Which patch version to get?
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The latest one. Stable if you wanna make sure you don't get any bugs.
k, any graphics mods to get for a first time playthrough? I already added the improved eyes mod.
Should I add in SweetFX too?
Anything from the patch should be good. I wouldn't grab any other graphical mods, but that's just a personal preference. The game looks fine as it is
I'd advise against any mod desu. Do vanilla (with Unofficial patch obviously) first and then on subsequent playthroughs you can mod that shit with whatever you want. Don't use SweetFX for first playthrough.
I prefer to play with the base patch rather than the plus patch, which I would recommend to first timers because you're getting the game as it was intended.
eyes look much better tho desu
Basic patch still changes things, if you want the game "as it was intended" get the True Gold patch.
What exactly happened with Ming-Xiao's boss fight? What the fuck did she turn into?
also how the fuck do I kill her as a melee character.
Also does anyone know how all these antialiasing NVIDIA settings work?
Do I need both 'antialiasing Mode' and 'antialiasing Transparency' turned on if I just want the supersample? Should 'antialiasing Mode' be put on "override" or "enhance"?
put it on override
and then 'setting' and 'transparency' both on x2 like I have it now?
None of them are necessary.
this desu, fuck the mods
This, except don't even uninstall the True Patch, just the Windows 7 fix.
>ming xiao
As for fighting her, there's only one move you really have to watch for. When she lets out that big long growl and tilts her head upwards, she's gonna charge at you and deal huge aggravated damage. When she growls, simply run away from her and wait the charge out.
Everything else is easy. Once she spawns her babies, slash them a few times and they'll die, you won't have to fight them all grown.
Melee works best with the katana/Tal Mahe Ra Blade. Instead of spamming combos, learn to spam one-click attacks. Don't click very fast, instead click and then delay your next click slightly so you perform the forward slash with every attack. This only works if you're male though, female chars have different slash combos which suck.
I think blocking telegraphed tentacle attacks works in this fight, although I don't remember for sure.
She's nearly there. Next step is to join the Sabbat and kill the elders, so that the higher generations can sort things out with each other and build their (somewhat) equal society. But elders and antediluvians screw up the power balance since they can do anything they want and noone can stop them.
I have a question: someone embraces a hardcore stalinist(i.e. a anti-revisionist marxist-leninist), which faction would he go? The Sabbat to kill elders and make the vampire-proletarian dictatorship with his newly found vanguard? With the anarchs wage some kind of protracted war against the evil cammies? Or the Camarilla?
Now I want to go replay this game for the 5th time. Thanks, user.
Definitely not the cam... I think the Sabbat honestly. They're portrayed as a two-class political structure, the grunts that do all the work, and the centralized command that controls everything in a very tight manner. They are all part of the Vaulderie to "unite" the pack and give it a sense of equality and relief from oppression. And they have a quest to create utopia by killing the oppressors that control society. But that's all the similarities as far as I can tell.
Anarchs are more democratic socialist utopia kind of thing, which is very far fetched but worth fighting for.
The most realistic option for an equal utopian vamp society is the humanisation of the Sabbat, by which I mean if other clans had taken over rather than the sadistic Tzimisce and Lasombra... Benevolent clans like Salubri for example, they could create a vamp society that doesn't cannibalize itself after the antediluvians were wiped out and the Jyhad was over.
>The most realistic option for an equal utopian vamp society is the humanisation of the Sabbat
Wasn't there a blurb on this at one those V20 books? Some Salubri talking about what could have been if their brothers weren't so short-sighted or something.
Anyone playing Redemption? God tier game for dialogs.
They go to whichever faction their sire belongs. The vast majority of cities either belong to the Camarilla or the Sabbat. A newly embraced vampire does not get much of a choice. Sure, it's possible to defect, but you would need some serious connections. Kindred aren't exactly known to be kind of trusting to strangers. Travel is one of the most dangerous undertakings for a vampire and even when you show to a new city how are you going to know who to contact? Poaching and failure to present yourself to the Prince are both serious crimes. It's not like the Elysium is listed in the phone book.
The Anarchs aren't even a serious faction outside Southern California. The political landscape shown in Bloodlines is an exception rather than the rule.