I haven't played any new games in May, what have I missed so far?
I haven't played any new games in May, what have I missed so far?
>ubisoft's: uplay's: tom clancy's: ghost recon: wildlands: beta
let the trolling commenceth
Dead Cells is pretty great, I'd recommend checking it out
>ghost recon
>edith finch
>>>>>>>for honor
hang yourself desu
Shit taste OP, kill yourself.
january: re7
february: nioh
march: thimbleweed park
april: yooka laylee
may: prey
Looks interesting, thanks.
>thimbleweed park
>these picks
GR2 is definitely not better than RE7.
literally besst adventure since grim fandango
>i keep coming to this site for fans of something i hate, I just can't figure out why?????
Had me until May.
Get that garbage out of there.
>weeb shit games
>best anything
Ghost Recon was still the best game that month with BotW behind it.
Why do you dumb faggots list multiple games? There can be only one per month.
>2nd place can't exist
never seen a case this bad tbqh
Pleb detected. Everyone knows ME:A was the best game that month
Good one, lesbo.
Falling for bait this hard.
Hello newfriend.
These are game of the month not almost game of the month retarded user
>march not being zelda
>april not being persona 5
What is april?
I don't see a problem with listing the month's first and second top games. Now, splitting them down the middle and saying they're both first is retarded.
really? the mess known as Akiba's Beat?
I preordered Akiba's Beat, and it'll arrive on Friday, but I'm sure there has to be a more worthy game.
>Inside but in 3D
yeah, not a fan of shallow as fuck platformers.
can't be assed making a picture but
Jan: Gravity Rush 2 (Yakuza 0 is the next game on my list so that might change)
Feb: Night In the Woods
Mar: Breath of the Wild (not that I played much of it, mostly spent that month playing Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows and Tony Hawk 3)
Apr: Persona 5
Think the rest of the year is gonna be spent playing catch-up since I can't really think of anything else coming out that I care about (besides Yakuza Kiwami) and I mean, I haven't even picked up Nier Automata yet.
Little Nightmares
April wasn't a great month. What would your pick be?
Puyo Puyo Tetris
shit taste.
Better than lauding Taro's latest abortion as anything beyond "contrived"
>For Honor and Wildlands
For Honor's a cool game (or it was at launch, I won't front I haven't touched it since early March) but it's not worth $60.
Underwater ray Romano 2