Nintendo Switch is NOT replacing the 3ds (Portableline)

It is now

>he thinks this is significant

DS line is still cheaper and more profitable. If there is ANY sign of trouble with the switch, Nintendo will abandon.

It will not replace it until they know it's safe for them to say it will replace it.

Exactly this, /thread.

Yeah the 3DS isn't going anywhere, which will probably be the ultimate downfall of the Switch. People are seeing it like a super powerful handheld when really it's a portable console

if it gets an exclusive monhun and a pokemon game, then it will replace the 3ds

>People are seeing it
People are pretty retarded then. For the first time in years they've adequately marketed what the Switch is.

The 3DS has at least 2 years left in it. By that time, the Switch will be old news and they'll be already well underway in the Switch's replacement.

Face it, the Switch isn't the 3DS's replacement. It's the Wii U's.

>trusting reggie

It's their GBA third pillar strategy when the DS came out.
Look at the interview and how he says "for us" "currently", "consumer based" and other keywords that are not specific.

Which just means it's one of the worst home consoles to come out in the last decade.

Switch is a great console, an EXCELLENT take-anywhere tabletop gaming tablet, and a HORRIBLE, CLUNKY, UNCOMFORTABLE handheld.

Thank god it's not replacing anything other than Wii U.

Nintendo effectively pulled a bullshit business tactic with the switch. By essentially combining the two systems (hand held and console), they brought in sales from both populations, making the company seem more profitable in the short run, but fucking themselves over in the long run. Nintendo cannibalized themself just to get investors off their back for a few years, since they have been pushing Nintendo to drop the hardware and just become a software company like Activision or Sega for a while now

It's not, it just makes it kinda redundant.

>It's their GBA third pillar strategy when the DS came out.
Yeah it's just like that. DS replaced the GBA and GC. What's a Wii and Wii U? Never heard of it

>3DS is Gameboy line despite Nintendo insisting it's not.

Fuck you, OP, for tricking me into watching your channel to see if Reggie said something that stupid.

Yeah this was my first thought. Everyone forgets the DS wasn't really a successor to the GBA, they were supposed to be two separate lines they maintained. They quickly realized that's a stupid idea and pushed the DS.
Pretty sure we're gonna see that same shit happen here.

It's not entirely the same though, I mean, part of their gameplan is kids, families . and pokemon. Dad's not gonna spend 600 USD+ on shitty-"handhelds" on 2+ kids.

No, you wanna know what's more likely down the line? They keep thew architecture and have abeefed up succesor which is fully backwards compatible, but for at least 3+ years after release have all the games work on it and in "low" mode on the current switch...

And then, give or take a year after that successor gets released, they announce a handheld switch. smaller screen, no fan, no detachable anything, just a handheld that can play 99 percent of the games of the switch.

The Wii U will be part of the Nintendo Ecosystem alongside, smartphones, the 3DS and the upcoming NX, all these devices will have an integral part and we will support them accordingly.

I dont get why people would want the 3DS replaced. It's not only a cheaper option to the Switch, but is good for devs who don't have the budget or manpower for AAA games. Games like Zero Escape or Ever Oasis couldn't exist on the Switch

>Switch is a great console
You're a fucking idiot, fanboy.

>Games like Zero Escape or Ever Oasis couldn't exist on the Switch
Why not? Actually the last Zero Escape terrible on the 3DS because it was so low res you had to pixel hunt for items in the puzzle rooms.

The Switch is too fucking big to replace the 3DS.

>but is good for devs who don't have the budget or manpower for AAA games

That would be an argument maybe 10+ years ago; now everyone has a device more powerful than the 3DS in their pockets and PC gaming is taken seriously.

>I dont get why people would want the 3DS replaced

Most casual gamers eventually want a replacement with stronger graphical power simply because they tire of the weaker visuals. Not kidding. It's the demand of most gamers to see more power. You even see this on stuff like Smart Phones. But still mainly more on gaming devices.

People want the next Nintendo Handheld that has the power of a Vita that also has Pokemon, Mario, Monster Hunter, Kirby, etc.

The Vita isn't really that powerful.


I'll bite.

1. What makes it not a great console?

2. What makes it so that magically other console don't exist?

The problem with the switch is that it's lacking in battery life and it's too big to fit into a pocket. If nintendo just released a smaller, 5 inch version of the switch next year instead of releasing a new handheld entirely, that'll be the time when Nintendo can finally start killing off the 3DS.

Wasn't everyone shilling that the 3DS and the Switch had the same battery life when that argument was brought up

You're right, they'll just "conviently" stop supporting the DS line, and will only support the Switch line.

Maybe the original 3DS, but the newer ones have noticably better battery life compared to the switch.

"Playstation 3" like visuals are enough to fool most gamers.

>is NOT replacing the 3ds (Gameboy line)
Holy shit, this line is doubly funny because they said the DS wasn't replacing the Gameboy series.
And look how that turned out.

Couldn't afford a switch?

It's also funny how Nintendo stated that the NX wasnt going to replace the 3DS and Wii U and Nintendo killed off the Wii U conveniently right before the Switch's launch

no shit, not when the 1.2 update for BOTW now drains the battery much faster, you can now only get about 1.5hrs in portable mode.

bullshit. gonna sit in goron city max brightness and wifi on. There's no way a patch would make the game draw so much more battery that you lose 45 minutes of play


Will restamp at 2% til then I'm gonna play doom


>people STILL think that the Switch won't replace 3DS
They're going to support the 3DS for another year and a half or so and then focus on the switch full time. The New 2DS is the final hardware revision and by 2019 you'll be seeing games for Switch by Game Freak and Camelot and Nintendo SPD #1 and all those guys. Intelligent Systems is already moving over early with the next mainline fire emblem getting ready for switch.

I'm thrilled you're trying to prove it, I've heard it from a few people that own the Switch but haven't witnessed it myself.

>SMT moving over
>FE moving over
>Pokémon moving over based on Gamefreak job hires
Oh the tears of deluded 3DSfags

>no menu music
>no eshop music
>eshop is limited in searching for games, doesn't show you all games
>can't turn off console unless you press the literal off button on the console
>still no folders to organize games
>no internet browser
>no Miiverse
>kickstand needs to be stronger
>no netflix

Looking at their E3, yeah the Switch is replacing the 3DS.

>can't switch off console unless you switch it off
What the fuck? How is this a problem?

The 3DS literally has no major Nintendo games planned for it. They will keep putting out shovelware for the next year or so just like they do for all handhelds when the successor comes out, to capitalize on the 3DS only owners who have nothing else to buy.

Do you have any control over the home layout like 3DS or are you stuck with the giant icons that can display 4 games at most.

Except the DS has a port to play GBA games. The Switch is not compatible with the 3DS games so it's not the same

However long it lasts I don't think will be indicative of real time either. I doubt people will be using max brightness or volume all the time when using it undocked. Plus I'm in an area with a ton of moving objects, particles, bloom, distorted air from the volcano heat. Most areas in the game aren't this demanding so it should drain battery faster than regular play on the great plateau or any random field fighting bokoblins.

so let's add ~10 minutes to your time

>>can't turn off console unless you press the literal off button on the console
>>no menu music
>>no eshop music
>>no internet browser
>>no netflix
>>no netflix

>sonyggérs consider these console-killing downfalls
>sonyggérs are so used to paying $60 + tip for movies that they consider "no netflix" a crippling flaw
Enjoy the extra (you)s friend, (you) earned it.

It uses battery and it turns on to anything.

You can't edit the layout at all. It's similar in to the PS4 in that the most recently used is on the left.


So just press and hold the button? Mate it ain't that hard. You ever have a smartphone?

>Ever Oasis
Good enough, been looking forward to Ever Oasis since last year and I'm always ready for some Kirby. And you know they're going to have a couple games in 2018 as the 3DS's sendoff. They won't let it die without a couple more first party games.

>By that time, the Switch will be old news and they'll be already well underway in the Switch's replacement.

Two years from now? Definitely not.

Nintendo also said that the DS wasn't replacing the Game Boy.

>They won't let it die without a couple more first party games.
What major first parties are you expecting it to get? All studios are working on Switch games and the 3DS is too weak for a cross port.

The WiiU and Wii let you turn it off with just the controller. You ever have a WiiU or Wii?

The Switch is not a successor to the 3DS with paid online and a $300 price tag

And if you think the next Pokemon game is coming to Switch prepare to be disappointed

The DS had a slot to play Gameboy games and the Switch isnt compatible with the 3DS. Of course the Gameboy would die when it became obsolete

It also happens that they are not hand held


so far i've been losing 2% every 3 minutes quite consistently which is pointing at 150 minutes or 2 1/2 hours but that'll probably change after the 50% mark

9:47 98% paused
9:52 96% unpaused
9:55 94% unpaused
9:58 92% unpaused
10:01 90% unpaused
10:04 88% unpaused

It absolutely has replaced the 3DS
Nintendo had consolidate their dual hardware product line for it to be a success and with literally every developer they have on the Switch, and the fact that it is portable, no one not even the piggies in Japan are gonna buy another handheld with the same software. Switch will be killed prematurely by Nintendo anyway as with every other system they created.

Nintendo said the same about the DS that it isn't gonna replace the Gameboy

>prepare to be dissapointed
>Gamefreak hiring modellers with experience on Wii U-level models to work on a well known RPG series
>the unused walking and running animations that will not run on the 3DS
>Gamefreak already said they are making something for the switch

Nah mate you'll be the one who is dissapointed

>controllers aren't handheld
>can't be assed to include a basic function in the past decade

not bad, that was the original time if I remember correctly

I don't understand the lack of miiverse, they created the perfect little ecosystem for users to post about their game activities and it still is very active, kinda of shocking that they just threw that under the bus so soon.

No way to know, but here's a couple guesses
-Pokemon sequels/remakes (not as unlikely as you think)
-2D Metroid (the studio that makes it literally has done jack shit for anything but the 3DS for years and they haven't made an action game since 2010)
that's all i got but hey it's not like they're just going to release nothing at all for 3DS next year

>controllers aren't handheld
>can't be assed to include feature
user no portable manufacturer has that feature, ever. Why should they include one? Sleep mode is far more preferable for portables than power off. By the way in the dock once you off the TV it is in sleep mode already.

couldn't moderate drawings

I loved the art so much. There are so many great artists on it. The miiverse tie-in to games was really great too.

>Always on console

>Pokemon sequels/remakes
If it's a remake I want it to be for Pokemon Colosseum.

>generations have literally never been split between two systems
>BW2 came out on DS when the 3DS was alive and well
>production for the next game most likely started years ago
>Nintendo plans to sell 6 million 3DS' this year
>repeatedly says they will be supporting the 3DS until 2018 at least

Sure my mans

It's both. You're probably right about 2 years left for 3DS but then we're going to see Switch Mini or some shit.

they pretty much want you to be taking those miiverse conversations to real social media so people see you having fun with their console

The text posts are shitpost central. The only community that seems to do its job properly is Pokemon with trade requests.
Art's decent though.

Switch won't replace 3DS until it gets an exclusive monhun

I see this all the time with Nintendo, they'll hold these major events and only invite press and twitter stars, they think that, that is the best way to get the message out instead of y'know opening it up to the public.

What community is that for?

>people legitimately think a console with paid online and 3 hours of battery life is going to replace the 3ds

>3 hour battery life
Just like the 3DS!

>back at the barnyard fan
First of all, shit taste.
Second, that kid is destined to grow up into a furry.

None of these are as concrete proof as mine. You really are deluded are you?

Also there are 2 gens on the 3DS already

Nintendo has already learned there lesson. They're not going to maintain two separate platforms with their own software libraries. It splits resources and saps profits. It's much more likely they'll release a mini switch for pure portability down the line. The 3DS still has some life left so they can wait out a mini until the tech gets better. In fact I could see a staggered release schedule happening for future consoles where Nintendo releases the main platform and then a more portable version later. Consumer's are already getting used to multiple hardware releases in a single generation with different levels of power.


maybe if you're playing monhun online with the 3d on and the screen brightness on max

Looks like New Super Luigi U, which is extremely cancerous and shouldn't be grouped with the rest of Miiverse.
I remember Rune Factory 4 and Paper Jam's communities being average, nothing bad, just kids/teens playing games and commenting on in-game screenshots.

The 3DS could play DS games. Can the Switch play 3DS games

>none of these are concrete proof
There has never, in 20 years of the franchise, been a generation that started on one system and ended on the other. Generation 7 has only had one game, and the next games have a 90% chance of already being Generation 7 as well. Again, people complained that BW2 was on the DS when the 3DS was already out.

But sure, nothing is as concrete as unused content in a pokemon game, we certainly havent had that before.

your taste is shit

No it cant

Yeah, that was the DS, not the 3DS which had a hard start up.

Because people don't want another Pii U, retard.

Do you actually believe that low-res chibi shit is actually expensive to make? the 3ds is the perfect platform to make tons of profit with low budget/effort games.

3DS will stick around for a year
Just like the DS
Just like the GBA
Just like the GBC

>doesn't show you all games
Yes it does. If you scroll all the way down on the recent releases screen, you can see the option to view everything.
>can't turn off console unless you press the literal off button on the console
If you hold the Home button, you can put it into sleep mode.

gamexplain in a less intense area saw 2 1/2 and currently sitting at 48% battery remaining after 1 hour and 18 minutes have passed. I'm gonna call the prediction 2 hours and 15 minutes for maxed out botw as of now, but will keep updating

>it's a portable console
So... a handheld?

cool, well that's good to know it hasn't really messed with the battery