What's your favorite Pokemon? Do you use it or is it too much of a shitmon to battle with?
What's your favorite Pokemon? Do you use it or is it too much of a shitmon to battle with?
Why fucking cursed body?
I like to use him in RBY runs because that's where he shines best.
pikachue is one of my favs
I like Scolipede
It's still pretty nifty in battle to fuck over those pesky fairies.
I like Sceptile for the smug fug
That lack of ass explains why shes a feminist
Yep, used it every time it was available. If it's a girl I call her Cassandra, if it's a boy it's Bruce.
>Playing Fire Red
>Fuck yeah can't wait to have Brobat by my side again
>Evolution animation starts
>Lol Golbat can't evolve until you beat the game!
Fuck you too Game Freak.
Scrafty and Sharpedo
Both are alright in competitive 1 on 1s. Scafty is a weak alternative to Arcanine in the current VGC meta tho.
It's pretty hard to use effectively, but I make him fit on my team.
My other favorites are Zoroark, which I have a great time using, and Mawile, who carries my team.
Tyranitar and Giratina, Ttar if you want me to name just one.
They're some of the best Pokemon in the game, so using them isn't exactly an issue, but I've not really been put off in the past by pokemon being total shit if I like them.
My boy Golurk. I run him with sash and rock polish and it throws people off a little bit sometimes, but Landorus meta doesn't treat him very well.
Rhydon. I used to have some fun with it in the Battle Subway.
I haven't kept up with VGC since '15, but doesn't Scrafty have Fake Out?
I'm still pissed that Gladion doesn't give you one until practically the end of the game. Never bothered using it because by that point I already had a full team of bros.
>tfw haven't played new Pokémon since BW2
>keep replaying the older ones because the nu ones look way too shitty
>can't replay any of them anymore because I've done it so many times already
What do, Sup Forums? Should I play XY/SM? They look like garbage
wait the hyper feminist did this? is this old or new?
Sandshrew is and forever will be my favorite.
It worked alright when I used it during the gen 4 meta, crit whoring was fun
Now it has a Mega Evo and crits have been nerfed, but I don't find that as fun
Electrode was gutted the moment Explosion's power was halved in gen 5, but I guess it still works for setting up rain
Butterfree is a shitmon and your opponent would need to be a retard to let you set up enough Quiver Dances for a sweep
Xatu is the low tier Magic Bounce whore
And yeah, I do use it quite a lot. Not the best wish passer around anymore, but its still ok at it, can hit pretty hard with scald/hydro pump, and can either toxic wish stall, or just use icebeam for solid coverage.
Pretty versatile 'mon, all things considered.
XY is garbage. Just get Pokebank to save your bros and sises and move on to SM. It's at least better than XY
It's shit but I use it anyway because its the fucking stupidest thing in the franchise and I love it.
>scolipede and leavany
Stealth memeing?
It's such a shame base form has lower stats, I like it so much better than the appliance forms.
I love Gengar!
There are 800+ pokemon...
...how many posts until there's a repeat?
Will it be a furry pokemon?
Will the associated image be "fuckable"
I usually find a way to squeeze her into my team. She's quick and hits hard enough to be useful ingame and against friends.
If I can get one, it pretty much always ends up on my team. Even on Nuzlockes, I'll usually go out of my way to set myself up to get one.
The only downside is it has a weakness to psychic, despite annihilating them with Crunch, and the lack of good poison attacks in general.
I was extremely pleased when TFS Plays lost one of their favourites in a Nuzlocke to an Arbok
I IV bred a fucking quick claw shuckle last gen for god knows what reason, I love the stupidty of Shuckel too
Giratina until the first Ghost/Normal pokemon comes out
i actually like XY more than SuMo
Playing through Y you can catch different mons from gens 1-5,
hop on that Crowns train my friend
Excellent taste, op
Absol is Emo Donut Steel: the pokemon
Bang. 25 posts.
Fucking Gengar.
Haunter is cooler.
I use her casually whenever I can. It's harder to find a place for her in a competitive team, but I try now and then. She has underrated utility, thanks to high speed, good physical bulk, and a pretty flexible move pool, but she has a hard time cutting it in higher level metas.
Cooler =/= better.
>evaluating whether your favourite is useful ingame or not
Let's face it, anons, unless your favourite Pokemon is Ledian, you can use it in single player
And I really need to update this to include gen 7
If you're gonna go down that road, I guess MegaRayquaza is better than your fat ghost pillow.
This guy and smeargle are fucking GOAT
>make yourself some rare candies from Shuckle's berries
>have Smeargle learn a bunch of useful moves from your strongest enemies
gen 2 was too good
What? Why?
God I fucking hate Tympole, why does Japan keep putting it into fanart?
and I only play PvE because I do not care to spend thousands of hours on one game
Any chance I can get, I will use it. It can hold its own pretty well.
here you go my man
If only it had a bit more HP.
>tfw no mega Shuckle
It suffers from just lacking a little in stats (and one or two moves) to be pretty good for regular usage. Same with Zangoose and Seviper honestly. Stats and moveset come up just a little short. They should have got Megas too.
I solo'd Gold with Dunsparce (+HM Slaves) because I thought it looked cool when I found it in a cave.
I also used it in Showdown whenever I couldn't think of a sixth poke because scarf sparce was a funny finisher.
Joltik is the best mon and a cute.
I like Heracross! He's an interesting dual-type, as well as being a cool guy with lots of friends!
Fuck Pinsir and Scizor, those punk-ass bitches. Heracross doesn't even want to go to their parties anyways.
you should call an exterminator, you got ticks on your bed.
They're both pretty damn great
>just needs a touch more speed to keep up
>also fairy resists bug because fuck bug types
im still kinda mad, actually have no problems with the mega design though
I love Glaceon, really much.
In the kinky way.
But as a bro, I like Cubone and Marowak.
>loses one immunity
>still ou
>still a broken mega
>creator's favourite
Feels good to be a Gengar fag since gen III.
When will it be his time?
When will he get the Drain Punch he deserves?
I'm pretty certain that the only reason Fairy resists Bug is so Gardevoir doesn't get styled on by the "weak early game type".
>some kid at school told me it was the magikarp of gen 2 and thats why its so rare
>hunted one down and kept it on my team the entire game waiting for it to evolve
>was my first mon to level 100
>never evolved
>ending up liking it anyway and its my favorite to this day
If you granted me the hypothetical that "Haunter is cooler" but still argued "Gengar is better", you are admitting "cool" is not your metric for "better."
To that end, the first logical leap is "performance." Yeah, Gengar performs as a battle pokemon. He's stronger is basically every way. If you're taking battle performance is the metric to rate pokemon, why the fuck is Gengar on the top of your "best" list? Sorry, Megastone Legendaries beat the shit outta the rest, really.
Surprised I didn't have that saved already. Thanks
Gen 2 had a lot silly stuff which was great. Wobbefett, smeargle, and shuckle were all shit in game but they're hilarious for messing with people.
I love it but they really could have been better to it. 20 hp is just too low even with its defenses, 40 hp would be much more fair. Even worse is its entire purpose is to be an annoying wall and all it has to recover health is fucking rest. Leech seed and/or recovery would be nice.
>mega shuckle
I'm not even sure what it would change. Megas don't change hp so that can't change. Maybe buff defenses for the hell of it or dump the +100 boost in a single stat.
+100 hp
If Haunter is cooler, how is Gengar better?
Tell me what's "better" about Gengar.
Haunter is admittedly cooler, but somehow not better. Enlighten me.
I wish. As I said, megas can't change hp.
Just explain what is better about being a Gengar
He's round and he has cute feet.
Why did SM have so many God-tier designs?
Scizor is way better for wrecking fairies.
>cute feet
god dammt
This fucking user NAILED it holy shit
It gains wonder guard.
Attack and SP.Attack become 230 while Defense and SP.Defense become 10
All 100 bonus points go to Speed
>Wobbefett, smeargle, and shuckle
and then two of those three went on to be among the most broken Pokemon in the game
>don't objectify me silly boys >.but stare at my ass all day XD
It's something Gengar has that Haunter doesn't. Blow me.
>I want to be that fox
For me it's the smile.
I always liked that big smile.
Haunter is cool but there is no smile.
>tfw everyone wants to fuck your favorite
me too
Wobbefett was but only for gen 3 and 4. Smeargle has never been broken, what are you talking about? It has a niche for being able to have any four moves in the game but its stats are terrible.
do either of you want to be my pokemon girlfriend
my niggas
you're not alone
please don't sexualize fox
All 3 did actually.
>Wobbuffet could be used to keep legendaries from running
>Shuckle could be used to quickly grab rare candies and level up your team
>Smeargle could be used to learn a bunch of useful TMs and tricky moves
r8 my favorite gen 1 team
sure, whatever
I dislike the belly and the feet thing sounds creepy desu
Hunter does smile but I get what you're going for
Including me