Nobody is talking about the next best arena shooter

> Nobody is talking about the next best arena shooter
But why?

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kill yourself mobashit shill fucking loser

It's not a MOBA, it's literally Quake but with graphics and Waifus.
So salty because no closed beta.

Its gonna be doa, just look how poorly its performing on twitch.

fuck off retarded shill your game is fucking garbage and you are a failure

Most Quake fans aren't playing it, and casual Overwatch scum certainly won't buy into it. Will flop hard.

quake always had waifus

waiting for ctf

I legitimately don't understand who this is made for quack autists don't like change and casuals will just stick to their games.

> All of these characters and more are in Nu Quake with glorious Cyber Waifu

Remind me again why people aren't playing this? Is it just because they're shitty that they got no Closed Beta code?