How much ping do I need to double weave on the new North American servers?
FFXIV Stormblood
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Aussie here and I've been able to do it reliably for years at 160ms. Deal with it you faggots.
25ms just like the 2.5s GCD
Which miniparse overlay has a darker background? This see-through shit is hurting my eyes.
ACT built in mini parser
Which file, to be more specific.
Why do people prefer SCH to WHM? I find playing WHM to be more consistent in healing and has more options available to them (pre HW at least)
The one that comes stock with the program. Just look for the option in the program. It opens a small black window which looks like a cmd box
I should've been more specific. I'm using the miniparse for the extra details it provides. Was wondering if there's one of the file types that changes the looks to be darker. Sorry and thank you.
>2.5s GCD
You can change the look of the mini parse in the config.
Let's see, WHM has
SCH has:
>Damage mitigation
>Buffs (if using selene)
Good point. Come to think of it, my SCH gameplay has seemed a lot more involved than the WHM with it's keep regen up -> use cure appropriate for damage done -> throw out aero and stone when waiting -> medica for "oh shit" moments
Fairies are cute, and WHMs never use their AF gear, basically removing the only good thing about them.
What is double weave?
Will be increased to 3.0s due to the new latency.
You watch 2 animes at the same time
Using 2 off gcd skills between gcd skills
When the opening cinematic for ARR was showed off, we saw the stand-ins for our 1.0 characters get warped five years into the future, upon which they whistled and somehow their chocobos(that were't sent to the future) showed up right on the spot and carried them to a short cliff. Then you see the characters get these idiotic shit-eating grins, as they look over a giant expanse of rocky outcroppings and grass, then charge/jump forward and race into the distance. There were quite a few "WOOOOOW, grass!" jokes for a while. I don't know if that image you posted was referencing that, but it wouldn't surprise me.
Please feel free to join us on Mateus if you are suffering from high ping :) Our low population makes it great!
Is it even possible to get into A9s through duty finder?
i don't know what shit data center you're on but on Tonberry it takes like 5 minutes for a9s queue if you're a tank
fuck off myon
who the fuck is that
do you have regular shitposter from tonberry in vg or something
You also do not have your own data center.
Fuck off retard.
Yes, and?
Where? :x
And you guys do except they put it into a shitty place which fucks over a lot of their players. Fuck you retard I can play on Japan AND your data center pretty comfortably, you fucking cuck.
Color LCD options.
>I can double weave just fine at 150ms
is the new
>My Raitons don't clip the GCD
Sorry to keep bothering you friend, but that option didn't change anything for me. The miniparse overlay just needs more opacity.
What do you mean? You can change the letters color what else would you need
I want it to not be see-through.
I'm using the miniparse plugin overlay, not the default one.
But it's not see-through.
Click on the red dot, it should fix it.
>>Buffs (if using selene)
Oh my god, 3% attack speed!
So great!
Raids always use WHM though in statics, so no idea what you talking about.
But what it is, is, WHM/AST do the exact same thing while SCH does something slightly different. SO when 2 classes fill one role its easier to find it, and rarer to find the scholar.
Take what I'm about to say with a mountain of salt, since I don't use ACT: There's probably something like an XML file that defines the settings, and even the display structure for the addon you're talking about, if it's at all similar to typical software of this type. If there's no obvious setting to do what you want, you might be able to edit the guts directly with a text editor to get the job done. If anything I've just said confuses the shit out of you, forget you read my post.
Where did the servers move to?
AST is objectively better than WHM with the heavensward content
Soul of the Creator
>want to get into raids
>have never raided in any MMO ever
Where do I even start at this point? Any personal tips for a PLD?
for 3.4
Well that's pretty lame I was only about 5 hours away from it and now its all the way across another country.
Time to get used to huge ping I guess.
wait until Stormblood makes Paladins desirable again and resets the player progression so you're at the same stage as everyone else
if you're talking about when they got buffed, obviously i'm talking about in their current state. In their current state AST is flat out better than WHM in 3.X content
Play a different tank. Anything but PLD.
I'm gonna assume you are level 60.
First off do party finder raids for bahamut, they should be fairly easy now and have enough mechanics to make them interesting.
Afterwards if you have time start working on savage alexander through party finder. Pretty much get as much expiernce as you can before stormblood.
Once stormblood hits, get to level 70 and start getting the best gear you can possibly get. Once you get a really decent gear set and after you've cleard all the content, start looking into raiding. As a tank you more than anyone else needs to look at guides. So read up on each fight before hand. Then look for groups or join a free company that is looking for tanks in a static. As a tank you can make your own PF group and set it to the raid that you wish to do.
TL;DR Get as much expiernce but doing older raids and then gear up once expansion hits
a meme
Is there any class questline more boring than Fisher?
Anyone know a good way to exploit this quickly for unlimited mgp?
arr monk.
desu I see little reason not to run AST/SCH. No idea what WHM has over the other two especially considering their mana issues.
>Stormblood makes Paladins desirable again
Don't be mean to him and get his hopes up for that
Paladin is going to need an expansion worth of skills just to catch up to where the other tanks are now, and the others are going to get new shit to pull even farther ahead.
>warrior gets gap closer
>thinking the pally shitty nova skill is ever gonna be used
Yeah no, I am a pally main and I know how much we are getting fucked. Warriors are getting the straight up best possible kit for tanking. It's like wow all over again where only warrior could tank and anything else was a laugh if they ever tried.
Pugilist was pretty fucking boring
>Hey kid, go around town and gather my shekels I dropped
>Hey kid, go hit some dummies in town
>Hey kid, go hit some stones and fight what spawns from them
The guy leveling up from fighting and getting harder was pretty cool though. That said FSH itself is really fucking tedious and boring because of how RNG it is. It's just RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG. Collectibles for FSH are pure cancer too. Increase timer doesn't make it even with the other two because you have to spend 10 minutes trying to get whatever it is you want as oppose to MIN or BTN where you can 100% get what you want whenever it's up. Whoever designed fishing needs to get shot.
Male Highlander or Roe?
They're not taking a hatchet to existing skillsets, they're basically just taking out the least-used/least-useful skills to make room for the new ones.
WAR's skill "pruning" is probably going to basically be merging IB/FC, Cyclone/Decimate, and Defiance/Deliverance, then getting rid of Foresight.
Don't do it.
A. They release casual versions of the raids at the same time which are almost identical to the savage versions, meaning there's normally no unique assets/music/bosses to see for all your effort
B. The fights are an enormous gear-gated timesink which are frustrating only because they trickle out the gear required to clear them, and it's an environment where 1 idiot can wipe your party repeatedly (and this game is 90% idiots), and
C. The gear you earn by torturing yourself (ostensibly the only reward for raiding due to the aforementioned) are dyable pallete-swaps of the casual version drops, which are simply handed to casual players anyway a year down the track in the form of craftable versions.
Fuck raiding. Don't waste your time. Spend that 12 hours a week playing other (better) games.
It's difficult to say goodbye to ninja.
I think i get around 200 ping from perth. Is the game playable? Whats with all the mudfish shilling?
Male highlanders are kind of short ever since they introduced male Au ra. Most of them have the stigma of an asshole, or someone who is a dad irl and just wants to play as an old dude in game.
Male roe has a stigma for its gay playerbase.
The MNK quest-giver NPC in SB had better be Jackie Chan.
Why do people not understand relativity? Someone who is 6'5 is not fucking short just because a 7'5 person exists, when 95% of the population is shorter than 6 feet tall.
Well okay but im concerned about how they look in armor and their animations not some weird assumptions randoms will make.
>They're not taking a hatchet to existing skillsets, they're basically just taking out the least-used/least-useful skills to make room for the new ones.
Source: my ass
Id go with roe personally.
rare card coming through
They literally said they were removing under used skills, and molding together certain lesser used skills or things that needed to be tracked. How else do you expect them to add skills, yet also claim to have roughly the same amount as HW?
Sell me on Roe then. Gimme some Roepics.
>removing skills when the game has so little already
I know the game is boring but for fuck sake yoshi, I can't even fill 3 hotbars yet, much less 2 hots bars of relevant skills that matter.
I guess we gotta keep pandering to fucking consoleniggers since they don't have enough buttons to keep up. Game is going to shit with every expansion
This game has more skill bloat than almost any modern MMO on the market. Honestly we dont need 8 cooldowns for each job. Its just shit you hit at the start of a fight without thought and go.
Referring to DPS obviously. Tanks and healers obviously hold their cooldowns. I could name 4-5 skills for each job that needs pruning easily.
As pally the only useless skill we have is awareness, tempered will we rarely use but when we do its a god send. Also tanks don't use cooldowns at start only when needed
As DPS there is a cooldown I don't burn at the start, raging strieks. I save it for certain phases where you need the extra burn like on the sea cow or titan rock walls.
Flash is getting replaced with circle blade, the holy like skill will become a high level MP dump. Tempered Will is getting scrapped. Awareness will get molded into something else.
Uh, exactly what I said?
Making Inner Beast and Fell Cleave (and SC/Deci and Defiance/Deliverance) one button instead of two is merging skills, removing Foresight is deleting an underused skill.
They're not trying to make sure SB has the same number of "skills" as HW. They're trying ot make sure SB has the same number of keys bound to your hotbar. Merging the three pairs of skills frees up room for three new keybinds, deleting Foresight makes room for a fourth. The fifth could be a trait, or pre-merged onto an existing skill, or they could find one more underused skill to delete, or whatever.
What they're not going to do is cut out 2/3 of WAR's combos and fit the remaining one into one button that automatically cycles through 1-2-3, and delete all their defensive cooldowns to replace them all with a single "die a little less" button.
Foresight and Awareness will become one cooldown in the tank role skills. They will remove Fracture.
Reno is dummest dum
It had uses even in PVP, I know square enix have literally no idea what they are doing but this is beyond stupid.
I'm guessing flash is just turning into a dmg aoe like every other tank class already has so it can catch up? That makes sense but it still sucks when you know you are losing an ability. What do you do at early levels now? Or do you just get circle blade at early levels?
>removing foresight is deleting an underused skill
It's a CD I pop pretty regularly. Not as strong as vengeance, but still pretty solid. If they buffed another CD or lowered a cooldown to compensate for that, that'd be pretty cool.
Ths game is designed to be played at 200 ping, yes even at the too levels
What I just typed was speculation calm down. But it will happen.
If you don't clip your GCD that adds up quickly.
If they remove my tempered will, I will go to your house, and personally make you write a letter of petition to yoshi
My theory is that they solve the PLD dilemma by taking Flash out, putting Circle Blade in its place as a mobile TP spender and putting Flash back in at higher level as that new cast time version that does damage, and maybe rename it.
"Foresight + Awareness" still adds up to a shitty, underperforming skill. It's more likely that both of them get removed, and the Awareness effect ends up just being baked into one cooldown per tank.
Well you're in luck there. They've already said that Rampart is being made a common skill for all tanks. That's pretty much a straight upgrade over Foresight for WAR (and is a slight nerf to DRK and PLD since they go from having Rampart/Shadowskin and Foresight to just having Rampart/Shadowskin).
I'm hoping they give all the melee DPS a trait that always activates positionals when soloing. MNK is a sad panda when you have to not only go into a fight without GL3 since overworld trash dies too quick to build it up, but also face the target head on and lose all those bonuses. For the sake of flavor, I'm also hoping SAM's positionals are from the front, and they get Third Eye as an automatic auto-recharging buff that drastically reduces or zeros the damage of a single AoE when they're in front of the mob.
I bet SAM ends up not having any positionals but does end up having cast times.
Why don't they also give Tanks positionals. Extra damage if you slash enemies in the face.
just spam haymaker
Because then you'd have tanks dancing around, forcing the melee DPS around and then nobody would play melee DPS in comps.
Don't listen to anything asshats say. The only thing we now, that has been official, is that PLD is getting their M.Def brought up to par - that's it.
Everything else is just spec. Though they are aiming to do away with unused or useless skills - along with bring in a universal effect to certain things; like Provoke on all tanks. As Yoshi wants to do away with the base classes.
We'll know more next week during the live letter, which they're gonna explain and showcase the stuff.
Its sad you had to ignorantly list off a bunch of shit that isn't even true because there are so many legitimate reasons why FFXIV sucks and its raiding
Unlimited MGP time niggas
And that Provoke and Rampart are being moved into the cross role skills. That means something has to go in their place during the leveling process. Perhaps even flash too.
It doesn't really follow that they're going to get replacement skills for anything that gets moved to cross-class. They could just as easily leave that level blank of skills, or reorder all the skills entirely so that there are no big gaps but there are also 2-4 fewer skills as you level up.
The latter is probably not off the table, considering how often people complain about wishing that they got Shield Oath at 30 and Sword Oath at 40.
Well by sounds of it either A leveling is going to be way worse now since we are removing several skills or B overall we will gain more skills that are useful.
I'm hoping for B but I still have no faith and I bet they are gonna forget the leveling expiernce is still a thing people go through and just remove skills fucking over noobies.