Who else /blackweeb/ here? What games do you play?

Who else /blackweeb/ here? What games do you play?


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He's getting out next year. What games will you recommend him?

MCMICHAEL claimed this post was a joke.

fighting games

>they didnt find my backup ;)

This fucking guy. MADTHAD NO.

>F:\USB\things\don't click\vidya

post it

Anxiously awaiting news on the next Tales game, Waiting for my copies of Gundam Breaker: break Edition and Tekken 7 to arrive. Preordered Warriors All Stars today and looking for to Danger Zone at the end of the month


So how long do you think he can go without getting himself caught again once he's free?

>Madthad went from having waifus to being a waifu

Wonder how prisons changed him

Where were you when Etika made the most rookie mistake of all time?


Literally a felon/sex offender. His selection will be incredibly limited.

What if getting caught was part of his plan?

>obsuce gaming projects by japs
look up the game jack the reaper
it's nice

Why? What does being a pedo have to do with vidya?
Law is stupid sometimes


Do you think he is still weeaboo after being in jail for so long?

I've known a fee black weebs. They were the most weeaboo people I've ever met. Kind of like how gay blacks are the gayest of all gay people. You folks don't do anything half assed it's always all out.

What do think he'll say finding out ghost is back?



90% of black guy gamers

what's with his eyes


i dont think he will be allowed on the net. wasn't him simple going on the net the reason why got sent to jail.

> be black
> play Dragon Ball Z games

I am a literal meme

>McMichael claimed this post was a joke


Watching 2 animes at once.

Honey Serectu

imagine being black lads
I would kill myself ASAP tbqh

>tfw im black have the same problem with my right eye
welp it's time to go to the opticians or wherever they fix eyes now that i know i've been looking like an idiot for 3 years.

no. he got probation or house arrest or some shit, then he taunted the fbi on twitter for not finding his backup hard drive full of cp.

Well, if you're a neet you're essentially a nigger.


Damn, he lived close from me.

Currently finishing up Ace Combat 3 electrosphere.
I'm the middle of Nier's 360 version and Armored Core 4 as well.
I was playing FFVIII and SMT too (I'm currently making my way through both series) but I've taken a break from that.
In the near future I'm gonna be playing Tales of Vesperia along with Vanquish then I'll probably finishup Kingdom Hearts which I haven't touched in a year.

Being black has its advantages

I am bald at 23 but nobody cares
People fear me despite being a neet virgin
(White) People think I'm automatically cool until they hear me talk

If I was alpha I would fuck white sjws and then admit I am right wing

Get an eyepatch

How did they catch him with CP in the first place?

Someone post the transcript


usually they go for distributors/creators, but it's kinda hard to ignore someone boasting that they have a bunch of it on fb of all places

don't any cool ones. the only one i can thik is the auska one but the would probably make me look worse.

I still feel like there's slight cons sometimes.
I mean when it comes to certain social situations it can be a plus, but you often have to pretend you're a different kind of black person to get through those.

I at least don't get trailed in stores anymore so that's a plus.

>MCMICHAEL claimed this post was a joke

he literally posted on fb about fapping to cp and wanting to adopt a daughter and turn her into a fucktoy

Become big boss

What's that game with the down syndrome loli that gets posted every once in a while? It's an eroge I think. I'd tell him to check that out.

>What games do you play?
Only a few cacs play on the Switch

Lets all give a round of applause to agent Blanton for presumably keeping a straight face through all that.

>I was feeling down today but that made me laugh hysterically.

>bragging about fapping to cp on facebook
this nigga too stupid to be alive

They don't call him "MadThad" for nothing.

\things\don't click\cp always gets me

He's gonna become the second coming of CWC once he's outta prison.
>other prisoners ask what he did
>talks about Loli and anime
>gets assraped daily
>Is probably gay now
>Is going to be released into 2018 America and will unleash his autism upon the world.

> not wanting to be the black dude with an eyepatch

Fuck that. Do you even know how to /BLACK/?

This could be you if only you believed.

>any sort of jewelry on teeth i'd rather be thad. minus prison and liking lolis

I hope you aren't joking

He is already out on parole. The first thing the dumbass did when he got out was post on social media.

Pretty sure it's in the transcript that's already been posted.

>black weeb


top kek this guy is such an idiot. he literally only got arrested in the first place because he was boasting on facebook about jerking it to seepee. what a retard

>White weeb makes video about anime
>Black people make video about anime in the same way
Why are black people so much privileged?


They actually let him off with nothing more than a slap on the wrist, he just had to stay off the internet for a few months.

He was arrested within the week after he made this post, like a day after they put him on parole.

I'm playing Fire Emblem Echoes right now.

Staying up all night so I can go to Toys R Us in the morning to get a Switch when they open so I can play the shit out of pic related.


>tfw 26 and my fro still grows
Well at least I get to kick it with the fellas at the barbershop.
I'm a neet virign too

Probably. They segrigate the pedos from the other inmates so they don't get shanked to death on thier first day. I image he made some other pedo friends, some of which are probably also weeabos.

this is what passes for entertainment now? Some nigga screaming at the top of his lungs while pretending to be excited and almost break his chair?

I'd imagine you'd keep a magnet or something near you if you had stuff on your hdd that could make you go to jail for a long time.

>black guy with Afro a virgin in slut filled western countries

A don bilive it, time for a hooker son

>getting a hooker and losing your mana

No way. We gotta stay virgins in order to become the greatest Wizards in America.

Fuck hookers and sluts. They're wastes of time.

>25 year old virgin with no desire for kids or relationship

I suppose I'm too far gone...and I'm ok with that.

Would rather continue the plan of becoming an english teacher in Japan and living the black weeaboo dream.

I'm one too, user. Believe me, we exist.

One eye on the streets, one eye on the titties
