Do you think the Steven Universe console game will be good?

Do you think the Steven Universe console game will be good?

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if it's anything like its source material: no.

i like steven universe but i dont think its a good game

>tumblr shit


absolute madman actually did it

Get this western shit out of here, nobody likes it.

I'm starving for more Paper Mario. I'll pick it up.

>nobody likes it
i like it



This show should be banned for promoting the wearing of flip flops to children.

>a steven universe flash game is the closest thing we've had to a proper mario and luigi game in a decade
i won't comment 'til I've seen gameplay but if it's just a M&L knock-off and it doesn't run like shit I'll enjoy it

Oh boy more crying and shitty drama and poorly constructed resolutions!

it's closer to paper mario/smrpg than m&l

I don't

Do kids even watch Steven Universe? Let alone care for it?

>3/4ths of the game will be your party doing townie quests
>DLC bombs
>pic related with the base crystal gems will be only playable characters and every one else will be summons at best
>don't even get to go to homeworld

lmao yea no thanks

>thicc dicc succ

Pretty sure Steven, Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst, Connie, Greg, Peridot and Lapis are playable

>DLC bombs

Is that confirmed?

yes :^)

Do you think [...] Steven Universe [...] good?
No, I don't think anything related to tumblr universe is good.

ok source? ;^)

Yes. The mobile game was great as a paper Mario ripoff.

Sup Forums will refuse to discuss it, because something that teaches kids to respect differences is the SJW boogeyman they are terrified of.

If you're stuck with that dumb little girl with the sword then no, otherwise the game looks good. Liking that bard in the back.

Because it was shit

Why do all the women have more hp than the men?

One's a support and one's a bard.

I was gonna say because Steven and Greg are half-human/human but Connie having more HP than Steven is stupid.

You can fully customize the party with 8 or so characters

Which characters?

Steven, Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst, Connie, Greg, Peridot and Lapis it seems. One of the devs spoiled Topaz and Aquamarine so the game goes up to that point if not further I guess.

Steven is a fat kid, Connie probably has more stamina since she actually bothered training.

After the Bismuth fight I'd expect Steven to be pretty damn tanky.


That's complete bullshit. If it weren't for the license attached to it Attack the Light would be a highly regarded mobile game on Sup Forums, for anyone actually interested in playing a mobile game.

That's why it's highly regarded everywhere else and why it sold well: it's good regardless of the license.

It isn't a masterpiece and it's limited by the mobile platform. That's why this console game is exciting too.

No it wouldn't have, I can guarantee you

Whose the skinny chick in front of that building?

That's a dude m8

The show isn't even good, what makes you think a game will have any sort of chance?

Don't you fucking lie to me I thought she was attractive, there's no way that's a guy!

More importantly, do you think cream will poopoo in Tails' mouth?

Here's him in the actual show

If it makes you feel any better, Tumblr likes to think he's trans

He (she)'s trans

Well now that I look at him he doesn't make my boner go away...

It's a guy, it's Lars, google it up.
Lol you are sexually attracted to the most hated character of the show.

>Lars is trains meme
I want tumblr that doesn't make cute or pornographic art to choke.

It's good to know that you feel ok with your sexual orientation (faggot)

Of course Lars isnt a train silly

Did you misspell Ronaldo?

>Humans defeated Gem Homeworld 200 years ago
>Nobody remember the war
>No other cities exist outside of Beach City, the world is a giant wasteland

Rebecca doesnt know what she's doing, more news at 11

The humans didn't defeat the homeworld gems, The Crystal Gems did

I think, I haven't watched the show in a while

>what we really are~

Humans fought with the CGs but the show never showed it so...

>Couple of years ago
>Promos for t6he new series Steven Universe
>ugh looks like crap, "MY POWR ACTIVATES WITH ICE CREAM"
>actually watch some eps some time later
>NOTHING to do with the promos
>war, aliens, fusions and shit

I'll be honest the series grew on me little by little, weird thing is that the same thing happened with Regular show and Aventure time And Star vs forces of evil

Tumblr fans aside it's an enjoyable series, except the fusion between Steven and Amatist, it's the worst design ever created

Mechanically, decent.
Overall, garbage.
>Le west
Please return to /jp/ from whence you came, foul creature.

Will the best girl be in the game?

I always thought it was just some small group that died and the Jamie guy who wrote that book was the only human survivor

What's even the point of thi character?
EVERYONE knows aliens do exist
Kinda want to see more of the actual EARTH places and their possible knowledge/ignorance of the gems

Should be fun
I'm actually going to hope I enjoy it

>But you won't cuz it's tumblr shit.
Kys nu-neo-summer-new/v/

Rebecca's design was much better before the other boarders of the show got in on the design, didn't help that her debut episode had her look terrible while KYF had her look much better.

So the writers have a dedicated strawman to express purposefully inflammatory opinions through

>Humans defeated Gem Homeworld 200 years ago
Didn't that happened THOUSANDS of years ago?

Ever wonder how an entire generation growing up on this and other such cartoons will end up like?

>Tumblr fans aside it's an enjoyable series
Mid S3 onwards gets really mediocre though, at least the last bomb and the upcoming one seem to take the show back on track

To make bold insane claims that don't make sense until the show proves his claims to be almost accurate later on.

can't even give this shit show a try because of the horrific aesthetics. Who the fuck designed the MC and that black/indian chick are fucking retarded. Also why are there so many fat-asses in the show? Why is it always MUH EMOTION MUH DEPENDENCE. God damn. Chalk-zone is better in every single way and I haven't seen that shit in fucking years. Rather watch Scratchcats again than this shit.

His powers are inconsistent as hell.

We survived the on-drugs stuff like Ren&Stimpy, they'll be fine

So this... is the power... of the PS4...

You don't need to wait, just visit tumblr

libtard faggots?

Kids watch this?

everyone's powers and overall strenght are inconsistent as hell, heck at this point the diamonds might be literal demigods

They'll be fine, it's a fucking cartoon.

Get your stupid fucking SU threads off Sup Forums

Conservative and resentful of sillicon valley gay childish culture being forced down their throats


But tumblr hates Steven Universe.

All they had to do was make the Legend of Korra-esque Platinum beat'em up but all we got was crappy Paper Mario yet again

>You don't need to wait, just visit tumblr
Basically, you just need to go to Sup Forums

They're hot and cold on it.
Which makes sense considering how many fucking story boarders they go through.

They are though, that's why everyone worships them.

As far as I know only the asian and zuke have been replaced.

>platinum platinum platinum paper mario was shit
Kill yourself.

Then how did a rag tag group of rebels kill one?

Please stop with the Platinum should make every game shit.

their were alot of gem warriors before the corrpto beam ruined them all, also alot of crystal gem warriors were killed in the strawberry patch


So instead of a bad game they should have made a bad game. Okay.

Just fine
Earlier generations had shit like Ranma 1/2
Stop crying.

This spot on looks like everything I would expect from a SU game.

Just because the mods ban your gay circlejerking general doesn't mean you get to come over here and shit up our board as well. Fuck off already.

Wait, kids watch this show? I thought it's highest viewership was in the like, 18-29 range or something.

>tumblr: the tv series
>asking why the men are at a disadvantage

Take a moment to think of just

Flexibility love and trust