Fire Emblem

Lets discuss FE and what went wrong with Echoes.

Fire Emblem in general has become "Fuck you, Consumer: The Series." This game is particularly rife with some of the most shady DLC practices in any game ever made.

is there anyone I shouldn't waste my time leveling up?

just got Clive and his men, now I can't just use everyone.

Explain. What's wrong with the dlc?

Getting it tomorrow, how does the base game play without DLC? Awakening felt like a complete game that didn't require the DLC, so how does Echoes stand up?

>tfw Amazon is using their own logistical services and lost my package

Python and Tobin

for starters, all the dlc together costs more than the base game


It just wasn't as good as Awakening. When is the next good Fire Emblem coming out?

>remake a game that is known as hands down the worst in the franchise
>don't fix what made Gaiden shitty in the first place and just give it a new coat of paint and some supports


And it's all optional shit that makes the game easier than it already is.

How? I set him as a Archer and he's dogshit

Make him a mage and he gets excalibur at level 6 and then physic as a sage.


Well fuck. I'm almost at the end of chapter 1, can I change him back to a Mage?

All promotions are final unless it's a Dread Fighter. Dread Fighters can reclass back into Villagers at level 20 and are thus able to loop levels infinitely until they cap their stats or you get bored. Besides, Echoes isn't so punishing that one villager promotion will screw you. Python can do the archer thing just fine.

how the fuck am I supposed to handle the necromancer on the ship in act 2? he's strong as shit and can spawn 6 terrors at will.

Awakening had the same thing, the only reason your retarded ass noticed now is because Nintendo is offering a bundle that adds it up.

If the game doesn't need the DLC to be a full game then I'm good.

tobin is best villager mage now but kliff is obviously more popular because hes the canon mage and tobin is canon archer

not really that big of a deal

i noticed it with awakening right away, and it wasn't good back then either
don't rude

so when you're able to control both armies does it matter who i control? like if i do all of the battles for one army first does it do anything to the other?

they locked the last tier classes behind dlc paywall so you can't promote into it. so there's that.


I forgot I preordered this game, was just gonna freeshop it. Amazon already charged so whatever. I shouldn't have any issues nabbing the dlc from freeshop with a cart version, right?

What went wrong: Grinding; there should never be a way to get unlimited xp in a strategy rpg.

What went right: Getting rid of all the waifu shit.

They are completely unnecessary and will make the game easier than it already is, by the time you can promote to them you will already be at the end of the game.

is that including the post game chapter?

Yes, assuming you didn't grind like a turbo autist you won't have everyone at lv 20 at their final promotion at the final boss

so if i promote asap and play normally i can beat chapter 6 without reaching l20 final promotion?

Nope, you reach points where you'll have to wait for the other army to reach their end point, though enemies can spawn and move on either side while controlling either army so you have to watch that you don't leave a character somewhere where they can be ambushed

This is Atlas.

Should you promote units asap or wait?

Nope, I did that with SMT IV and Smash

asap but don't rush

ASAP, Echoes' relatively low growth rates and the fact that promotions automatically bump up character's stats to match the class' base stats if they're lower makes it the most optimal choice.

The difference is they were prepared for Awakening to be their last game. They didn't care about preserving their name, just make as money as possible by shitting DLC out the ass. That's not the case anymore so they need to stop doing it.

Am I being memed or is Gaiden really that different?

>some guy marries Faye, all while aware she still wants Alms dick
>Faye even disappears for long periods of time

This is Berkut.

This is Conrad.

It's 100% true. Gaiden was really weird; the comparisons between FE1/Gaiden and Legend of Zelda/Zelda 2 aren't just shitposting

>had CE reserved, but the store fucked up and will not have CE at all
>last chance is a luck gamble at the local flea stone, where they may or may not have the CE tomorrow
Those fucks always get the games, but CE is pure luck. Some weeks ago my main store from there got a bravely default and bravely second CE even years after their release.

This is Rinea

Normal or Hard for first playthrough?

Should I pick Alm or Celica route?

Hard/Classic, you're going to be bored

You don't pick

>tier 4 promotions that are completely new for Gaiden
>2 sets of money and dunegon grinding DLCs for people who like that
>5ish prequel story DLCs that are the only ones that actually matter
Fire Emblem DLC has always been the kinda DLC that you only buy if you want whatever the specific DLC gives you, genuine bonus content. It can be admittedly pricey, bug it's been costing more than the base game since awakening. People are just bandwagon onto it being anti consumer because for the first time Nintendo announced the full price outright.

i think this game would resonate with people more if the dungeon crawling was sprite-based, like fates's castle area
why make the least important part of the original game the most tedious? everything else is 1:1 and this makes no sense


I have a feeling this was just testing out some kind of idea they might have for the Switch game. I don't like this feeling.

Promotion bumps stats up to the base stats of the next tier class but you could end up boned on the final tier if you promoted asap only to get bad rng with no extra stats in reserve.

This is Silque.

Which Echoes character do you want added to Heroes?

i HATE this feeling
dungeon crawling and strategy rpgs do not go together at all

Worth the pirate if i just want to enjoy some basic ass fire emblem with great art?
How long for the campaign?

40 hours

>Silque and Mika voiced by same person
>Both thicc

>Both thicc
Is there evidence of Silque being thick?


>Not getting it until Monday because Amazon fucked up
While I know Gaiden isn't the best game in the series are people enjoying the game?

She has a very thicc dress


How should i distribute my villager classes? :thinking:

I was gonna buy but then -

>no waifus

Lmao what is the point of this shit game then?

I put Tobin as a cavalier and he crits fucking everything

tobin mage
faye cleric
grey merc
kliff archer or cav


Echoes is an otome game. That's the audience IS wanted with it.

Faye gets physic as a cleric and another physic user joins by the time Tobin learns it.


Gray-Merc; it fixes his speed issue
Tobin-Mage; early excalibur and later physic is nice
Kliff-Cavalier; its nice to have an early one and he's pretty good honestly, though he gets outclassed by Mathilda

Faye - Cleric
Kilff - Mage
Tobin - Archer
Grey - Merc
Atlas - Cav/Merc

The more the merrier. How is it bad to have three physic users?

But isn't half the male cast of this game super gay?

>Pointless class DLC with level requirements so high they are pointless
>Story DLC for literal whos like Clive and Ferdinand
>Grinding DLC

At least the DLC is pointless and the only worthwhile DLC is like $8 Canadian for Cipher DLC.

>all peg knight

mages have low movement so tobin at least has the option to do something while trekking behind

She must carry on the tradition.

the radical move differences in gaiden is interesting; mages being as slow as knights is odd

What should I avoid going into this? Bad class choices, shitty magic, etc. Never played the original Gaiden and I'm scared.

They had the same mov as knights in PoR too.

Sonia and Delthea learn rewarp
Faye learns again that can give mages another turn
sages can heal on non attacking turns
what are magic rings

>archer (male only class in echoes) in Heroes

Sonia is worthless and should never be chosen
The only good mages are Celica, Mae and Delthea
Faye would be better off giving Dread Fighters another turn
Magic Rings are shit in Echoes

Faye has a penis. That's why Alm doesn't want her.

What units shouldn't be used?
Which ones are recommended?

Remember they attack with magic, so use one of your mages to tank a hit from him. Mae is most likely your best bet. He doesn't pursue you until you enter his range, but he summons every second turn iirc. Focus on cleaning the terrors and then take a turn to wail on him

I'm on the part where I have to choose Sonya or Deen. Which one should I choose?

What is this meme. Why give dread fighters another turn when you can have Silque summon another legion of dread fighters another turn. Magic rings are good in echoes.

As Alm, Kliff and Clair are some of your highest potential units. If you don't get fucked over by RNG, you can also use Faye and Lukas quite reliably. Gray is pretty great early and mid game but he tends to get outclassed more near the end. Silque is obviously a necessity.

With Celica, Mae and Saber are your best early game units. Drop Boey, or just use him for support bonuses. Catria is also one of the best units in the game, imo.

>Bad class choices
Unless you use a Villager Fork, there are only 5 characters that you can choose to reclass.
Gray should be a Merc to patch up his bad speed.
Tobin works as both a Mage and an Archer. He doesn't get as many Spells as Kliff, but he gets the ones that matter earlier.
Kliff works as anything; He's so good he actually got nerfed from his Gaiden version.
Faye can either go Pegasus or Cleric. I like Cleric since having two Healers is invaluable.
Atlas works as a Merc and only a Merc, but he still isn't as good as Saber.

All Magic has it's uses. Fire is the least HP expensive, Thunder can attack at 3 range, Excalibur is stupidly strong, Seraphim is effective against Terrors, etc. Also, the reason I suggest making Faye a Cleric is because Healing Costs HP, and the only way for a lone Cleric to get that HP back is to use Nosferatu, which has 0 Might and like 60% Hit Chance.

Here's a list of other stuff to watch out for.
>Archers only do effective damage against fliers if they have an actual Bow in their Weapon slot
>Archers can attack at 1 range, and, depending on the equipped bow, can go up to 5 range.
>Terrain gives INSANE avoid bonuses in this game. Gravestones in particular give +60 Avoid
>Magic ignores Terrain
That's all that comes to mind right now.

The Over Classes weren't in the original game. Gaiden only had 3 tier promotions. They're completely optional and not needed to clear the game or Chapter 6.

How good is Aura?

When should I class change my villagers? Tobin can apparently class change at level 3.

The worst thing about Tobin and Atlas is the fact that no matter what they promote to, they're always vastly outclassed by another unit.

Atlas especially. His stats are so low and he takes a lot of training, and even when you're finished he won't be as good as other units.

That's why plan to buy the game and pirate the shit out of the rest.

People already beat Chapter 6 on hard without Over-Classes or grinding DLC anyway.

I waited until level 10 since the EXP gain was still really good, but you could promote early. When you promote to a new class you're automatically buffed up to the class' minimum stats.

ASAP, their stats move up to the promotion minimum. Promotion bonuses are more important that growths in Gaiden.

Loving the art style and the supports are amazing so far

The biggest problem is the shitty fetch quests

Clair is best girl