But how does a new IP like For Honor sell better than the so-called "game of all time" Zelda Breath of the Wild...

But how does a new IP like For Honor sell better than the so-called "game of all time" Zelda Breath of the Wild, despite the latter's 30 years of history?

cuz it was out longer?

One was released on 3 platforms, the other was released on 2 platforms from the same brand.

GOAT means Greatest Of All Time not Game Of All Time dumbfuck.

BotW currently has a much smaller install base due to switch shipment shortage and nobody supporting WiiU

wouldn't the greatest of all time in the field of games be called game of all time?

are you autistic?

>Ghost Recon is the number one seller
>Despite being the worst installment in the franchise, the worst open world game of 2017 so far, and a knock off version of Mercenaries


>that poor roach thinking Horizon beat Zelda in sales
thanks for that, OP

are you?

It's a wholly coop game. Like it or not, there's a higher chance for groups of friends to get a coop game together. The game's garbage and I personally know a few who were excited as fuck for it but ended up dropping it before even finishing a single playthrough.

Normies were a mistake

>once the sports games, Call of Duty WWII and Star Wars: Battlefront II come out in the second half of the year, Zelda won't even be in the top 10

My sides

Happy that mlb made it on

Literally outside NBA 2k the only sport series where they actually make major changes to the gameplay


That tweet actually made some people feel good. I think that was the funniest part.

>GTA V in 2017

Rockstar must be jacking off to this

>hoping a worse game sells more than a better game because you like that company

So sad how Ponys do this

>ghost recon at the top
I don't understand, wasn't the last game shit?

the power of branding and normies.

Wait, isn't that tweet pretty straightforward and not like that at all?

>"best selling games of 2017 so far"

Does no one in this not realize that both Ghost Recon and For Honor are free with GPUs?

Call of Duty is still selling into 2017???

how the fuck does that happen in 2017? Was there as sale?

I'm sure that's what made them the best selling games.

Is OP legitimately retarded? You aren't even trying.

They are also great examples of AAA gaming at its worst as both may have sold millions but nobody plays them online just a few months after release.

Nvidia GPUs are selling like hot cakes you mong, you don't think that helped then you're just being retarded on purpose.

Wow, are you telling me the games coming out on like three incredibly popular systems with hundreds of millions of potential systems with multi millions of marketing will probably outsell a game only available on one console with artificial scarcity? Well blow me the fuck down!

Who is this guy and why are all of you trusting a random fucking tweet?

He's an IGN senior editor and IGN has access to those numbers.

The casuals of Sup Forums would like it too if they hadn't realized that open world is a meme.

>Americans still buying ubishit
They need to be removed.

because nintendo refuses to quit being a platform owner
for honor costs the same as any other AAA game
zelda has the added cost of needing you to buy a new console (or be a wii u pariah)