How many times should you die in a game before giving up on it becaise you suck and are not meant to play the game?
How many times should you die in a game before giving up on it becaise you suck and are not meant to play the game?
i've been playing dead space 2 for like three years on normal, i'm only about halfway through
it took me two or three years to beat dark souls too
i just quit for a while to simmer down when i get frustrated.
i'm shit at all games all the time.
You shouldn't quit, you should consider why you died and not do it again
3, says right there
But if i did that i would have to dodge use healing potions and block that is not how you really win you only really win when you make it through only agressively attacking
Which game are we talking about
Same here.
Most games any game with combat you are meant to attack nonstop
It's funny because Hardcore was actually easier than Zealot because it used Survivalist numbers. Getting the finger gun was great.
If you keep dying by attacking nonstop, you're probably not meant to attack nonstop. If you're low on health, back off, wait for a good time and heal. If you're about to get hit, dodge. When you can attack without being hit, attack
But then i wont be able to play very fast
Why do you need to play fast
Because that way i can win more quickly with less holdbacks winning is the point of pmaying a video game
If you played more carefully, you would already have won. By trying to play fast, you're actually spending more time because you keep failing
Probably depends on the resolve of the person playing. Some people want their games to be a cakewalk, others will persist indefinitely until they succeed. Personally, I'll give an encounter a few hours of failure if I'm enjoying the game otherwise. I generally don't like to be a quitter.
What the fuck are you on about?
Come on son, tell us what game you're struggling with.
System shock 2 someone told me to go for a full psi build and now i cant attack anything
Try the sneaky way then. I didn't actually play SS2
Ever hear slow and steady wins the race
if its your first time playing, you picked a difficult build, should have cheesed it with standard weapons and only dived into psi shit when you had an idea what you were doing. besides, you can still use the wrench or just hide and run through all the enemies until you have enough modules to get some upgrades