Anyone playing the beta?

Anyone playing the beta?

It's actually pretty fucking trash

its a bloated peace of shit. the opposite of what quake should be

Deathmatch is too chaotic, and I assume Duel mode is what's supposed to be the "normal" gameplay of this game, but the only people playing Duel are 30 years olds trying to relive the glory years.


big quake players like cooller, rapha, cypher etc all like it. you're trash m8

the short round bullshit in duel needs to be fixed though (and it will, id have gotten plenty of feedback regarding it)

its probably the best game since witcher 3. im already like level 30. i think the game already shows higher skill level than games like csgo and cod. when the game comes out im probably going try really hard and get into the pro scene first.

I wasn't against the inclusion of abilities but their current implementation is garbage. They have too little of a focus to make a difference 70% of the time, and the other 30% they're either a get out of jail free card or a free kill. Asymmetrical stats are retarded and guarantee this will always have a "best" character, aka anyone who knows anything will always be visor or Anarki. Assymetrical stats also slow down the overall pace of the game since most characters move slower than Q3 or QL default. Duel mode is now a joke and the zoom-for-damage-buff is the most retarded shit.

Movement is clunky, weapon combos are non-existant because lmao 3 seconds to swap after firing, and instead of powers being gamechangers in something like Overwatch, they're just incredibly obnoxious.

UE4 is much better, shame it's already dead.

Also literally why play as anything but Anarchy?

I have never liked Quake movement, it's too sloppy. Who cares how fast you go if it's straight into a wall? Quake Champions doesn't help things by having maps with more complicated geometry IE more things to smack into.

>i'm too retarded to learn simple multiplayer maps
>i'm literally too retarded to stop running into walls

I stopped after the last two closed sessions because of the connection issues.

>one character gets full strafe movement from his trait


They also play overwatch so it doesn't really say much about the game desu.

>it's a you and a couple people smash together and all get locked in each other's character models and can't move and all frantically shoot each other episode
I hate these desu.

Look, I understand that you learned how to play around a broken game but that doesn't mean that exploits from 20 years ago are acceptable today.

>why play as anything but Anarchy?
i like crouch sliding

Why is the character collision so bad?
Why do people walking into you from behind show up on your screen like they're in front of you?
Coupled with the shit netcode it's almost unplayable

play scalebearer

The rockets are really fucked up. They either do 100 damage or 30 and it's pretty much rng dependent on what point of your jump you're in, the vertical splash damage radius must be really small.

>the opposite of what quake should be

"what quake should be" has been dead for a decade. Noone wants it, noone plays it.

>tfw doing one (1) damage with the RL

of course they fucking like it, they have to
they make money playing quake, you think they're gonna risk pissing bethesda off?

if Noone is playing what he wants then Noone must be a pretty happy guy right

lol you're literally too retarded to not run into walls and learn multiplayer maps. you're a special kind of retard
fucking moron

I'd tell you to enjoy your dead genre but you can't enjoy what doesn't have any players.

>defending these shitty corridor levels in a game all about movement
kek somebody is mad they preordered