How the fuck did they manage to lock down so few good exclusives?

How the fuck did they manage to lock down so few good exclusives?



because it has backwards compatibility.
thats what gamers want, right? they dont care about new games, they care about playing the previous generation games on a next gen system.

What are some good games worth playing on back compat? I don't even remember the 360 having that many good exclusives aside from Halo and Gears.

If you think that's bad just wait until you find out what they're planning with Scorpio

they actually think Hololens is going to be a USP that will rival VR... since VR has been SUCH A BIG SUCCESS lmao

Microsoft is going to concede defeat when Scorpio fails, but they have major backing to keep it going from alphabet agencies who want to spy on and collect info on young Americans

Eventually you will see MS try to fight Steam more directly... expect more Polygon (MS funded "gaming news" site) hit pieces on Steam and how Steam is so awful as MS readies a proper Windows game platform competitor


Don't pretend Killer Instinct doesn't exist, you fuck-off.

Red Dead Redemption comes to mind.

They don't have to be 360 exclusives, just console exclusives.

Because Microsoft is ran by crackheads who really REALLY want people to use Windows 10.

skate 3
fable 2
dark souls
left 4 dead
most of it is old multiplats

No idea, they were doing so well at the start of the 7th gen. They really screwed up with the start of the Xbox One with always only and other issues before backpedaling. The were recovering but cancellations and the Scorpio is a bit worrying.

Guys I noticed something on my X1's browser. When I type in a website it'll complete it for me (even porn sites) except for one : Sup Forums. They must not like this place lul.

I still can't fathom how they looked at the original Xbone and said, "yeah this will sell"

How do you know this stuff? Are you an insider or something

I think Windows killed Xbox without MS realizing what they've done.

Scorpio's specs are nothing short of amazing but the marketing is one of the weakest links in MS's strategy.

kys mm

It was the same thing that happened to Sony with the PS3 and the same thing that happened to Nintendo with the N64

I assume the bone is for people who like halo and madden.

It's unfortunate because I genuinely prefer it as a system over the PS4, coming from someone with every system and a high-end PC. The exclusives it does have are PC multiplats, and the ones that aren't don't matter for shit.

It didn't have to be like this.

>Windows killed Xbox
Windows 10 didn't kill shit, Windows 10 gaming is a failure. You want proof just look at the population numbers of Gears 4 for both Xbox One and Windows 10. In the Xbox version you can find a game just like that, on Windows 10 you can barely find a game.


Idk I was going for an ironic version of "r we cool yet guys?" who wear V for Vendetta masks.


They thought of it as a home theater device first and a game system second, hence all the emphasis on TV.


I have all 3 hooked up and a gaming PC and the Xbone falls last on my list.

The UI sucks (Blades forever)
The console design is big and ugly
No 1st party support
3rd party support is just the major shit everyone else gets
Microsoft keeps canceling projects left and right

There's not a single damn good thing about it.

If they wanted it to be a home theatre system then why did they announce it at E3? Also baffling is why they would expect people to just lie down and accept the anti consumer bullshit they pushed.

Arrogance is a funny thing in hardware developers.

I'm glad you're enjoying your PS4 user, now please leave us lowly xboners alone

They announced it a bit before E3. And people are stupid.

Yes. Otherwise remasters wouldn't be a thing.

That's why I said "as a system." In reality, you're right, it's missing the one thing a console needs: fucking games. But everything else about it, top to bottom, is a better experience than the competition. I absolutely hate everything about the PS4 except for the fact that it actually has games and exclusives I enjoy. Compared to the Xbox, the UI is fucking garbage that is an absolute pain in the ass to navigate. I won't deny that OG 360 blades is better (especially compared to ads being plastered all over the place, which is considered standard on every platform now), but current Xbone UI is way better than the PS4 could ever hope to be. The Xbone controller is also miles better than the Dualshock 4 in so many regards (battery life is my personal go-to, but I also prefer the general ergonomics as well).

I love actually using my Xbone, I just hate the fact that I have literally nothing worth my time playing on it that isn't a multiplat that I could be playing on my PC (other than, at the moment, Injustice 2).

>I don't even remember the 360 having that many good exclusives aside from Halo and Gears.
I literally bought a 360 for Dead Rising
I'm so glad I did

>he thinks Windows 10 gaming is popular

> accept the anti consumer bullshit they pushed.

to be hair, customers voted for paid online. just like people vote for tax increases.

gears is on PC now, so you can scratch that off the list

Paid online is entirely different from required daily server contact, limiting sharing of games, and all the other shit they tried. Anybody got a list of the things MS attempted?

1st parties are shit or gone
3rd party contract don't exist

I just picked up Catherine and Oblivion during the last sale

If you've got a PC from the last 4 years you should be able to run Oblivion with mods. It's barely worth playing without them.

Catherine is some good shit though, good on you.

>Compared to the Xbox, the UI is fucking garbage that is an absolute pain in the ass to navigate.

That's nice but I have already played those games and still own them

Not OP see and

XBOX Game Pass looks good though

>What if we took XMB and made it fucking garbage?

I remember Angry Joe having a rundown of it in his rant videos.

>That was the first time he was really angry.