He bought a 1050 Ti

>he bought a 1050 Ti

1050 TI is 1080p/60fps on 'medium' settings in every modern game, 6gb 1060 is 1080p/60fps on 'ultra' in every modern game

It just depends on if you really want those shadows and HBAO or not

Some say the GTX1070/GTX1080 aren't worth it and there's better alternatives.

still using a 650 ti

wonna fite?

Its the fact that the 470 performs a lot better than the 1050ti for only around $10-20 more. Literally no reason to buy the 1050ti when the 470 exists.

tfw gtx 970

Or the 1060. 1050 Ti is retard tier.

>running games on medium
What the fuck
Go back to PS4 faggot


Which isn't even directX 12 or vulkan compatible

Both of those are meme APIs