Why is the grid layout in the Animal Crossing for GameCube so much more satisfying than the rolling log style in all...

Why is the grid layout in the Animal Crossing for GameCube so much more satisfying than the rolling log style in all the other games

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>rolling log style

because it doesnt show the sky

>Imply rolling log style isn't more satisfying

This, combined with the N64 graphics and absolutely god tier OST

Basically where it feels like you're walking on a sphere

you can imagine the map built on a log and it rolls back and forth as you go north or south of your town, which is how you can always see the sky and the horizon on your screen.

the log makes it clear just how meager your existence is

deffo not comfo

I liked that it was easier to clean up the town and meet plant and tree quotas.

because it's nicer to look at

The map in later Animal Crossing games is actually constructed like a cylinder. It gives the illusion that the world is "rolling" behind you as you move around.

Why don't you want to see the sky?

The screen transitions subtly make the town feel bigger.

The thing I liked most about the GCN version were all the different seasonal events, Wild World replaced them with generic stuff, never played City Folk, New Leaf kind of brought them back didn't it?

Maps are literally laid out on a cylinder so that you can constantly walk up and down while it loads more, instead of a set square you transition to the other side.

Is it weird I'm still playing Wild World even though I'm only playing just to make sure my villagers don't move? I only play 30 minutes a day before work and I've already got the fossils, haven't gotten all fish, full upgraded house which I'm never paying off because fuck Nook, and haven't gotten all insects.

I feel like I'm hooked yet I've become numb since I can't invest as much time into it.

It did make it easy to tell where the boundaries of the acres are. It was annoying in the later games to have to count 16 squares and drop stuff to mark the acre borders.

because nostalgia
tbqhwy never played animal crossing on gamecube and even I feel nostalgic for it somehow

how horrifying

Wild World is comfy.

That game got me through Hurricane Ike. My house lost power for three weeks while we cleaned up, so my dad let me charge my NDS in his car. I'd spend all day picking up shit and helping repair damage while playing Wild World at night. Recreated all the patterns they published in a Nintendo Power issue too.

animal crossing 1 was better in the all the intangible ways


I thought I was the only person alive who thought this

Late N64/Early Gamecube graphics were god tier levels of comfy. I really hated the trend toward hyper realism that Sony and MS took in 7th gen, but then nintendo's graphics started to look dated by comparison when they essentially repeated the gamecube era by keeping to the same style on Wii. The cutesy and heavily stylized graphics of the early 3D era just had a certain magic to it.

I have had this game since 2005 and still play from time to time. I generally just clear up all the weeds, play hard for about a week and then put it away again for a stretch of 2 years or longer before I get the itch to play it again. New Leaf never held my attention as long as Wild World despite being the technically superior game.

My enjoyment of the animal crossing series essentially looks like an exponential decay graph. The first game was fantastic, but nothing after has been able to keep my interest as long as the first. New Leaf was extra shitty to me because it artificially tries to extend your playtime by time-gating shops and services. The Mayor stuff was a decent idea but its not the spark the game needs.

It's ACdev here, lads.

>There'll be relationships (nothing too deep)
>You'll be able to plant more than just trees and flowers (planning on some stuff, because...)
>I'm planning to add cooking
>Plants will have (basic) genes, like color, watering need, how much it yields when harvested and such
>Fishing is almost in already too
>House expansion will be similar to NL

Ask me whatever you want / give me suggestions / demand features

I actually thought Mario Kart 8 showed my ideal Animal Crossing game. I want a full 3D map with buildings that don't all face one direction. Give us some second-person pov camera too rather than the usual top-down.

I like the brush stroke textures

Give a location we can follow you at.

What will characters be like? Animals or people? And the player character?

i've wanted a pc AC clone for so long so thank you nigga

Any chance of mods? I'd really like to see an AC clone with endless replayability because of Steam Workshop or something.

to be honest I like the rolling log style

what is this?

Just be warned that I haven't put anything in there about this yet. I want it to be a secret until I've achieved parity with the previous version.

I'm actually restarting this project. I started a good while ago but I didn't feel like I was up to the task back then. I am now. I've rewritten about 3 months of code in 4 days. I'm almost at parity.

There's some old concept art, but the idea is there'll be (cute) monster and fantasy villagers. Ghosts, vampires, dragons, but all cutesy like in AC.

The assets are temporary, I need to git gut at art

You're welcome!

Absolutely happening

Fucking this, the only reason they did the top-down acre thing is because of hardware limitations its not 2003 anymore holy fuck Nintendo.

how big a garden can i have

It was a clever trick when they used it in ACWW due to the limitations of the DS, and it gave the game a certain charm. It has gotten stale since though.

I agree with in that we need a fully adjustable viewing angle. Given that the Switch has two analog sticks this shouldn't be an issue.



Nice. If the assets are temporary, will it at least retain the same art style? It can use some cleaning up definitely, but I like it.

Looks cool, I'm into this. If there's veggie gardening + cooking I'm all for it, that's the most comfiest things.

>That picture
Fucking why?

Nice music my nigga

Yeah, I want it to be cleaner, though.

My goal is for it to be as clean as pic related


How deep is your customization to the town?
Like you new in New Leaf you can build bridges and stuff like that.

That's how the map is laid out. That doesn't mean you as the player view it like that. From your perspective, the land is flat normal ground.

A lot of games do nifty stuff like that to help with performance. If you can't tell from the player's perspective, then why not do it?

Most first-person games don't even load maps and textures out of the player's sight. Rage was a good (or rather bad) example of this; turning your camera fast let you see the HD textures and models load in on objects.

Goddammit Nintendo is the ultimate tease.

It feels like you're looking down onto toys.

Not really, you can definitely tell it's a rolling log. But it's a lot more subtle when you're close to the ground viewing it as the player.

Lel, good luck with that. It'd be easier to just take photos of textures, alter them into tiles and then run it through a brush stroke filter.

I'm really not sure about this. I kinda think that that wouldn't really feel like Animal Crossing.

>you can definitely tell it's a rolling log
Yeah. I fucked up how I wanted to say that.

A fully 3D Animal Crossing that gives you much greater control over town layout and building alongside more stuff to generally do and more meaningful and varied villager interactions would probably be one of the greatest games ever created

All video games are toys.

Rotatable camera?

Because the cylinders fucking blow for setting down shit and it gimped the terrain to be flat as fuck and boring.

Fucking sucks that AC Switch will have the gay log shit and awkward-looking, lanky tall animals. And boring as fuck villagers/NPCs because we can't have kids getting scared by mean comments and actual personality.

I wouldn't mind if they radically changed the camera view so that it was a more traditional third person view from behind the character. That way villages could look more interesting since everything doesn't have to face the same direction.

keep your space dense so the area feels lived in, stylise the graphics more (brush strokes on the ground might lead to an interesting style) and get rid of that UI in the bottom left. Players can see what they're holding already and they'll learn controls early enough that having them on the screen constantly will get annoying. Keep us updated on this though man, looks very early days atm.

Would you like it if you needed to spend money all the time in animal crossing? I don't know how to do it but I think personally it would be more satisfying to get money that way because you're constantly spending it and holding onto it is a struggle.

>There'll be relationships (nothing too deep)
How about you scrap that and don't cater to furfags so hard?

Only tree shaking bee magnets think grids are better

Are you going to make this an original IP or are you making the grave mistake of having it be a fangame?

ive only played gcn and city folk on an emulator. in city folk the animals would never talk about anything useful or give you anything to do for furniture, it was constantly "invite friends pls" and nothing else. goddamn worst game ive ever played. even if i had the capability of playing online i dont think it would have been any better


I'd really like to be able to hang out and do stuff with my friend villagers. If there were stuff to do at their houses or if I could invite them into my house.

>(cute) monster and fantasy villagers. Ghosts, vampires, dragons, but all cutesy like in AC.
All my yes

I think there actually is a few fantasy style AC type games on the DS. Anyone know the name?

I think the graphics could be made more stylistic to match the traditional AC style, but I really think opening up the town layout and adding terrain variety could really push the series forward.

Now that I think about it I realize how much of a downgrade the log is. It was fine on DS but as we went into the Wii we absolutely should have had some interesting terrain. Imagine a village on hills or mountains. It feels lazy that we are just getting the flat shit.

I can agree it's better as a grid system but that doesn't change the fact that City Folk is the ugliest game in the franchise and that compared to New Leaf the world and houses look empty as fuck.

I was so ready to call you a fucker but.. God, this just looks too good. Hopefully nintendo isn't too retarded to take advantage of this

Need an artist?

Is the original Animal Crossing the comfiest game of all time?

>grid system
>moveable camera
>new leaf-level amount of content
10/10 GOTYAY

You're probably right. If the camera was behind the player I'm imagining stuff like going under bridges. That would really spice things up.

What the fuck

Could be. Definitely the comfiest I can think of.

>grid system
We don't need the grid anymore

I'm not really focusing on shit like that, but you'll be able to build stuff like fountains and such. I just don't have changing the layout of the town on my plans right now


3 days in, but I'm just rewriting the code

>wanting to get visited by nintendo's lawyers



>not doing somthing retarded


If they did a 'rolling-sphere' effect instead, would that make the game be able to have a free camera that you can move? Sorry for bad england

It's certainly up there, but Kirby 64 still wins out for me.

It would have to be a very big sphere and I don't think it would look good.

Animal crossing galaxy when

By the way, I kinda want the visuals to be similar to pic related and this: youtube.com/watch?v=wt1LHFlBO6M

Why doesn't Animal Crossing have those big bushes anymore?

What's comfy about this

>Make HD versions of AC characters for Wii U games
>Never actually make a proper Animal Crossing game

Because grass wear, the feature no one wants.

I love the idea of a more open Animal Crossing with a 3d camera.

Magician's Quest: Mysterious Times. It has some cool stuff like spells you can learn and different mysteries to solve, but I prefer AC more.

It actually has a sequel for the 3ds called Magician's Quest: Town of Magic that's Japan only

>second-person pov camera
What does this mean?

I don't really care about the balloons idea. Personally I think trains are much comfier. Really the only thing in the video I thought would be a good addition is making houses look like this.

A shame, a lot of the reason AC was better was that this was clearly a first attempt.

But, the series hasn't continued, so the sequel probably didn't sell too well either.

Yes. I don't know how anyone couldn't love that game.
>dating chick
>she's big into Ninty stuff, mostly Zelda
>bring up Animal Crossing
>she's never played
>decide to show her
>she says she doesn't like it
>surprised, ask her why
>she says it just looks like a terrible game
>still no reason
>we end up arguing
>let it go, but every so often she'll mention how much she hates Animal Crossing when it's even tangentially relevant just to piss me off
>she's not even trying to bantz, just being a cunt to hate on something she knows I really like even though she act like this about anything else
To this day, I still have no idea what the fuck her problem was, was like talking to a shitposter on here (ironically, I was the one browsing Sup Forums and she wasn't)
After years of being on Sup Forums, it probably wouldn't bother me anymore aside from being curious about the reason she's so hostile about her opinion.

Posting comfy Kirby


Lol I meant third-person.

A big problem with New Leaf is that the villager homes can pop up seemingly anywhere they want.

Obviously they had to remove the default signs to mesh better with the construction system.

But it can lead to some disappointment... which could have been fixed by a simple "Housing Zone" constructable. Perhaps, even being able to sponsor to moving of present villagers to new points...

Why can't they revisit they 64/GC AC style?
>Villagers - especially grumpy ones start off as faggots but grow to be nicer as you talk and interact with them more. Gives a sense of actually being their friend and feels even more rewarding when you get their pic
>Fair amount of dialog for the villager types so you probably won't see different villagers say the same thing for awhile unless you're unluckly
>Random balls, those big shrubs
>The log patches like the bottom-right of the OP's pic
>Literally looks like a forest as the Japanese name is - Animal Forest

In contrast to ACNL
>Everyone - even grumpy villagers treats you like their best friend from the start. There's no sense of becoming closer friends with them
>You can see the same - or villagers of the same personality repeat the same dialog multiple times a day. Especially prevalent when you invite them over and talk to them
>Looks nothing like a forest, no interesting things like big shrubs or patterns on the ground


Get in on that comfy music. It's 5 PM on the West Coast so it's the GOAT track.

though she doesn't act like*