Choose your summon

choose your summon

Can I not?

If you don't choose Wumf you don't know SHIT about video games

Chompuster, easy

Pick up to 2

You should.

Sword and shield


Absence of God

just shield

I pick 2 Great Axes.

Wumf looks the most useful, Mellowurt second, Shpinesnuckle third.

Chompuster is a trap, we dont know what bad guy's Wiggle is, and it only works on 1 and 2 out of 5. TLDR
>Instant Death working ever.

Why did gamefreak do this? Lives, Blast, Fast, Muscle, and Guard were fine

hows it goin felix colgrave

Posting the superior monster.

Shield Scorpion got its ass whooped in the final round, don't even pretend

>he doesn't even know of Shield Scorpion's Alt Evolution

Punished Shield Scorpion got BTFO too,unless there's one I don't know about.

Fucker has a knife and can one shot both wumf and mellowurst

Anyone who doesn't main wumf is an actual retard.

Fucker gets one shot by chompuster
Fuck off

There is. Give me a second to find it.

Both mellowurst and wumf die instantly to Chompuster, but Chompuster isn't strong enough to take on Shpinesnuckle.

Shpinesnuckle and mellowurst seem to go fairly even, but a good Wumf can probably beat a Shpinesnuckle pretty easily, considering hes so much faster and has relatively similar offensive capability. Wumf vs Mellowurst seems fairly even as well.

I'm gonna bet it all on Chompuster. Just look at him!

Are you talking about this one?

>pick Wumf
>rival picks Chompuster
>Chompuster one shots you in the first battle
This game is busted

faggots shpinesnuckle is top tier youre all fucking gay

Nope, there exists yet another evolution.

but what if you raise your wumf to be pious and kind to everyone
then he's not bad guy so he cant get killed by chompuster

Then there is no fight...

speech checks confirmed god tier
checkmate atheists

Two shields pls.

Doesnt count



The only option.

If you don't pick Wumf you're a fag

But what type are Chompuster and Wumf?

>not picking muscle type

Here do a new Competitor

why tho

Wiggle is fucking useless and anyone picking summons for their Wiggle levels is fucking stupid.

Found the Chompuster main.

Mellowurst > Chompuster > Shpinesnuckle > Wumf > Nohggly


Chompster is just for shitters who need free wins against people who want to play the fucking game, instakill mechanics are always so fucking shitty

Chompster can only defeat 2 out of 5 of the characters.

Tell that to Chompster mains who gimp themselves because they can't win normally

Should've specced into Wiggle my dude.

What's with all the Chompster hate?


he has a fucking knife

That would compel a liking of Chompster so they get the very special privilege of not getting stabbed a whole bunch.

then gets destroyed by Shpinesnuckle, did you even play this game?

Chompuster has fucking 5 Scuttle, how can Shpinesnuckle keep up?

>less smoosh, less bwarf, and is constantly losing health as Shpine heals hims self
>"surely I will win because of my scuttle"

>Sphine only heals against bad guys
>bad is completely subjective
>Chompuster is clearly not called "bad guy"
>implying a slight +1 or +2 in smoosh and bwarf is enough to close the +3 gap in scuttle

Also that match was rigged and you know it.

The match wasn't rigged, the poison mechanic was just fucked and OP as all hell

t. Tourney Organizer

Dragons aren't poisonous, not even if they are girls. Clearly the use of illegal narcotics or something of that sorts.
Also make a new tourney you bastard

I've been wanting to do another one at some point but It'd need enough interest to actually garner enough monsters to do a decent one, if I just make another /quest/ thread it'd barely get any attention

I've also been learning to program in my spare time so I might be able to cook up a better more balanced battle system that's less limited in options than OCRRPGCE

chompuster is the best by far

There are a bunch of monsters in the wikia though. I'd imagine if you'd make a thread on Sup Forums you might be able to get enough momentum especially if you did some OCRRPGCE matches.

Good Tier

Shit Tier

>not playing the meta

The Floor is quite literally incapable of ever winning, it could last a long ass time but eventually literally anything will beat it, making it the lowest tier, or ironically enough, the floor of tiers.

>when people hate on based chompuster

They wanted to fulfill the latter part of their name.

Anti-Chompusters pls go

They all look like shit

>dies instantly to Chompuster

Chompuster is OP as fuck, he invalidates half the roster with his Sparkle, and he can outscuttle Shpinesnuckle.

I can't wait for the Chompuster vs Chompuster meta.

>he doesn't know about the evolutions

No u

>tfw keep reading Chompuster as cumdumpster

help me





How would this be statted?

The meta is saved.

Chompuster instantly kills both Wumf and Mellowurst and his scuttle difference over Shpinesnuckle fucks him up too. It's not even a fucking debate.