Return to Castle Wolfenstien or Wolfenstien the New Order?

Return to Castle Wolfenstien or Wolfenstien the New Order?

Both these games are cheap on a steam sale but I only want to drop money on one.

RotCW is much better

Both are really good, RtCW is kinda old but still holds up really well. I'd say get that one

Return to Castle Wolfenstein is really dark and has a very good feel.

They're both pretty different games. I love both really.

Wolfenstien the New Order is what I'd highly recommend.

feels like Man In The High Castle, which is nice, could've used more conspiracy mysticism stuff IMO..

>hot polish nurse
>american meathead.
>jewish secret super-science
>Alt-History Beatles singing in german

Try to get a deal with Wolfenstein TNO and the Old Blood

Do you have a preference for what you're shooting?

Return is full of zombies and other monsters, New Order is all robots and cyborgs.

I'd rate TNO above Return for the sheer fact that Return has MANDATORY stealth levels where it's game over if you're spotted whereas TNO it's not the end of the world if you get caught

Its an awful port though it crashes constantly, return to castle wolfenstein is a classic definitely one of the best shooters from that era

People are going to say RtCW because it's older but the New Order is basically better in every way. The only reason I'd reccomend Return is if you prefer the setting. Even then, New Orders standalone DLC has that covered.

>mandatory stealth levels
i dont remember that at all and i finished it several times on the ps2

>Concentration camp level
>mecha with an oven built in
>you get thrown in the ovens yourself
>there's no gas chambers because they didn't exist IRL

Just cave in and buy both OP. They are both great in their own way so it's kind of hard to compare the two.

New order
Return didn't age well

Do people still play enemy territory? That and rtcw's multiplayer were immaculate

New Order had way too much focus on its dumb plot which kept getting in the way of the action.

Also, the tone was so inconsistent. It tries to be this wacky game with jew magic and nazis on the moon, but at the same time tries to be "serious" with a protag who's whining to himself the whole game about how war sucks.

On an unrelated note,
Wolfenstein 2009 gets way too much shit

RTCW is much better
TNO is cod with the wolfenstein name attached even 2009 is better than that clunky shit and that game is pretty average itself

probably TNO, i remember RTCW being a bit of a slog

There are a couple of those, but they're rather easy from what I remember. All you have to do is not shoot an unsilenced weapon and you're golden, good thing that two of the best weapons in the whole game are silenced.

>New Order had way too much focus on its dumb plot which kept getting in the way of the action.

>Also, the tone was so inconsistent. It tries to be this wacky game with jew magic and nazis on the moon, but at the same time tries to be "serious" with a protag who's whining to himself the whole game about how war sucks.

Well said, user. I'd also like to add playing this game on harder difficulties is retarded and saps out all the fun. Turns it into a cover shooter instead of running around with two assault rifles.

TNO, weird enough, considers both RTCW and Wolfenstein 2009 canon.
Even more weird is that The Old Blood, TNO's expansion, is basically a remake of the first three chapters of RTCW.

RtCW has better levels and movement. TNO has one of my favorite first levels in a game ever and dual wielding though. Just go with whatever looks more fun to play, I would personally choose RtCW.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein>Old Blood>The New Order>>>Wolfenstein 2009

All good games but I felt like 2009 missed the mark in too many areas. Looking forward to New Colossus.

I haven't played TNO, so I can't say which you should get.

I will say that RTCW is a superb game that I enjoy replaying almost 15 years later.

Replayed it a month ago on my phone.

>playing an FPS on your phone
Is this even possible?


>my phone

I did this with Max Payne and Vice City both. Touch controls suck, but they're not unplayable.

I could probably find a way to use a PS3 controller through bluetooth though, right?

Not sure if the program lets you set up a controller.

I know emus and lots of mobile games/ports support pads, but I just dunno how well a PS3 controller plays with mobile bluetooth. I'm sure there's a solution to this on Google.

definitely. know how your grandparents are terrible at computers and just dont get it, while your top tier shit in vidya in comparison? kids growing up on tablets and mobile phones are doing the same thing. i watched a kid who must of been 10 years old jump from block to block, sweeping below him and hit two creepers mid flight dead below him before landing. not particularly impressive unless you consider hes 10 and using touch screen controls.

i saw it and instantly knew this was becoming true


They're both pretty good.
I'm kinda biased since I played return to castle wolfenstein first.
It's a solid old-school fps