch mechanic but I also Kid Cobra's nice dash and offensive playstyle. MinMin looks really cool too.

>only 10 gladiators

>not wanting to learn what happened to your lost family
fuck off Master Mummy has deepest lore

Byte & Barq, Cobra Kid, Mechanica, Twintelle

It's a pretty solid roster. Only characters I dislike are the ninja guy and the kid cobra since they are too similar. Waifus are great, it has fun silly characters, and the 2 "main" characters are both good mascots for the series. I'll probably main Byte&Bark or Twintelle

the cop&dog

he's a fucking mummy what do you think happened
they died thousands of years ago

So what's the tier list?

Japanese site lists the ages for all characters

Spring Man: 20
Ribbon Girl: 17
Ninjara: 21
Master Mummy: not listed, no one knows and he forgot
MinMin: 18
Mechanica: 15
Twintelle: 26
Kid Cobra: 19
Byte: 9000
Helix: 2 (yes, hes 2 years old)

Which is going to be your set?

Mechanica, but I'm most certainly going to be playing everyone.

I love Byte and Barq. Really cute idea.
Min Min's cool as well cause I like chinese-themed characters and Twintelle is hot as fuck. Kid Cobra as of now is the most boring of the bunch. Master Mummy has a thiccer ass then Twintelle by the way.

Reminder that Mechanica is perfect and she is by far the best character.

>hating on the avatar of the 90s

There's a pretty clear divide between those who are mobile and those who aren't.

Min Min, Spring Man, Master Mummy, Mechanica, Twintelle, and B&B when Barq is down will all be at a disadvantage when Ribbon Girl, Ninjara, and Kid Cobra can run circles around them and Helix can dodge equally well.

Just my opinion though. Anyone else have thoughts on the mobility in this game? Mechanica seems to be sorely lacking; I can't imagine how her hover will be too useful, but Spring Man's Lucario-style comeback, Master Mummy's high HP and regen, Min Min's defensive kick, and B&B's added power and shield could possibly make up for their lack of mobility.

>only 10 gangbangers

As in 2 years since they accidentally created him, most likely.

I don't even care how bad they are, the huge purple sea mines are too based to not use them

Seekies should also be great

who else is hyped for volleyball?

that shit looks like it'll be fun as fuck, especially with 2v2.

>Byte: 9000
It says K-9000, which seems like a joke more than his actual age.

>Twintell's a cake

>Byte: 9000

There's no way that could be right.

>making an entire attribute for just one arm (blind)

Maybe they became mummies too or he's trying to find his descendants

but Colgate will be my main

delicious mechanica pusy

I'm a sucker for boomerang style weapons

So what's your favorite character/stage theme so far?

I'm probably playing Twintelle, movement with the float seems too sick.

He has a great theme, so I can't hate him.

Turner and Hooch

>Minmin is legal

Leaning towards Byte and Barq, but I wanna try Mechanica and Master Mummy too.

Why is that important?
Surely you don't have any impure thoughts about this spicy noodle-wielding fighter?

Helix bro and that cobra guy they seem super unique.



True that.

Also hyped to play on his stage. It looks so different from the others.

I wanna eat her noodles

This game's hype is Splatoon all over again.

Who the fuck actually cares about Arms? Why is Nintendo treating this game as if it will sell millions?

They're treating it like Splatoon.

A lot of people who enjoy video games

I, too, will play as Starsky and Hutch.

Would you like some marmite on your ramen?

are you some kinda cannibal

I just don't understand the appeal. I haven't met a single person who has expressed the desire to buy Arms.

That's okay, no one is forcing you to like it.

>thanks doc eyes

But have you met a person who has expressed the desire to buy ARMS™?

Twintelle is best girl. So Glamorous.

Helix, for sure.


>seekie's info on JP site says it was originally used to catch criminals
>is one of Byte and Barq's signature weapons

Minmin + B&B

Ribbon girl's and minmin's thighs should be illegal for being too thicc and sexy

Congrats on having a hard time counting. This means you are at low risk for autism

I haven´t met a person who has expressed the desire to buy Splatoon either
confirmation bias your friend means nothing user

DNA and thicc girl