You have been issued a challenge

You have been issued a challenge.

If you accept, you will be transported to the Spencer estate. Wielding nothing but a handgun (with two clips) and knife, you will have to fight your way out, taking the same route the protagonists of the original Resident Evil do over the course of the game. All puzzles and monsters will be the same, but you will find no additional weaponry.

If you succeed, you will be returned home with a cool $200. If you fail and die, you will be revived at the start of the mansion - however, all exits will be sealed, and dying again will reset everything, leaving you trapped in an endless loop. Would you accept the challenge, or cowardly back out?

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Cowardly back out.

Are you stupid? This would be almost impossible without additional weaponry. I don't even think you can defeat Tyrant without the rocket launcher at the end and $200 isn't even worth the attempt.

>I don't even think you can defeat Tyrant without the rocket launcher at the end

You can beat the entire game with the survival knife.

That being said, I usually just hoard magnum ammo until the final hour of the game, and then start punching holes in everything that moves. Tyrant is pretty easy to kill with the magnum too.

>You can beat the entire game with the survival knife.

Yeah, in the game. Do you think YOU could fight your way out of the mansion with nothing more than a survival knife?

>Only $200
No way fag

Me? Hell no. I know the mansion layout in REmake really well, but I'd definitely be wanting at least the shotgun to be available for this challenge.

Sure count on me.

But what are we doing about this shitty thread?

Fuck no. I make more than that in a day at a job I enjoy. Why the hell would I want to go through the experience of dying god knows how many times for some spare change?

Can I take a friend?


What the hell, OP? Is that a typo? I can make more at my job in a day for way less effort and risk. You'd have to go at least $5,000 for this challenge, and that's the bare minimum.

Is Jill there?

>Die and revive thousands of times
>Not getting gud with the knife

Not only do you come out with 200$, you also become a masterful knife fighter.

You missed a couple zeros there, buddy.

I think dying thousands of times would fuck with your psyche a little bit.

Lol.. none of that is worth it.

delete this thread and try again OP, this is embarassing

But you would come out as a hardened motherfucker with 200$

200 dollars isn't worth it but considering I can get this done with just a knife in an hour and a half I guess it's okay

I make more than 200 dollars a day painting cars at work. How fucking poor do you have to be to think this is worth 200 dollars?

I guess you don't like money? The fact is, you could literally buy three whole video games with $60. You could even buy 200 days of McDonalds' hamburgers, if you wanted - that's almost an entire year of life.

It says you will be stuck in an endless loop. The way it is written, it's implied if you die twice you can never leave.

Absolutely not. I've done no death, knife only speed runs and one thing that never changes is that I always take a hit. And I don't think anyone would get past the elder crimson head in the first place


I can buy a New 3DS XL from retail for $200 but unfortunately I won't have enough for one game.

>no additional weaponry
Ah, so it's impossible then.

Mc Doanlds burgers don't cost a dollar anymore.

>two clips

Id take the gun and back out. Seriously free gun.

Are there any healing items?

Are Barry or Rebecca in the mansion as well? If not, do we have to fight the tyrant at the end or nah?

Do enemies follow the in-game rules? Do we follow in game rules (eg. can we just grab the book from the library without killing Yawn?)

If so I'd take the challenge.

Given that the monsters have the same sluggish movement and I'm able to move naturally. Easy

>Risk this for only 200$

Maybe if Jill was there I'd consider it.

Why would I subject myself through a no hit run IRL with the pain of zombification over and over for $200

>Think $200 is too low
>Scan the thread for people who also say this
>Everyone says they can make $200 in a day
>I make $600 every two weeks

Thanks for making me feel shitty about my shitty fucking job. Special fuck you to the guy who even said he enjoys his job.

Does it arbitrarily follow the game mechanics to a T? because if not once the Hunters are out you are fucked.

I saw one user post here who completely customized his Beretta to make it a complete replica of Jill's handgun, and iirc he spent a shitload. I'd imagine the gun would be worth a lot more than just $200

Plus there's no Tyrant final boss, so I'd consider it

There are healing items, but they work as well as you'd expect them too in real life.

Barry and Rebecca are not in the mansion (however, you can still call Brad to pick you up at the end).

Enemies and the environment do not follow in-game rules.

Don't you wanna be like Die Hard? I for one would not say no to the opportunity to experience being a badass like him.

Bruh, even with that paltry wage, you still aren't getting much with 200 dollars after suffering this hellish challenge.

Not only that, but you'd possibly lose your job due to no call no showing because you're too busy dying in a zombie sim.

Damn if only I had an M1 instead I could accomplish something

Asking the important questions

2hunna muthafuckas! Sign me up bro

>Enemies and the environment do not follow in-game rules.

>Hunters break down doors and follow you everywhere

Holy fuck no way dude

Mcdoubles cost 1.29 plus tax now nigger.


Okay, fine. 100 days of McDonalds' / survival.

I think she'd take the zombies over a smelly weeb

I'd do it, but ONLY assuming the following based on your wording:

* I have unlimited attempts
* I have my prior knowlege of the puzzles etc intact and can act accordingly
* Enemies in the mansion behave EXACTLY as they do in the game, including following the same animations, etc
* I am free to break game conventions myself in the sense that I can move as quickly as I like, see normally instead of using external cameras, can move things around that you can't in the game, etc etc.
* I am returned home at the same time I left; no matter how many attempts it takes me, none of my actual time in the real world is consumed.
* By "no further weaponry" you only mean in terms of new weapons, and therefor I can still find more ammo.


Or I can stroll my happy ass down to McShits and get 2 McDoubles and a medium Dr. Pepper for 3.68 plus tax minus the horrifying death scenes.


i've never seen such a shitty reward in one of these threads. $200? make it like $200,000 and maybe it'd be a bit more tempting

Give me a blowjob and a titfuck from Ashely as the wining prize and I can face any resident evil campaign, but getting brutally raped by the tyrant for only 200$? No thanks.

>If you accept, you will be transported to the Spencer estate. Wielding nothing but a handgun (with two clips) and knife
>Two clips

Can I have two mags instead?

Are you SURE?

>>There are healing items, but they work as well as you'd expect them too in real life.

LOL so not at all! Fuck you dude.

Then wouldn't at the start of the game from the very beginning you just get hunted down and killed by the more advance zombies?

>risk my life for pocket change

Do NEETs really think that's a lot of money? Apply yourselves.

Crimson heads wouldn't be an issue since you can aim freely, and if they're slow moving I think you wouldn't have much trouble getting headshots

The Elder Crimson head and the first crimson head are the only two you have to face

Liking Jill is a reddit thing now?

What? I'm not talking about crimson heads dude. I'm talking about dogs and those things withi the swirly tounges and the lizard things with massive claws.

You said more advanced zombies, unless you meant advanced enemies?


They are zombies because they are undead Tvirus mutants m8

>200 bucks
That's fucking chump change OP. Bump it up to at least 10K and I'll think about it.

>All that
>For only $200

Fuck no.

Barry and Rebecca should be included
>mfw dying over and over again just to fuck dat ass

Every single enemy in Resident Evil is a zombie except Wesker.


Is this what poorfags think is a lot of money?

I was one of those dudes. I more meant that I could make $200 on a particular day, not that I make that every single time I work.

Yeah im sure Jill would love to have sex with a autistic imageboard poster. What a catch.

>Wielding nothing but a handgun (with two clips) and knife
well since all I have is a knife, and empty handgun. and two clips, I'd be pretty screwed wouldn't I?


Yeah, seriously. Good point.

OP, change the reward to: sex with any RE girl, any way you want it. And maybe make it like a quantity of 50 sessions to use whenever you wish.

Now that's a reward that might be worth it.

>These people seriously think I'm going to try to seduce her when I could just either rape her or kill, then rape her corpse

Pathetic failed normalfags.

>find Jill
>Get to know what she likes in a man
>repeat the process until you are the one she's been waiting for her whole life
>endless sex

I'd pay $200

You are alone in this mansion, didn't you read this thread?

I can still dream, lad

I can make 200$ in less than a week on my low effort nighttime security job which is 99% doing fucking nothing.

My friend, even if we combined our dreams this thread wouldn't be any less shit

Fucking this and then i would pick Alexia

And you can do it infinite times

Learn to read.
It means you're in an endless loop until you succeed.


I see you're a person of refined taste user.

You can have all the weapons/ammo in the game as in they're still in their original locations but the prize is only $50

Wait what? How is this a thread.

Unless you lose time every time the mansion resets, that is to say, time doesn't reset after death so you could spend literal years aging inside this simulation, then there is objectively no reason not to do it.

There is no failstate or punishment; you could spend 50,000 years before succeeding and it still wouldn't matter because you'd come out at the exact same time as you went in. Death is not a punishment because you just live again, pain is not a punishment because it doesn't lead to permanent damage. There is objectively no reason not to partake.

And if time DOES go as normal even after resets, then there is objectively no reason TO do this because even going sanic-speeds, you'd still need around 3 hours to beat it. Unless you thought you could ace it your first try, you'd still only be doing 70~$/hour, and the longer you take, the less worth it it is.

This is a dumb question and you should feel bad.

Well the problem with grounhog day shit is that human beings suffer trauma from being maimed/dying. That would be the consequence. It's hard to say who can handle it or can't but I think it's safe to estimate that most can't

I accept, but make no attempt to complete the "game". Instead I clear out a few rooms for living in, call out to Jill, then fuck her brains out over and over, consentually or otherwise. Chain her up if I need to, though considering the encouragable eyes she gives to everyone else I doubt that will be necessary. Maybe head to the medicine room and score some morphine, or just enjoy green, red, and blue herbal delights..

With everything being the same as in-game except me, every standard zombie should be easily killed by just continusly walking backwards WHILE swinging my knife (a skill neither protag has). I can also utilize things like chairs, tables etc to create barriers they can't pass, but I can stand on slightly far back and stab their brains out with impunity. According to the game, I only need to lightly scratch their head, what, 10, maybe times to DECAPITATE them?

Always keep at least one bullet in my handgun, if things go south and/or I need to reset, BOOM it's done. Hypothetically instant and painless. Once you get past the psychological barrier and view it as a reset-button, you have unlocked eternal life filled with sex with the best girl ever, in the comfiest location imaginable, filled with effectively endless narcotics. Get sick? Out of food? Drug withdrawl? Jill's Sandwich drying up? CLICK, it's fixed!

Hope all you fuckers are chemists or else Plant 42 is as far as you're ever gonna get.

But what if you become zombie and because no one else there in mansion to kill you as zombie you stay as zombie and never reset and there no Jill because OP say you alone????

Jill isn't there.

Okay, then I'll find the hottest zombie bitch and fuck her

Change the $200 prize to infinite Jill sex and I'd do it.

>200 burger bucks for all that effort
This is beyond retarded.

Really? Cuz I'm pretty sure she's there at the beginning while playing through as Chris. She's part of the game too, you know. Maybe I'll go far enough to grab Rebecca Chambers and have the most perfect threesome ever had.

In RE1, nobody turns into a zombie until AFTER they've died- it isn't really the person that's the zombie, the T-virus is just utilizing the pre-existing organic structure as its puppet. Zombies are still unDEAD, you don't "come back to life" just because someone zaps your corpse with electricity, forcing muscle spasms.

The instructions are literally written on the wall. Even disregarding that you can brute-force the formula inside, like, 100 moves.

Face it bitches, I've got every aspect of this down airtight.

no way fag

I skimmed through the thread a few times in the catalog and never looked at it that way.

OP really is offering us eternal life. if everything is the same that means I could shackle up somewhere comfy and free of zombies while supplies last, off myself and then restart.

besides, I'm sure there's plenty of entertainment in the mansion. not a bad way to spend eternity.

That's a fucking lie, one of the scientists even leaves a fucking journal chronicling his turn into a zombie that ends with his full turn
"itchy... tasty..."

Alright, OP. You get to pass a /k/ education for two weeks before you start using weapon terminology in written language.

And you all
get sectioned in mental institution for being obsessive-compulsive nutters



The real prize is living in the mansion forever with infinite Jill and Rebecca sex.

You can beat the game in under an hour. 200 bucks an hour is an hour well spent.