Why the fuck is every god damn enemy in this game either a Bokoblin or a Lizalfos?

why the fuck is every god damn enemy in this game either a Bokoblin or a Lizalfos?

Where the fuck are the Dark Nuts? Poes? Redeads?


Also why are the Hinox pigs? That just makes the bare bones Enemy variety feel even smaller

Waah waah they're not rehashing and pandering to MY nostalgia ENOUGH! WHY ISN'T EVERYTHING EXACTLY THE SAME AS WHEN I WAS 12?

Here's a pile of rocks. Let's recolor these rocks and call it four unique bosses.

>why the fuck is every god damn enemy in this game either a Bokoblin or a Lizalfos?
>posts a picture of Hinox

fighting Dank Nuts was one of the best parts of Wind Waker. You actually felt like you were in a sword fight, although its a shame that fighting Dark Nuts usually just amounts to hitting the "I win" button

Lynels > Dark Nuts any day of the week.

That is the fatal flaw of this game. The world is large, seamless, and beautiful, however the actual situations you encounter are very limited.

All the stables are basically the same. Every stable has a shrine near it. All the shrines have the exact same tileset. At least in Skyrim you might go into a cave and at the bottom of that cave there will be a crack in the wall that will lead you to an even deeper cave, but no...there are no deep dungeons in this game.

The monsters are very limited and all you do is fight reskins of the same handful of monsters. Once you figure out the best method for dealing with a kind of monster or camp, that's how you always handle every monster from then on.

Korok seed puzzles? How many times do you have to 'complete the circle of rocks' or 'shoot the balloons'

This game is repetitive as fuck

There are also labyrinths to explore, an island that takes away all your gear, and the four main bosses. There's a fair amount, it's mostly the random camps that feel the same

>The black Hinoxes throw explosive barrels when you are too high up
That was a pretty cool nod imo, if they're gonna do another variant for hard mode, they should throw explosive barrels more often.

not putting redeads was a huge miss

Who is the best Link and why is it bondage Link?

But rubber set is bondage Link, that's just Luchalink

What else you got other than Lynels?

Ran out of steam that quick?

What else did Wind Waker have other than Dark Nuts?

El Link Calavera is the best link but Knight Link is pretty cool too.

Breath of the recolors

Knight Link is only good when used with any earrings, the hood or the diamond circlet, the knight helmet is shit. Thankfully the set has no bonus and the amber earrings offer just as much protection as the helm so it's not like you're sacrificing anything for better aesthetics.

Not that user you replied to, but:
Stalfos (Not those shitty reskins, unique enemies with their own mechanics) Mothulas, Floor/Wallmasters (Ironic they're not in the Labyrinths to fuck you over), Redeads/Gibdos, Armos and its larger variant, I think you know where I'm going with this

Also no Big Octos near the sea's edge as minibosses.

They put a lot more effort into the freedom and the world so they decided it was acceptable to skimp on enemy variety. It's still pretty decent for an open world game

It's true that the rubber suit is the best apart from the silly hat.

When the stone tablets in Zora's Domain mentioned how Sidon had been swallowed by a giant Octorock causing havoc in Hateno Bay I was certain I had to find it and kill it to reclaim the trident from the story. Passed a good many hours scourging all around Hateno beach and using ice pillars to explore as much of the sea as possible, even waited for rain thinking maybe its appearance was weather-related. Kinda sad it didn't exist, but I can't say I didn't have fun looking for it. Also found quite a few treasure chests and fishes.

Lack of enemy variety really pissed me off about this game.

To be fair one enemy from BotW can have more combat variety than 5 from any other Zelda, impressive enemies like Lynels are actually the ones with limited attacks compared to Bokoblins and Lizalfos.

Fuck I had the same idea when I read it but completely forgot about it during the Ruta quest and just remembered that from your post, it truly seemed like the logical thing to do.

Traditional Zelda enemies are designed to be threatening in closed quarters, they wouldn't work in an open world. How the fuck is a redead going to be threatening in an open field? So Nintendo chose to make a few incredibly detailed flexible enemies instead.

Redeads would have been great enemies for Hyrule Castle, Like Likes could have fit perfectly with the weapon system.

There's definitely going to be new enemies on the winter DLC right? Should I just expect the same old guys and just a new boss?

>just a new boss
Earthblight Ganon

Who knows user, it could go from a simple bunch of shrines and some lazy side story, to a whole new area with enemies and a different protagonist.

Nah, the Winter DLC will just be an additional 12 shrines to fill in the three missing upgrades. Four of them will be combat and four blessings, the other four will be new puzzles.

I don't think that would really work given the plot and the need to make it function on clear files.

I think they designed themselves into a corner a bit with the weapon system.

There need to be weapon-wielding enemies everywhere because of the durability system, so the player could replenish their weapons, and each of those enemies needed movesets for all 4 weapon types.

There probably could've been more enemies if they'd made them less complicated, like they were in previous Zeldas. I'm not sure whether the tradeoff was worth it.

>however the actual situations you encounter are very limited
no they fucking aren't

eventide isn't like trial of thunder which isn't like making your way through the lost woods which isn't like freeing naydra from corruption which isn't like taming a giant fucking horse which isn't like playing one of the 15+ minigames which isn't like solving one of kass riddles etc etc

of course if you ignore every instance of varied gameplay to focus on the fact shrines look the same it might seem like you have a point and aren't just mindlessly shitposting

You can still fight Ganon on clear files.

>++++++Weapon drops

But my point is you've finished the story already. Inserting an optional retroactive step in the main quest would be quite silly. It would also require retconning or ditching the existing main story to allow for a fifth divine beast. Easier to just let Cia open a portal to this game and stalk another Link.

None of those things would be nesiccary. Also, you are taking a joke way too seriously.

>Implying the DLC won't be an alternate reality where you win against Ganon with the Champions and everyone being mad at Nintendo

They did say a "brand new story"

Is everyone being mad part of the AU or is everyone mad because they got a new story with a different cast of characters?

>5 hour long fight

Is there any headwear with long hair or should I settle for the ancient bucket?

>Let's recolor these rocks and call it four unique bosses.
Why do you repost this all the time? It's not even what they did.

Ancient hat has the longest hair. The rest are either hidden under hats or obviously based on the default length.

Damn shame, ancient has the best hair but the helmet sucks.

>call it four unique bosses
The game doesn't do this. They're one and the same creature but in different environments.

I want them to add more enemies in the dlc but I hope if they do that it wasn't their plan all along to withhold content

>withhold content for more than six months
That's not how development works. It's throwing money away because there will always be fewer willing buyers the further away you move from release. If there are new enemies, they will have made them in the intervening period, though planning would probably have started beforehand.