Is it any good? Never saw Sup Forums talk about it and didn't have time for it when it came out.
Anyone recommend it?
Is it any good? Never saw Sup Forums talk about it and didn't have time for it when it came out.
Anyone recommend it?
Is it worth $14?
The side quests suck, crafting is busywork, party banter is not great, and the environments are big and empty.
On the plus side the combat variety is actually sort of fun and you can make builds which is a rare thing these days, the story is fine (so far), and the setting is actually interesting.
I'm playing through it slowly and I don't feel like its worth $14, but you will definitely get at least a few hours of enjoyment out of it. I was playing The Surge and I couldn't stand it and had to uninstall, but this still is on my play list.
No it's not good, but it's not overly bad. It's pretty much forgettable but I didn't mind some of the locations. The protagonist makes me want to kill myself and every companion in the game is insanely boring.
It's like a poor man's mass effect. The game is really a sequel to the budget game Mars: War Logs.
Writing is passable for the most part. Combat can be a real chore at times. Much of the open world feels like filler and pointless walking.
Which is really weird because one of the nicest people in Technomancer is one of the most comically evil people in Mars: War Logs. At least I don't have to deal with that fuckboy from the first game.
I happened to have gotten a review code before it came out and mentioned in a thread a week before its release that I was really enjoying it.
I got called a shill by everyone in the thread. I now know to never do that again
seems like a pass huh
I saw a friend selling this for cheap too on Facebook. I was wondering if its more like Bound by flame or witcher with it's combat, or more like dragon age or KOTOR
That didn't bother me as much as how quickly the story in Technomancer emptied all its secrets on the player. It's like the writers couldn't wait to gush about how cool their story is but couldn't be bothered to build up suspense to make the reveal worth while. By the time you hit the 1/3 mark, you can practically guess the story from there.
I have a lot of respect for Spiders. While Spiders is definitely a low to mid budget developer, they put effort into their games and all of their games have a weird charm to them, and I would say with confidence that each game they make is an improvement over the last.
I liked Technomancer, and I'd say it's worth getting if it goes on sale for $14 or so. You can get a good 20-30 hours out of a single playthrough.
I enjoyed bound by flame, because i felt it was easier than Dark Souls in that it made me feel a bit more powerful with the magic. Do you think I'd like the Technomancer?
What they did wrong is charging full price for it. Technomancer screams budget game but they thought they can hang with the big boys. Should have been $30 at most. Walmart has been selling the PS4 version for $15 for months now and I still feel ripped off.
i misread and thought you guys were talking about capcom's techromancer. guess not.
later toads
also am i the only one who enjoyed bound by flame as a games for gold freebie?
It's better on PC. Of course the graphics are better, but the controls felt kinda clunky on console with a controller
The good
-Nice environments
-World is interesting
-No DLC or microtransactions of any sort
-Clearly had a ton of effort put into it
-Andrew's a pretty cool guy
The bad
-Combat stupid and difficult unless you stock up on mines, then it's trivial
-Acting is like a bad dub except there's no alternative to choose from
-Writing is extremely iffy
-Amelia is a cunt and I wish grievous bodily harm to her
For got to mention I got it for $60. Just walked into the store and bought it on a whim knowing nothing about it.
Yes, it's a perfect middle-tier game, an AA game, so to speak. These games are a dying breed
sounds like it's around the level of Star wars force unleashed
I'm excited for Greedfall
were you actually shilling though?
Nope. I write for game journo site and made the mistake of mentioning that when talking about how I was enjoying the game.
I liked it a lot. It's far and away the best Spiders game although that's not saying much. I wish the main plot had been a bit longer, maybe gone to Aurora like it teases it's going to. Spiders games always seem to have a point you can look at and say "here is the exact spot where they ran out of money"
One thing I like about Spiders, Focus home interactive, and really any middle market game is that they always feel like they have a heart and soul. Like the developers want to make that game. AAA and indie games always follow trends and more often than not feel soulless.