How many of these have you played? Are they good?

How many of these have you played? Are they good?

I like how literally every single game on that list is bad. Really makes you think.

I played Thousand Year Door and System Shock 2 and they were good.

>Fallout 2
>System Shock 2
>Thousand Year Door
>Alpha Centauri
>Total Annihilation
underage or b8, either way you need to go back

>God Hand
Definitely unique
>Thousand Year Old Door
Backtracking simulator
Unfinished disc simulator

One of my all time favourites
>Contra Hard Corps
Decent, but I like the NES Contras more. Boss rush is sorta meh.
>Full Throttle
One of my favourite point and click adventures
>Metal Slug 3
>Soul Reaver 2
>System Shock 2
>Wario Land II
Didn't care for it but loved the first game

meh. RPG is balls.

Congratz, you fit in. All those games are still shit though, no matter how hard you try.

I've played all of these except some of the nintendo console (gamecube/ds) exclusive titles.
They are mostly good or very good, but it would depend on if you like the game's genre or not.

Most of them. Some of them don't deserve to be on there. Full Throttle for example, it would be a fantastic game if it wasn't for the combat shitting the bed

Eternal Darkness and Alice. ED is a masterpiece, Alice is ok but the sequel is better.

Honestly only two of them. I now feel very bad about myself.

It's ok user. You're only a pleb if you're unwilling to try new things.

Oh I forgot that Gun was on there, that was ok but not great.

So on steam I can get Myst: Masterpiece Edition and Myst V. How the fuck do I get II-IV, or am I retarded and missing something?

Don't tell me it's ok. It's not. I am a disgrace to gamers everywhere. I have 4000 hours in dota

I have played literally none of these

Nice bait you fucking faggot

>a little bit of Clock Tower
>Eternal Darkness
>half of FE4
>I have no face and I must reaction
>Mother 4
>Ninja Gaiden Black
>Paper Mario TTYD
>a little Pathologic
>some Recettear
>System Shock 2
>half of Valkyria Chroniclse
>Wario Land 2
>Yume Nikki

>the sequel is better
Your opinion is incorrect.

Ok thats pretty bad.

GOG has them all.

i like your list,user.

Currently playing zeno clash. It' s a game so weird is good.


>System Shock 2
>Victoria 2

Weirdly enough I have played all of them except 2 games. It's a really solid list of pretty unique games honestly, add Star Control 2. If you're someone who hasn't played at least a couple of titles I strongly recommend doing so.

Just checked GOG, they are missing III and IV as well.

Only completed the Bachelor so far and I still want to know wtf the fuck is in the Abbattoir. 10/10
Some of the best tactical gameplay I've ever seen. 8/10
>System Shock 2
Bioshock can't compete. 9/10
>Victoria 2
Hard to get into but fun as fuck 7/10

That list should definitely have the PC version of Ys: Oath in Felghana instead of the PSP version.

Alone in the dark. Very good and hard (because you have to read a lot), one real horror experience. But has aged like shit. Truly a shame.
Tie fighter: i want to be an imperial pilot,fuck rebels. Long game, enyojable with a real old pc and flightstick and a CRT. The best old school gaming has to offer imo.
Jagged Alliance 2 : fucking hard at the beggining but then is very good.
Homeworld: best RTS experience i had. Beacuse it is so unique
Zeno Clash: i say it again. It is so weird is good. You wont play anything similar anywhere else, afaik
Blood: great single player fps.
Alice: enyojable. Not the best thing out there but worth to play.
Contra hard corps: 4 characters, 4 endings, tons of bosses. the best Sega Genesys game imo

Cubivore, FE4, Ikaruga, LSD, Mother 3, TTYD, and Yume Nikki.
Have a few of the other ones around but haven't gotten around to them yet.

Oh and yes they are all good. Mother 3, TTYD, and Yume Nikki are among my favorite games

Torrent them. Not that I would trust them at first glace, but piratebay has both 3 and 4.

It's good, kinda a pain to play nowadays without messing with the controls
>CoC: Dark Corners
Absolutely fantastic, until guns show up
Good but nothing special outside of the music and atmosphere
>Dark Messiah
>Deadly Premonition
Top tier atmosphere and just hilarious in general
I still haven't finished it. I can't muster up the energy to read all that shit when I know I'm never going to understand what the fuck is happening anyways
Barely remember any of it desu
Fun but have never bothered to get good enough to 1cc
>Metal Slug 3
Are there people out there who haven't played Metal Slug?
It's shit. I'm convinced the only reason people like it is because they're easily impressed by gimmicks and feelsbait.
>Ninja Gaiden Black
Best action game ever made, and is yet to be surpassed. DMC and Bayo fags are kidding themselves.
It's cool but not my cup of tea
It's fun
Tied with Thumper as my favorite music game
>Zeno Clash
Seeing Ace Team making dissapointing games after ZC makes me sad.

12. I liked almost all of them.

Didn't play it, but it's pretty much Q-Bert so it's gotta be good.

Played it. Very good.

>Contra Hard Corps
Also good.

Meme game. Definitely overrated, but still fun.

Legit. One of the better SHMUPS to exist.

>Ninja Gaiden Black
Also great

>Metal Slug 3
I'm a mark for all Metal Slug games, so I'm going to say this is a good choice too

>Paper Mario TYD
I don't even like JRPGs, but this game is pretty fun

>Soul Reaver 2
Was great in 1998. It's been a while, so I can't tell you if it holds up

>Tie Fighter


See Paper Mario TTYD



TWEWY and 999 are shit.

Jesus christ.This list was specifically made to not include games that are somewhat popular.

I liked abyss oddsey. Still,it is far from a great game. A second part would be great i think.