WHAT IS THE GREATEST BLOODBORNE WEAPON and why is it the boom hammer.. also fuck Marty logarius

WHAT IS THE GREATEST BLOODBORNE WEAPON and why is it the boom hammer.. also fuck Marty logarius

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Saw cleaver.

ludwigs is the only answer

>lets make a character thats kinda cool but make his fight cringeworthy edgy by having him literally shoot skulls

>Let's make sure he always keeps his back against the wall so the player can't backstab him

>Muh edgy
He's literally stopping people from joining a cult of vampire katana wielding edgelords

fuck off

>Marty logarius
lol here's me fighting him, first try ever, blind @bl43


he's piss 2bh



If bloodborne 2 happens. What kind of weapons will we get to start with


Saw Cleaver
Hunter's Axe
Threaded Cane

1 each of Strength/Skill/Quality just like Bloodborne 1, except they'll add a Bloodtinge weapon + Arcane weapon from the start.

>not wanting to purge Vile Blood filth

Post a better looking hunter.


>Not posting your characters bra size.

Fucking pleb

i just max out the chest stat 2bh

That's not the Threaded Cane.

>He wants a weapon that goes well with his fedora

it was an awesome weapon, but it basically didn't scale so I went with other cool weapons

Saw Spear.


Close thread.

>tfw fucking love the boom hammer but its damage blows
Why would they make the coolest weapon so weak

Just buff it all the time nigga

That's not the Church Pick.

Well no shit, but for some reason they made buffed swings eat like triple stamina, and it takes time
I don't know what they were thinking



I loved this thing, the holy moonlight sword, ludwigs sword, and tonitrus. Also beast cutter.

Really sucks how late you get this. All the weapons I liked sucked and I didn't enjoy BB as much as I thought I would. Gem system sucked ass too.



This thing was just too damn sexy. Its just so visually satisfying. Easily the best moonlight sword they've made.

Yeah, its a fun weapon, but the extra stamina cost on swings does kill it for me
The Wheel however...

bloodborne looks so fucking incredible with hud disabled. just looks fucking grandiose senpai

miyazaki is literally the best video game director we have today hands down. just LOOK at that shit, jesus fucking CHRIST

Recently tried a bloodtinge build for the first time so I rushed chikage. Then I finally got ahold of this bad boy and never looked back. I'm in fucking love with the tricked moveset.

My nigga

That isn't the wheel, OP.

Also acceptable would have been the church pick.

>Not pizza cutter
Neck yourself

Talk about the cheesiest weapon pun intended

I've played through Bloodborne dozens of times and gotten the platinum, stop making me want to go back to it yet again please

Bet you didn't get it in 10 days.

I've never seen this '10 day platinum' poster. Are you the same guy who keeps mentioning him?

Chicago almost made me drop a bloodtinge build just because it felt so mundane compared to almost any other Bloodborne weapon but the Bloodletter renewed my fucking faith. Such a great weapon.

Have you tried the bow blade? Great fun

>boom hammer
>not blade of mercy

Crow Hunters for LIFE. Eileen best girl outside of the doll and Adella.

>have to murder best crow to get the BoM early
It's a hard decision to make

>tfw bowblade on Amygdala
It feels unfair, really.

Doll mirin' in the background.

Saif is Laif

Allow me to show you what unfair really looks like when fighting Amy:

>Really sucks how late you get this
That's a bit of an understatement, You get it literally at the end of the game making it essentially useless in NG+ unless you immediately bump it up to +8 or higher


This has always been a problem with the souls games. I suppose they overlook it and just think people will prioritise PvP, but it's still irritating. Though to be fair, getting a weapon to +8 for NG+ shouldn't be a problem for anyone by that point.

>tfw beast rune makes these worse
So disappointing

>reiterpalsch + loch shield + clawmark runes

fun times

That's how a lot of games are in general though. You need awesome shit to find or obtain later in the game, right? It's true that they could've given you some more weapons earlier on but Old Hunters mostly fixed this.

I like the altered move set for the Beast Claw. The jump attack is great when used correctly, and an infinite beast Roar can be handy. Although that constant hissing can get annoying as shit.

It's a problem primarily with Bloodborne more than others due to the lack of weapon variety, however. Making an ARC or blood build was a pain in the ass since the only usable weapon was the chikage and as for ARC and blood gems? You'd have had to do chalice dungeons early.
Old hunters as you say helped this somewhat, but doing that early on and killing ludwig, experiments and maria (for lightning gems) or simon (for bowblade) is quite tough

Why not go for the viscerals?

Preach brother!

Visceral damage scales with skill, this is an ARC build.

what the fuck, did they reduce the charge time on the driver boom?


>not the top hat
You're not my nigga.

I'll have you know, the master's bucket helm the best helmet.

These guys are cool and know their shit.

>unironically using the eternal noobsword

I'm partial to the Beak Mask.

>not the blindfold cap

Midir reference? From confirmed for bros

>not using almost every weapon in the game

You need help.

You have no idea...

Get on my level of autism m8

>He's literally stopping people from joining a cult of vampire katana wielding edgelords
he was part of a baby eating cult.The ''holy'' church was not holy at all

>not using a giant sword in a Miyazaki game
>actually depriving yourself of the best representation of the Holy Moonlight Sword because Sup Forums makes fun of it

I gemmed two (2) characters like , but even I won't touch off-shape Blt farming.

Not least because Blt weapons are OP enough without autism gems.

Where do you get those levels of gems?

Not him, but what? How is ludwigs the best representation of the holy moonlight sword with a sword in the game literally name "holy moonlight sword" ???

>muh cute
it's all about the 3dge

I made characters for every build, but barely used them. I think in the end, it was the chase, not the destination that I wanted. 32% thrust gems and particular ARC gems were a pain in the ass. Didn't really have a problem with STR scaling since HBLB was never really that tough for me, strangely.

>actually depriving yourself of the most boring possible way to play, since you're not an eternal noob
Also: this


BLB is one of the most predictable bosses in the dungeons imo, and it baffles me that so many people have so much trouble with him.

Ludwig's is fast and cool looking to use. And that L2 combo is so satisfying.

But it's still a boring Dark Souls long sword that transforms into a boring Dark Souls greatsword

>overrated album
>overrated weapon
>overrated covenant

fuck you and your shitty wheel


So... who Rakuyo here?

Bye thanks for playing.


I use it on my trap SKL qt, along with reiter

>not being covered in blood while taking the screenshot

Tell that to the autist in one of the BB threads last week, that unironically accused everyone not dying at least 10 times to BLB of using guides and videos for help.


Why the fuck would you want korean gems if you only play offline?

The first line was about Ludwig's, the second was about the Holy Moonlight Sword, since both get shit on

>best melee weapon class in history
>firing waves of eldritch moonlight from the tip of your blade

Preordered yours yet Sup Forums?

Get on my level, scrub.

>That hair

These two know what the fucks up
>flexible untransformed set
>transformed stagger ability is quick and good setup
>transformation attack always catches niggas off guard
>serrated AND blessed, pretty sure it's the only one in the game