Mfw someone says they like melee near me

>mfw someone says they like melee near me

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Has LA Noir been good? I've dropped the channel after the Dark Souls LP because Matt is human garbage.
I miss Liam.

All of Matt's jokes fall flat, but it's mainly Pat and Woolie talking with him as third wheel.

It's okay. Woolie's at the helm and he has no idea how to play video games but matt and patt's banter has been entertaining.

As is tradition....

Seriously, the last time Matt played Captain or Skipper on a game run was the relatively older punisher game. And he was decent in showing off what it had to offer.

Wish he would do that for games rather than other mediums.

It'd be nice if they did playthroughs of games I can watch.

Then again, last time they did do something I could have watched, watching it was suffering and I dropped it after a bit. The Dark Souls playthrough was unwatchable for me.

>The Punisher playthrough

His argument about the busted controllers which allow nonstandard moves being cheating was surprisingly bulletproof. Woolie had to bow out of the discussion early

Same reason they don't allow you to use bats outside of the spec on baseball. You can make a wood/resin outside hide a center made from rubber and bat much farther than you could with a regular solid bat

It's pretty decent. Woolie's complete incompetence is actually helps the lp this time around and makes it more entertaining since their running people over every other episode.

What busted controllers? Hitboxes? That shit has been standard in the fgc for ages.

Nah, standard Gamecube controllers with an analog-defect that effects snapback, making a certain technique (backdashing, I think) easier to execute which allows for different play strategies.

The only way to do these techniques reliably is with this SPECIFIC defect that only affects 1/50 GC controllers

Listen to the argument in question

For your convenience

>Latest episode
>Woolie literally nearly missing every pedestrian by a hair
>But runs over the suspect
Also Woolie's too impatient when he feels pressured to do something. He hit truth immediately on the bartender without even letting him finish his facial movements. At least he found the knife.

Yeah I'm not watching this.

someone post his wife

At least he's not as fucking insufferable as he was during the NMH2 playthrough. He absolutely ruined that by being a salty faggot.

his personal life is none of my business

I will never not laugh at Woolie's inability to tell right from left. How hard can it be?

Just memorize what you dominant hand is (left or right) and that's it, the other hand is on the side of the other direction

In the entire 20 fucking minute long video he says it maybe 7 times.

Wait, how tall is Pat? Dude looks like low 5s in this pic.

>New LA Noire episode
>"Are you trying to create crimes that you can solve easily?"
Cutting those P5 spoilers real close there, Pat.

What did he do?
I think the worst Woolie's ever been was that Peter Jackson King Kong game where he had absolutely nothing to offer and spent the entire episode rambling about stupid bullshit.
How do you learn directions too late in life?

Like 5'3".

5 foot 2 apparently

Do you think they'll ever bring back the Brawls now that Liam is no longer with them?

>How do you learn directions too late in life?

I just described a trick he could do to not embarrass himself. Unless you mean you're doubting his excuse

The latter

Pat actually gave a reason as to why they don't do Brawls anymore in one of his or Paige's streams. He said that apparently they had a really great episode with Liam in them and he kicked their asses, but they lost all of the footage for it, so every time they think of doing one, they remember that incident and decide against it.

Backdashing doesn't break the game and the community for both games have allowed for modded controllers for ages.
You still need the technical finese to properly use those "broken" controllers. Its no where near cheating.

He's so fucking kawaii
>Tfw no pocket pat bf

FNF officially replaced brawls which sucks because all of them are fucking trash at fighting games and watching them mash in games they don't know how to play is absolutely abysmal. Brawls were so much more varied and it's a real shame.


What has that to do with anything? Liam got bodied in many other games, including FGs

Dude, that's fucking depressing. They were always my favourite because of how much work and time was put into them when compared to the LPs.

I liked the Scrublords format a lot more. Them playing a weekly by-the-books fighter has never interested me much.

He doesn't actually hate melee though, just the competitive scene.

I remember sitting in kindergarden struggling to remember right and left because I thought it worked like North East South West, and I decided that a certain wall was left and I was going to have to remember where that wall was in relation to my current orientation no matter how far away I got.

I'd laugh at him too.

Matt/wife LP starting next week
You didn't hear it from me

Where did I even say the game was good? I stated that Matt did his jerb as a LPer for once there, as compared to his usual lack of impact.

The worst thing about it is the fact that Brawls allow so much more freedom than Fisticuffs. Watching them playing yet another fighting game every week got old a long time ago.
>Matt getting all butthurt that no one liked his shitty Double Dragon week
Basing a week off of a single game series is always a bad idea. Themes are much better. Their Wonderful 101 video made me go back and finish it.

I gotta agree, I cannot WAIT for the homicide desk and all the chances to mess up he will face in that.

Guess I'll just watch the Pat/Paige streams exclusively now if that ever happens.

they need to play psychic force


Well, I mean that's why it's happening.
Everyone loves Paige because she's either an extreme retard or pretty good at games, also she bounces off Pat well and they have good banter.

Now time for no fun serious all the time cunt face to ruin the channel.

I also miss the genuine feeling of competition during the brawls. You could tell each of them wanted to win.
With the Fisticuffs, having all the characters get a turn and general chatter is prioritised over that, so there's no real sense of stakes to it.

I saw about 5 minutes of it. It's gonna be real bad. The game is one that Matt's been memeing about for a long time

If that's true then that's honestly pathetic. It better be something short.
>Night in the Woods LP doesn't interest me one single solitary bit because I genuinely can't stand people dubbing their own voices
>No interest in Yakuza 0
>LA Noire is good but has the worst schedule
>Matt needs to force himself into every single video on the channel

Oh, so it's just Matt being a jealous little bitch once again?
>Matt gets a cat and treats it as some sort of mascot for the channel
>Sells shirts and shit for it
>No one gives a shit
>Meanwhile everyone fucking loves Elmo, Pat and Paige's retard cat that sold out Ann Frank to the Nazis

Blue's Clues taught me left/right when I was super young.
When Steve showed how your left hand can make an L for left it blew my fucking mind.

Is Matt literally stuck at 14 mentally? I see shit like this and then I remember he still wears a wallet chain and skull shirts and shit when that fell out of style well over a decade ago, and his passive aggressive, overly defensive attitude whenever anyone criticizes his sense of humor

I really don't hate Matt like a lot of people do, I don't mind him even though he can be obnoxious at times, but man does he come off as really immature

I mean, that's what you should be doing, has better moments than the main channel for Pat's obsession with hiding food alone.

So it's shit, capisce

Saddest part about it is that he's over 30 yet tries to act like he's still in his 20's.

That could be one of an innumerable number of games

At least give us a genre

I thought it was NITW that he had been memeing, I don't remember what others there are.

Look user, I like being prepared for the worst in the counter to hoping for the best, can you member the game?

She's such a colossal moron, but she makes it work with being self-aware and funny about it.
Plus she's capable of saying shit that would cause Matt to "trigger" out of a video. I was sold on her when she yelled out "pussy blood!?!" during the Bloodborne stream

That and his obsession with toys and figures is really weird, and how he STILL repeats the exact same Metallica/Limp Bizkit "jokes" whenever a game mentions batteries or rolling

I like Elmo better merely because its a nice situation. Its a a disabled cat that can act silly and it shows the compassion Pat and Paige have in raising it and its nice to hear updates when it comes up in conversation. Matt's cat is just a cat, nothing special.

Matt is an alright person in my opinion, he works really well in some LP's but I fucking hate when he tries to push his dumb lingo Gully Gully type bullshit.

It's not modded though, that's the thing. The controller is literally a factory-defect. Controller mods aren't as good as these broken ones according to the top Smash players.

Also I forget the exact thing it allows. There's a community patch that fixes the issue so a defective controller isn't needed but they refuse to play tournaments with the game emulated and using the patch

14 might be giving him a little too much credit.

Why the fuck would he not expect people to laugh at those?

Paige is lovably dumb, it's balanced out by how often she busts Pat's balls

Speaking of Matt getting triggered, remember when he made that twitter post whining about the rest of the guys making Rape Horse jokes on the podcast and how it made him uncomfortable? That was retarded

I've always said that Matt talks like he's trying to make a t-shirt out of something he said and when he has nothing to add he'll just repeat what Pat says, but slower.

Matt would freak the fuck out if someone called his wife his sister and then reset the hooker clock.
Not to mention I don't think his wife would joke about his giant cock hitting the back, if it even does.

I think the Yakuza 0 LP works well with their channel format, as well as their personalities. It's dumb, fun, and has some good dramatic moments that the guys can really chew over.

Won't play for some reason, what is it?

And gives awesome stories, which get amusing reactions from Pat and twitch audience alike.

Its good system they go going on, those red-heads.

Thankfully it's because so many dumb things happen on screen that Matt can't bring up his own dumb bullshit that has nothing to do with the game

>diseased snatch
You'll never find another girl that can take this shit.

cool gossip
you sound just like a teenage valley girl

this one always makes me laugh

It's gonna bog right the fuck down if they don't edit out a lot of that real-estate/hostess club grinding

He's playing with a dinosaur plush toy in bed.

A 30+ year old balding man in bed with a stuffed dinosaur cuddling it as he falls sleep with his wife filming it like a proud mother.

>Persona 5 LP got cancelled
>Only chance to get something Pat/Woolie again
>Meanwhile Etika has been streaming it off and on and hasn't gotten any shit for it
Honestly sounds like Atlus just wanted to scare people, and it worked

I was under the impression they weren't even going to engage in those on-record.

And it's unscripted?

in the last podcast they talk about being huge cowards. It happened before with New Super Mario Bros U, Nintendo sent them an email after the first one and they didn't put up the second as a result of cowarding the fuck out

It really was, boss database still has all of their videos up. And then Atlus backed the fuck off afterwards with the "We didn't mean to scare you please don't show after 11/20 please we're asking you nicely and won't threaten you that was a mistake sumimasengomenasai"

But it was too late because P5 wasn't the newest hotness anymore.

I already do that

Paige is genuinely the caricature that Matt was pretending to be when they started the channel.

>Pat: I'm gunna cut out all the boring sidequests!
>Proceeds to do it only once

They really need to space out sidequests vs main quests, although Pat has gone on record saying he always does sidequests first in his games.

Also, Matt says the main story is not exciting as the sidequests, but there are a lot of fun moments I hope he can appreciate coming.

They said they weren't going to do sidequests on screen but they've shown literally every sidequest.

It likely is, but doesn't take much away how embarrassing it is

...Thinking back, I have to agree with you here.

And to be fair, has a bit of cool naivety to games that she hasn't played so people feel entertained by her experiencing them for the first time (see Bloodborne).

Pat/Paige Persona 5 Palooza?

hey man, that's their bread and butter. Persona may be an okay series but I wouldn't blow my job on the internet over it.

Okay, okay, all of this Matt and Pat stuff is good and well but here comes Mysterious Supporting Negro

Well I hope they at least thought ahead a bit and will draw the line on the RE stuff.

>Think ahead

What went wrong?

Honestly it was just really selfish of them. Yeah people have been waiting for P5 for a very long time, but making a statement against spoilers is going to make people want to spoil it even harder, and the game was already out in Japan for months. All I did was avoid Sup Forums and I got through P5 spoiler free.
I don't even think Pat's beaten it yet. He's still at December I think.
>Pat's going for harem
>Is going to get the shit beat out of him on Valentines Day
A part of me is glad they didn't do a full LP, because Hank Hill for the MC is such a stupid fucking le so funneh LP name that really has no relation to anything. At least Harry Potter would have made sense.

Kill Matt. Someone do it, please. Maybe it'll guilt Liam in to coming back.

>follow Matt on twitter
>he for some reason thinks it's funny to post a Liefeld drawing every day and make fun of it, as if making fun of Liefeld isn't something people have been doing for nearly 15 years.

But you can stretch or loosen an arcade stick's spring to make it stiffer or looser. That's always been legal, it's just tuning your equipment to suit you.

I've never been one for gacha or lootbox shit so this was eye opening. And then it got insane.

>People actually donated money so Pat could spend it on lootboxes


I have those slippers too. I wore them once and realized how stupid I looked and felt, then put them in a closet.
Also the soles have no padding and they're huge and cumbersome.

Hey at least our friend DSP kept playing, stick it to the man right.

What the fuck is he crying about.

I'd almost do it just to see a man's soul die in front of me, except he's ginger and thus doesn't have one.