What's the Sup Forumserdict?

what's the Sup Forumserdict?

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It's Monster Hunter

Unoriginal shit for an underpowered system.
10/10 - Famitsu

it's filler because they cancelled the next mainline title which was going to use UE4. ignore it and wait for the next numbered title.

Yep. I put like 85 hours into MH4U, bought this one and felt like an idiot for buying the same game twice.

Monster Hunter made to trigger actual casuals from the series unable to adapt to new content, and unable to ignore mechanics that anyone can ignore and pretend they dont exist.

No G Rank/10

what are Sup Forums's thoughts on MonHun Stories?

>85 hours

cute game but it sort of blends in with mediocrity when you have so many better jrpg options on the 3ds