How are Javifags coping, knowing this is endgame?
How are Javifags coping, knowing this is endgame?
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Haha javifags BTFO
>when their moaning stops
wtf shes not gay???? but its current year!!!
>when it begins again
I actually would've rather have it end up like pic related than her with that massive faggot.
He can do better.
He COULD have if E3 didnt show the daughterufags Chad Javi before release. Autistic virgins who dont realize girls grow up ruined everything. Now she's a Gabeslut
Do you have to make this thread every day? Just go and search for netorare on sadpanda like all the other cucks
t. mad as hell Javicuck
>*fucks your daughteru*
This precise part where I stopped playing Javi as the voice of reason. Everyone but Clem can go fuck themselves from now on.
>every day
You mean every 3 hours?
Whatever happened to likeable characters in these games?
I could listen to Lee's VA all day.
>We'll never get a Negan season
Will it be good?
How many times are we gonna go through this? Jane was literally the villain of S2
>get attacked
>implying that wasnt her plan
So, I dropped the game after ep.2 because it was boring as shit.
Does it get better? Do the characters improve cuz I didnt like any of them.
>Does it get better?
>Wait till the after credits of episode 5.
Whose plan would it be to get fucking killed you dumbass kennyfag?
Tripp deserved to die and I say that without edge at all
>watched traitors steal his shit from a baby and child
>Knows everyone is constantly talking shit about him
>Watch the person he's closest to get shot
>Is told that the baby who everyone practically died over, his one true hope in the world died at the expense of the girl who kept shit talking him and ditched their group literally in the last episode
What did she think was gonna happen?
I aint reading all that. Kys Kennytard
They never existed
I haven't played the walking dead games since season one. What is this and what happened?
Clemmy getting cummies
>"Reasonable arguments that go against my viewpoint?!"
>"I'll just say you went on a rant and refuse to acknowledge your valid reasoning!"
Janefags everyone.
>write horseshit
>expect others to read it
Kennytards, folks
Anybody else went full chimp out mode since Episode 1?
Might as well. Everyone is a dick to you regardless
>How to get BTFO in 2 easy steps
Doesnt excuse the fact that Kenny is a murderer
Best girl?
>Clem literally jerking off Javi
Gabefags BTFO
Holy fuck i didnt even see the arm
What is the guy on the horse wearing? Space suit?
great now I need a "No way, Fag" edit
Literally what were they thinking
Thats not Ava
I wanna fuck Sarita
>Sup Forumseddit would sooner defend a nigger than a family man
Why are you mane repeated posts in those Walking Dead threads
The last three threads have been identical
Im starting to think Gabefag has a bot
I wanna fuck Lee's brother
Too bad his voice actor is a shitskin nigger
I honestly wouldnt have minded Sarah x Clem
Anti-Zombie Armor
And the sword?
Anti-Zombie Sword
Just make a Crossed game already jeez
So Kate becomes a zombie?
Cant say for sure. That face isnt like any infected one from before. Maybe its bait and switch
Larry was just a nigger with an extreme case of vitiligo.
Someone also always mentions that edgelord garbage in those Walking Dead threads.
OP, you're a sad faggot.
His mannerisms are very Uncle Ruckesque now that you mention it
>7billion people
>only one person likes Crossed
Neck yourself Javicuck
crossed is pretty fucking bad desu senpai
>literally the same posts every thread
user this is beyond pathetic even for Sup Forums standards
I've seen the same pattern in at least 3 of the very same Walking Dead threads.
It's pretty sad to keep making and reposting all that trash really. Don' you have anything better to do?
get some taste
Bad ass maybe, one of the crossed carries a horse cock for a fucking weapon.
A fucking horse cock.
t. Javier Garcia
fuck off
t. Uncle of Gabe Garcia
fuckin faggot
t. Mr. Garcia
>so a hundred of her pores are now clogged with cum and when she has to pop the pimples she is just getting cum all over her body again
t. A Real Nigga
>*shovels manure onto the crops*
Hey, thanks for this Uncle Javi. Without a hand I would have been doing this field work Clint sent me on all afternoon!
>*lifts head to catch breath*
Gee its hot..
>*tugs shirt, circulating air*
Wew I'm stinkin..
>*tugs collar and smells*
But not like last night.
>*turns to you*
Theres a difference you know. Hell, this funk I'm sporting isnt even a fraction of the smell I had coming out of Clem's room. You know, they say theres a smell of a man that has recently driven a little sweetpea to do bad things..
>*raises eyebrows*
Huh? You dont know? Cmon Javi, I think you do. Just hard to imagine Clem doing those things, right? Evil things. Like using her pussy to milk sweaty ass cum covered cock till her god damn eyeballs are doing loops. A smell, Javi. An essence. Damn near satanic in debauchery let me tell you. The shit you wiff when passing an organized orgy room? That shit. But for me? I didnt need but one pair of blossoming tits and a sweet brown face to stink that room up last night. While you were sleeping in the other room, I was awake in the other. While catching shut eye, your ears were still prone. Hearing the rhythmic grunts of two kids discovering eachother, ensuring a cum-based mildew to grow on the sheets. But dont worry, we cleaned it up. And your nose? Susceptible to the aroma of the room right next.
>*looks at the crops*
You know, manure aside, this aint so bad. I mean the lemon flowers just do it for me. Just an aroma without corruption. Unlike me. Unlike Clem. Hell, i dont even have a word for it. But one thing's for sure, Javi...
>*puts shovel away*
When I stepped out of Clem's room...
>*stands beside you*
I sure as fuck didnt smell catholic.
>*sees you brushing teeth*
Mornin, Uncle Javi. Nice day right?
>*opens toothpaste*
Hey, can you pass me my toothbrush? Thanks
>*checks teeth in mirror*
Huh. Didnt know she was growing already.
>*picks hair out of gums*
Oh, this? Cmon Javi you took science class too, right? Its a hair. But uhh, not mine.
>*twirls hair between fingers*
Girls. Am I right, Javi? Think they're your sweetpeas and all that, but just a year into their teens start begging guys my age to use our mouths like vibrators?
>*smirks at you*
But then theres guys like you, right? I mean, the world needs them. Diversity and all that mess? We're all special. Your talent just happens to be clearing walkers while risking your life. Me? Well someone has to have the gifted tongue, right? And I aint talking communication.. I mean, who else is going to make Clem curl her toes? Feeling her streams of pussy nectar. Feeling it flow down the tongue like lemon juice on a sweet southern summer?
>*turns back to mirror to brush*
I mean, who else right?
>its a Javier walks in on Gabe filling Clem's mouth up with cum before pissing on her tits episode
>its a Javier thinks he hears a crying girl getting slapped upstairs so he runs up to check it out but really its Clem moaning and smacking her cum covered asscheeks against Gabe's squirt covered hips episode
>its a Javier trips in a puddle of Gabe and Clem's cum before ultimately breaking his neck on the floor and dying episode
>its a Gabe fills Clem to the brim with cum but Javi was too busy making preparations for committing suicide to see it episode
>its a Javier puts his clothes on but notices a stench and realizes its Gabe's cum from that night when Gabe needed to borrow some garments since his were torn and Clem thought he looked better in his uncle's clothes than his uncle himself so she sucked him through the zipperhole and Gabe was so hard his cock beamed straight up as he came getting all his jizz over Javi's favorite clothes then hanging them up in Javier's closet as if they were already washed and dried but they werent they were covered in his cum from that night he couldnt control his own ejaculation after Clem's tongue action episode
*every 5 minutes
>kenny kills a dumb bitch
>jane leaves a little girl and a baby alone in a zombie apocalypse
>its a Javier commits suicide episode
>its a Gabe and Clem fuck on Javi's grave, before unearthing him and bringing his soul back from the circle of hell where souls who have committed suicide roast for eternity because they want him to suffer on Earth episode
>Kenny has his seat belt on while driving his truck, the RV, and even the train
>Kill him off for not having it on one time
Glad I stopped playing after S3 episode 2, tbqh lads.
>its a Javi sees Clem and Gabe cumming all over eachother after he first wakes up from his revive after what felt like an eternity in hell episode
>its a Javi weeps into his hands as he accepts his cuck fate episode
Can someone legitimately tell me what is going on in these threads?
t. Javicuck
pedos want gabe to die
Javifags confirmed pedos they should kill themselves immediately
TellTales ruined a decent series by making the single living character everyone cares about a side character which you have no control over and doesn't behave in any away different depending on your choices and ends up fucking some skinny-jeans-wearing beta Ben-equivalent.
I would've preferred controlling Lee all the way to old age instead of every season repeating it self and becoming less dense and interesting.
The cuckposters love this shit of course.
You know, it was a very dumb moment but before it there was zero discussion about Season 3 here
Just this scene generated at least 4 300+ posts threads here when episode 4 came out
Stupidity for publicity is retarded
I wanna fuck Negan