How would you fix Bayonetta? And 2
How would you fix Bayonetta? And 2
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for 1
less qte, more difference in moveset between weapons
No lag. It really ruins the experience.
As for 2, it's pretty fucking good, just wish I could play Balder and Rodin in story so I could fuck around with their combos.
Remove instant death qte's and mini games. Fuck Route 666 and the missile ride. Angel Attack can stay. Shame they removed it in 2
Bosses I can actually use the depth of combat on. Bosses are just fun as set pieces to kill once but shit compared to the fun of just fighting regular enemies, barring Jeanne.
Angel Slayer > everything else in the game because you just get to fight.
by slapping this on the cover
is bayonetta playable with mouse and keyboard? i have a controller but the RB button doesnt work half the time
That shit would be so hype.
Yes but don't.
Get another controller instead of diminishing some of the best combat in all of gaming.
Have a few combos that do unique things, rather than hundreds that all feel the same.
Let me spend more time fighting and less time doing Demon QTEs
Give me more chances to affect what enemies are doing instead of just button mashing until it's time to dodge.
it's possible easily, until you get to route 666 which turns to shit on controls
mouse is preferred for angel attack makes that shit thousands of times easier.
learn more about dodge offset and pure platinum runs that shit will drive you crazy
Agreed, if only because it means Kamiya would be able to fuck with the series again.
>5 hour long QTE finishing animations
How cinematic
>Give me more chances to affect what enemies are doing instead of just button mashing until it's time to dodge.
My dude really? Aerial juggling is where this game excels.
Can you give me some tips? The only combos I really remember are PKP, PPKK, and PPPPP.
You can parry and taunt though.
You can even use bat within or regular witch time to take care of enemies however you want
you barely even need to press RB
>Throw them both in the bin
>Pick up Devil May Cry 1-4
You can thank me later user
This for every kind of offset it will explain everything from dodge, taunt, forms, and accessory offsets and show you how to put them together in example.
This video for pure platinum breakdown, everything from combo types, point values, how to calculate medal values, and tips.
Watch both of these entirely, repeat and take notes if you have to, these will drastically improve your understanding of the game.
Go on youtube and watch yoshesque's videos.
Remove the scoring system in meme levels
Give crafting/items some kind of actual use possibly. I mean you have a pretty cool little crafting system but no one ever uses it because consumables are so worthless and go against your score
I also feel as though people are over-exaggerating the QTE sections since this game was released on PC
These would be cool
pls don't shitpost in an actual video game thread there's like 50+ threads in the catalog to do that
Make her thiccer
Why are people acting like the qtes are absolute garbage?
They're bullshit, but you only ever fall for them once and the checkpoint literally puts you right before it happens. After that, they're fucking easy to react to. The prompt gives you like a full second of warning before you need to press it.
With the way people here exaggerate about them, it makes me think it's something that actively keeps them from playing the game.
If you're actually going for plat and pure plat runs, failing a qte is a good way to fuck it up. You might as well restart the chapter if you fuck up on it.
I can't imagine any situation where someone good enough at the game to be able to do pure plat runs will fail the qte.
If they do, it's 100% their fault. The qtes are a fucking breeze compared to not taking any damage.
You'd have to be really not paying attention to fuck up QTEs if you're good enough to be attempting pure plat runs.
Have you unlocked the best girl in Bayo 1 yet, Sup Forums?
which one of the accessories should I buy first? should I buy any at all?
Also I suck and keep dying, if I just contiue from the checkpoints is it OK or should I start the level again until I git gud
ignore accessories until you beat the game a couple times and get a better understanding of your base tools.
don't be afraid to chapter select on prior chapters for practice and more halos.
the most annoying part of qtes for me is the unskippable cutscene attached
the other annoying factor is instadeath, but this isn't specific to qte's
for instance in chapter 5 if you fall off the spiral stone path you instantly die, it's easy to do walking, but in second playthrough you'll be using beast form and falling off becomes a lot easier, and just like that the 6 verses you pure plat'd before have to be redone
Selene's Light or Pulley's Butterfly if you're bad at the game.
Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa if you're good at the game.
Umbran Tier:
>Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa, Pulley's Butterfly
High Tier:
>Gaze of Despair, Selene's Light
Mid Tier:
>Bracelet of Time
Situational Tier:
>Evil Harvest Rosary, Eternal Testimony
Shit tier:
>the rest
Of course.
I finished the game easily with KB+M, actually prefer it over controller
almost there
>pure plat on isla del sol nsic
absolute masochism
Should I be using something else besides the Xbox 360 controller? It feels like my dodges are coming out slower than they ought to be.
Bayo 1: Remove QTEs
Bayo 2: Enemies shouldn't fucking block every other attack, especially when you're in Witch Time
Both: Make Dodge Offset's execution a natural outcome. Instead of needing to hold down a button during a dodge, just have Bayo do the followup shots after a melee attack whether you tapped or held, and a dodge whether or not you're holding will be an Offset letting you maintain the combo. This little bit of unnecessary execution was the thing that had put off so many people because the majority never knew that Dodge Offset was so important.
If Dodge Offset didn't need that extra step and instead came naturally, many more people would be able to get into it, and nothing would be taken from the game.
I get that part. But that's more impatience than anything.
And yeah there are some scripted sequences like that spiral stone path that become easier to fuck up if you do it fast. Those are legitimately awful, but thankfully there are very few of those.
I wouldn't equate that to the other insta-kill qtes tho, since it's a whole scripted sequence (one that doesn't expect you to be in panther form) instead of pressing a button.
Shoot with the mouse, move with your gamepad. Only dodge when enemies throw fireballs at you.
That'll lead to a lot of people accidentally continuing a combo when they don't mean to.
They shouldn't force you to have less control over your character.
If you make it an accessory though, that might be a decent compromise.
>make it an accessory
n:a did that, it's a shame the combat in that game is so limited though
Nah, I don't mean the whole dodge offset mechanic being an accessory. I just mean his supposed change to it.
make NSIC the default difficulty. Or remove the witch time that happens from perfect dodging on every lower difficulties by default.
2 pretty much fixes this.
Far more humanoid boss battles.
I'm just going to talk about 2 then since 2 already fixes most of the problems with 1???
My complaints with 2 are a slight lack of boss variety.
Fighting Balder and Aesir 3 times each kind of sucked.
Inferno was too short. The whole game builds up to traveling to Inferno and then it's over in like 2 chapters.
I wanted the Inferno to feel like a fucking ordeal not a excursion.
I think overall 1 actually had more weapons which is kind of odd although I think the quality of them is way better in 2, more would have been nice.
Give it actual level design and an overworld and call it darksiders
I would make it so you can customize your shooting. Shoot button is just your basic gun and it's pretty boring, it's for keeping your combo going and nothing else. Would be nice if it had more functionality and you could use it with other weapons. Everything that was bad in 1 was pretty much fixed in 2.
As for 2's issues, I would remove or heavily remake Umbran Climax, make enemies less shield happy, and overall make the combat a bit less reliant on Witch Time. I would also tie the "save Jeanne" and Aesir plots together, they have almost nothing to do with each other (except Aesir caused Gomorrah to go berserk because reasons that are never explained). And the final boss could have used a bit more hype/build-up, and a third form that isn't a joke fight.
Remove qtes and cutscenes.
Add some fucking enemy variety.
Remove the ugly brown filter.
Get rid of the idiotic story.
I have these two same chapters left too.
Had to speedrun Hard for the time bangle, because I learned how to unlock it only after I platinumed like 2/3 of Normal chapters.
Step 1: Port it to the Switch
Step 2: Done, enjoy your perfect games
Wait what, you can have 2 stones and still get plat all?
Step 3: Hope you enjoy sub 30fps
Step 4: Realize this is a Platinum game and it will be 60 FPS with drops.
I wouldn't put the best fight in the game behind the worst segment of the game.
fuck off qtes
Dodge offsets is going to save you alot of trouble with flaming versions of enemies and harder modes that gives you no access to witch time
Not yet, working towards it though
>DmC DmC
>No quick time events
>Sup Forums hates it
>Platinum games
>Multiple QTEs
>Sup Forums eats it up
>a game is only about one feature
Remove QTE's, mashing segments like in Bayo2 are fine.
Make less WOAH LOOK AT THIS COOL GIANT SET PIECE BOSS BATTLE and more no-nonsense bosses like Jeanne and Balder.
Get better writers, hours of exposition are wasted on a fucking terrible script. Alternatively have a simpler story.
Seriously rework the fucking movelist navigation and have a proper training mode. Bayonetta has like 200 different combo strings which basically more or less do the same shit.
Have a combo meter that works more like DMC's, having to keep the combo from dying is great, but the game is way too ok with you spamming the same wicked weaves.
They are not as overt, but in the end they are QTEs in DmC.
Everybody fucking hates them in Bayonetta and just deals with it and it's not like either games or liked/disliked for that one element you fucking moron.
I like QTEs as much as the next user, but honestly I can't hate them in Bayo. They actually DO ADD something to this game, unlike the others.
>fighting Balder
>he throws a skyscraper at me
>a QTE prompt appears saying "Evade"
>Bayo tilts her head like "why would I do that?"
>she fucking headbutts the skyscraper back at the boss
all is just an average
How the fuck do I map my gamepad to a WiiU gamepad?
Playing bayo2 on Cemu by the sheer force of determination. The sound it's so fucked it's near unplayable but fuck it I really want to play
Shooting in Bayo is pointless, because if you want chip damage while moving it's better to Charge-Modifier your guns through dodges.
Also I think Bayo needs to have her movement retuned. It's extremely stiff.
That's why I think shooting needs to be reworked, it's basically newbie-bait, doesn't do much of anything at all.
whats the point of this thread? its not some game like dota that will get patched and the biggest problem, QTEs, were already removed for 2
What's the point of anything?
We can always talk about her ass and how perfect it is
Why are there suddenly Bayo threads every day here?
You living under a rock or somethin?
pc chucklefucks got their port of a 8 year old game
it doesn't need fixing
That runs 4k 60fps
Cut motorcycle and missile sequence in half. No turret boss fight at all. Final boss not shit.
Her legs/torso ratio needs fixing.
Thank god, I won't have to get missile segment above stone now
you must jerk off to amputee porn
You misunderstood him. The last column just shows the average. You still need to get platinum in every chapter independently to unlock Jeanne.
They're perfect the way they are though?
long legs hnnnnnnnnnnng
a simple restart verse option would be nice so i don't have to quit to title screen and back every time i get hit
fugg, that's so fucking gay
Just because I do it doesn't make Bayo's monstrously long legs look any better.
you need fixing because you're obviously bent
if kamiya got to put dante in bayonetta 3 would he acknowledge the existence of any dmc apart from 1?
It's not that hard, really. The bullets don't track you, so you just have to move around not to get hit. Only spin when you get shot at with fireballs or beams.
Equip the accessory that lets you regenerate two magic orbs and/or buy the golden moon pearl in the arcade game before attempting that level. This way you can always use rockets, and they give you like 30 points each.
Plus you can use the Gaze of Despair to get more combo points when you fight the enemies on the rockets. I don't think it affects enemies in the shooter segments.
What are you talking about? There is only one Devil May Cry game ever made.
Bayo 2 fixed everything about Bayo 1 in my opinion
I barely PP'd the first Jeanne fight after like a hundred tries, I'm too shit to plat Jeanne
You can do it user I believe in you!
>he'd get rid of rueben langdon and bring back drew
fucking imagine
Oh, you're going for PP, not regular Platinum?
Shorten all of her limbs
Give cutscene direction to someone who isn't spanking it 24/7
Add gameplay to create a main game experience that is longer than 2 hours and consists of more than buttonmashing and bad minigames
Remove QTEs
Customizable hairstyles
Nah, I just tried to PP as many of the easier chapters as I could, but I just want to unlock Jeanne for now, (easier levels like prologue, 1-2, 4 (the easy boss))
>Customizable hairstyles
This is the only thing I agree with
> Bayonetta has like 200 different combo strings which basically more or less do the same shit
>Have a few combos that do unique things, rather than hundreds that all feel the same.
Attack strings DO different things.
There are maybe 5 strings that you need for all your needs:
-- simplistic horizonthal PKP for fuck off quickie wicked weave when you don't have magic to conjure tetsuzanko
-- PPKP with vertical upwards launcher
-- mashing either of buttons exclusively ends with flurry -- devastating if you have shotgun on legs
-- PPKKK has downwards vertical weave that pins enemy and then delayed and big vetical weave. Pinning the enemy downards weave is also a special move (that costs magic)
-- PPPKKK has leg sweeps
Arguably -- the only string you need is PPKKK.
A number of string continue each other and then some of them are doubled because they have pause combo.
The simplest pause combo rule is that if you pause and then push P at any place in hit string -- it results in launcher.
And again -- string are not end all, Bayo has a varied arsenal of special moves that work irregardless of hit strings.
>the ass
>not the entire ass/legs/feet area
>My complaints with 2 are a slight lack of boss variety.
While complaints about ALL of the Balder and Loptr encounters feeling samey are justified too many people forget about Robot Laser Bird, Evil Plant Hell Lady and Totally Not A Spider Boss From DMC1.
>Shorten all of her limbs
I want womanlets to live
Long legs are a gift from the heavens