Other urls found in this thread:
sowrd of king because golden xd
How do you pronounce "sword?"
They're the same thing you mental midget.
Calamity and anyone who can't use it properly just need to git gud
Left > Right
Sword of Kangz
Get out of here Reginald
King because it clearly protects against debuffs
which one has higher base damage? swrod of the calamity says it deals bonus damage, but what's its base damage?
right > left.
101% modifies the original damage, so any item you equip with further modify that 101%.
The red sword probably swings 3 times faster, so that one
-50% damage from who?
Assuming the two are otherwise identical, it depends on how bonuses stack in that game.
Swrod of the calamity has some area effect, look at the flying lines around it. This makes it clearly the better choice
Base damage is 100% damage
Not when you socket the 2X damage rune in it.
101% of 0 is still 0.
I'll dual-wield both for a 198% chance of killing my target.
Wait, I know this... Angry Joe.
bever 4get
You mean 98.01%
gun of shoting clearly has bigger ammo clip and clips are very important in real damage long term! if you are shoting and having to change your clip because it was too small and made from bad materials that is very bad and also not good either. so black gun of shoting it the best gun there because it has awesome gun power plus big fat clip size for maximum shoting of enemies.
>101% modifies the original damage, so any item you equip with further modify that 101%.
That's not specified anywhere.
sounds like a david draiman scream
99 % 99 = 0
if you try to dual weild both you fucking lose dumb fucks
Either that
Or the weapon deals 101% of your base damage
Which is better than increasing your base damage by 1%
You can choose only one.
this board is too much for me
Sacrifice because I like dealing elemental damage and side effects
Tripple attack gives you 3x more chances to crit and a chance to crit 2 or 3 times
You made me spit my drink you motherfucker
How much effective DPS does stergn give you vs. atark?
Stinger if the game calculates each attack of the 3 as its own separate thing so I could cast a weapon skill and it go off 3 times at once which trumpshaha he said trump haaha the other one
it's too much for me too
pic related is you kids
it means japanese soard
improved version
Do the stats stack multiplicative or additive?
purple master race can do both
missing one critical information, the attack speed
>it means japanese soard
T/N: "soard" is nihongo for "bento box"
You still take 90% less dmg even from that sword so rock
no idea, the flat numbers make it impossible to decide
You're shit at math.
but how do you pronounce knife?
still ez choice gun of shoting is black and everyone knocks blacks are better are shoting mean while gun of kiling has brown cock handle so it is used by FAGS who are gay from the mountain of cocks where everyone is gay. gun of shoting wins again.
obviously red damage, every game has red be default while blue is some kind of gimmick special mob
red will hit more monsters
you're an idiot, the +90% and -90% stats for the two items cancel eachother out. The only stats that matter are health and atk speed
>first two: Vanilla
>last one: Life support patch
cool thanks
All of us real h4rdc0re g4m3rs 420noscope headshots everytime so the bull is the best no spray and pray just headshots with 1000% projectile speed which is MILLION TIMES DAMAGE! lmao
since the armor can do nothing other than getting stabbed I would go with the sord
>not meleeing peple with ur armor
look at this fag
+Does RED damage
+Does BLUE damage
-Does not do BLUE damage
-Does not do RED damage
how r u gonna hit them u dumas
I'd rather triple attack. I like seeing more numbers pop up over a monsters head. Even if it's 1 1 1 over 3.
definitely not the right, the dps is only ~80
Wait, really? Shit, I've been saying it wrong all this time.
Reload is the most consistent.
retarded weapons>kiddie real life weapons>overdesigned armors
I'll go with Sword of the fruit god instead, thank you.
sword of hellfuck
for psychological warfare
locked and loaded is free 40% more damage
sord is the memest choice
Get that gross shit out of my face, dumb bitch.
me pick sord
kiss me before you swallow
Well Sup Forums?
How are we supposed to hit anything without a scope?
Dong of Doom has literally no downside.