How does one cope with grinding for god only knows to obtain rare drops?

How does one cope with grinding for god only knows to obtain rare drops?

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I didn't. I got all the endings and moved on.

I did it. I can only tell you to stop while you're ahead.

It used to be my favorite game, but when I got the platinum trophy for it, it sapped literally all enjoyment I could ever get out of that game. I fucking hate it.

>some anons grinded for everything
>tfw they reached the final ending

Too fucking late. I already maxed over half of the weapons, and besides the max all weapons trophy, I only have three others to get. Guess which three.

Here's a hint: I haven't gotten endings C or D yet.
I am way too far in to stop.

Black Pearl ? Subdued Bracelet ? Forlone Necklace ? Memory Alloy ?

I have a question:

The only requirements for Ending C are having seen B and getting 100% weapons right? I read conflicting info on whether the weapons had to be upgraded or not.

Those first three are the main ones I need to finish,.

I just polished off memory alloy a couple hours ago.

You just need every weapon. No need to upgrade.

Thank god. Also, can I just save before the final boss and get endings C and D from that save file? I really don't want to play the game a fourth time.

Yeah, it was painful to get these ones (the giant egg in the village too, and the alloys in the junkyard because this level is boring)
Well, at least, we can farm for the necklace at the top of the lost shrine (there is one enemy who can drop it here, it's way faster than in the northern plain). Also, I noticed that the difficulty doesn't matter for the bracelet, I got more in easy than in hard. For the pearl, it's just boring.
Good luck user.
Not just before the boss but yeah, you can save at the top of the shrine then do the last part twice.

The game is great, but getting the platinum is not worth it. I gave up on the platinum and just did the enjoyable stuff. I collected all weapons and 100% the side quests and got all endings. I loved the game and the story. If I had autistically stuck to getting the platinum it would have totally ruined the game for me.

10/10 ost. Best song:

Those poor souls. It really makes the ending that much more impactful I guess.

Knowing that at the end there is something very special.
Ending D is meaningless if you didn't actually platinum it.

There's actually two of the dudes that drop the necklace at the top of the shrine.
If you drop down just below where the main one is (just above the save point), there's another one.

How different is Automata from Nier?

I've played Nier, but it never really clicked with me. It felt too shallow as a game, and the story didn't manage to really immerse me. I don't even know why, I stopped after the first ending and went back 3 years later. It was still the same for me. I love Platinum, so Automata looks promising, but is the game as shallow as the first one in quests and world?

Eagle Egg

Did you ever get the second ending? If not then you only played half the game.

Automata is superior in every way besides the story, which can be subjective. Same with the music.

If you didn't like the first one you won't like most of the second one. The only thing that's better is there are more combos and the animations are better. And I guess if you like playing a big-butt robot instead of Papa Nier.

it takes max 75 hours to plat, get good, compared to MH4U, nier's drop rates are a joke

Once you get ending A you can get the rest of the endings in an afternoon, you literally kill everything in one hit.

I did. It felt like a waste of time mostly, the new segments and hearing what the Shades were saying were cool touches, but it felt even more repetitive as I'd already visited most of those areas twice at least.

Which makes it feel even more pointless. I'd have understood if it was only twice you had to play the game, but a third time with no changes was ridiculous.

use hex editor, give yourself full inventory and monies.

I enjoy the autistic grind for platinums, because I'm a fucking weirdo. I just feel good at the end. There are some that are too much for even me, though.

Then I guess it wasn't for you. I wouldn't bother with Automata then.

My autism physically pained me when I couldn't get the last trophy for Automata. It's A2's ending and I can't buy the trophy. ingame so I'm fucked. I don't know if it's a glitch or what cause saying no to the pods for the final ending kicks me to the title screen. Disabling me from getting that trophy/

I have 76 platinums and Nier was one of my first.

I just finished off Disgaea 5 and I already had Disgaea 3,4, and D2 completed. So I've been looking to get Automata, but is it too late to get the Day one edition?

I have a question like Automata is the only game I played in the series. How does Automata compare to the first game? Is the combat just as good as Automata? What about locations, weirdness?

Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate the game. It may sound like I did because I'm only pointing out its faults, but it did have good parts. I guess it just underwhelmed me after seeing so much praise.

I'll play Automata regardless, I just wanted to know how much it improved or changed.



RNG is the only thing that kills me. Spending time is fine, as long as there's no random element involved.

It was fine imo. As long as you understand that you should plant a seed after you harvest one, not harvest everything then plant seeds on every spot, you are good to go.

the combat is improved, its faster, there's a bit more combo options, and you can swap between two sets of weapons on the fly kinda like bayonetta
some of the depth is technically optional since the different kinds of pods, most of the pod programs, and certain depth-adding chips are optional
the story is more fast paced, and has more twists in it. I feel like one of the pitfalls of NieR 1 is how long it takes for the story to stop going how you expect it to go. NieR: A starts fucking with you from the second story mission.
the sidequests are way better, more of them give you things for your arsenal, and nearly all of them reinforce/explore the main themes of the game
the world is pretty much as shallow, but there's way more of a vertical element in the stage design since your character are more acrobatic, and you unlock a quick travel action a little bit of the way through
for the record, there's five 'main endings' route A, route B which covered the events of route A but from a different perspective including several crucial points where the characters were separated
then route C/D. After getting either ending C or D (can do in either order) you unlock chapter select which A) means you can get which of route C/D you didn't get the first time just by returning to the final fight and picking a different choice, and immediately after getting the other one you get the choice to attempt ending E

I just finished 100% completing Drakengard the other day (leveling all the shitty weapons, too) and it sounds like NieR is going to be no different.

Yeah but MH4U is mostly fun. I fell asleep trying to get the Nier plat.

I lucked out by catching onto the drakengard franchise when I was a teen and 100% both D1 and D2 when I had lots of free time and not a huge library of other games to play
>That fucking weapon where you need to wait until halfway through the stage, then run to the most remote pocket of it and kill an elite enemy that can only be harmed by magic

Is there a shitty overworld like in Nier? It always felt like it was only there for padding, at first I liked it in concept, but there wasn't anything to do there and even with fast travel you had to walk everywhere because there were too little fast travel points.

It's surprising that an open world like that can annoy me, as I really like the one in SotC which is basically the definition of empty.

I never ran into a single enemy in Drakengard that could be harmed only by magic, unless you're talking about those glowy undead guys that switch between physical-only and magical-only weaknesses.

there's a shitty overworld, but its a bit more interesting visually (main 'hyrule field' type area is an overgrown city ruins that undergoes afew changes over the course of the story) and there's way more random NPC's that crop up with quests or just idle commentary, so you kinda feel like running rather than warping half the time just because you noticed an interesting dot on the map that might result in a new weapon or pod program

Why the fuck would you 100% Drakengard, let alone play it? You got memed, my man.

>those glowy undead guys that switch between physical-only and magical-only weaknesses
yeah those ones. If I recall right this one starts off in magic-only, and vanishes after like fifteen seconds so never even reaches its physical only phase

I get high and put on some shitty sitcoms on my laptop.

That sounds astronomically better than the original. Thanks.

Oh, I gotcha. If I remember correctly, I just ran in and got the chest and ran away. There are SO many weird things about Drakengard, and those kill-count-granting guys were definitely some of the weirdest.

since you can also do shit like run-dash-double jump-airdash off a tall building and then glide, its also way faster to just run from one end of the field to the other than it was in NieR 1, even though the field is a fair bit bigger

I put it on easy mode and started playing a podcast in the background.

I love Nier's soundtrack to death, but there's only so many hours of junk heap grinding I could handle listening to it.

I feel like enough of a twit for going out of my way to unlock Ending E, but what would compel you to go beyond that and fully upgrade ever single weapon?

I didn't expect that but I loved that part.

Trying to find the strongest weapon (which was obviously the Finger), but also curiosity to see their stories and what they looked like fully leveled.

It was a slog.

Also, that ending that serves as the tenuous connection to NieR was wacky and out of fucking nowhere.

Honestly, the only reason I even thought to seek the game out was because I read up about the NieR games and found out they were part of the same series.

for anyone who feels like it, you can abuse Hymir's Finger in the boss fight against Angelus in the church by staying behind a pillar and abusing your running attack's shockwave. its how I got Caim from lv 70-something to 99

have you gone to an aerial Free Mission to try out your new jet yet?

its about a dude with swords who rides a dragon and fucks up whole armies

There's like...two other games like that not made by Yoko Taro

>wacky and out of fucking nowhere.
Definitely. I'm pretty sure that Taro put it in last-minute as a sort of joke ending.

Only to go ahead and build a new franchise around it later.

Yeah, I gave it a shot in the same expedition that unlocked it. It was funny to see, but otherwise meh.

according to reports/interviews, Taro basically did that whole ending by himself on the sly and slipped it into the game just before they declared Gold, meaning it was too late for anyone to try and argue about if they should take it out or not without delaying the release and losing money

i have only beaten ending A for automata and im incredibly unimpressed with the game compared to the first nier. the first game to me was the case of "its so bad its good" because there are so many game design choices that are just completely stupid and out of left field like the weird ass resident evil style mansion and text adventure that really made the game charming and refreshing with a very interesting main cast. automata thus far, for me, plays like a far more streamlined action game with kind of strange smup elements and incredibly boring characters, 2B reminds me of Rei from eva, the emotionless warrior that eventually learns emotion is one of my least favorite archetypes because the progression is so linear, predictable and even unnatural.

the alleged "better combat" really isn't enough of a merit surprisingly, no matter how much better the combat is you are still just beating up crowds of stupid AI robots with god mode unlimited dodge and stupid amounts of healing abilities. theres no challenge or fun, its a bit more engaging and less spammy than the first nier at best

i hope my opinions change upon finishing the other endings, but my disappointment in the "improved gameplay" can't really be negated at this point

TFW I'm proud of this useless thing

How do I plat Disgaea 4? I finished the story and feel so overwhelmed now.

Farmed for forlorn necklaces for 4 days and not a single one dropped and gave up.

You won't be impressed. Just stop playing at A. If you didn't like characters, chances are you won't like this game at all.

That makes it so much funnier.

Drakengard is a good game. I don't understand the hate. The on foot sections get a little monotonous, but the dragon riding is great. Plus seamlessly jumping on and off of your dragon during stages is amazing.

The bonkers story and fun ass dragon riding make this game an easy 7/10 in my opinion. Hating on Drakengard is a meme.

>More than a year between getting Weiss and Kaine
Took a bit of a break, did you?

>Only twelve days between that and the plat
Wait, what?

>hours of the most tedious gameplay imaginable

I played it on my old account when it came out. I thought I wanted to replay it but changed my mind till 2015.

The rarest trophy I have, according to psnprofiles, is a gold for beating an expert episode of N++ without dying. It only took me about an hour to get, yet it's rarer than all those platinums I spent so much time on. The P5 platinum I got was rarer than it, though, for a couple days.

The on foor sections are incredibly monotonous though and the dragon riding is merely ok.


>that little side story in Automata
I know Weiss had a line during that scene but it really didn't hit me until that point.

Most of my hate stems from weapon collecting for Ending E. The requirements for unlocking them range from frustrating to absolutely ludicrous.

>weiss in automata
Wait what?

thats how i feel about every game i plat

No, I mean during the popo and devo fight in Nier Weiss has a line about how they suffered over so many years, but it didn't really hit me until I read the story about them in Automata, which then made that scene in Gestat/Replicant so much sadder.

Agreed. But it was originally intended as a joke ending. It's hilarious that Taro ended up technically making it canon. I basically recommend people play through ending D and just youtube ending E.

why deprive yourself of enjoyment for the sake of a digital reward that will eventually be lost?

>Trying to find the strongest weapon (which was obviously the Finger), but also curiosity to see their stories and what they looked like fully leveled.
That's why God invented the wiki.