ITT: ports and remakes that make the original look horribly aged
ITT: ports and remakes that make the original look horribly aged
I get the complaints about nu-Kirby sprites, but seriously, the original is some of the most sluggish, laggy shit I've ever had the displeasure of attempting to control. The improvement in game feel is reason enough for me to never touch the original again
And if you don't like the added content, you can skip it and the game is STILL just a better SS
You cheated.
Ultra changed the control scheme for no reason and the music is worse.
Oh yeah the music complaint is valid too but I never notice while playing, think it still sounds great
Don't know what to tell you if you can't get used to pressing A and B grandpa
Been wanting to replay this. Figure I'm going to replay this instead of the original. Is it fine emulating it? If I recall correctly, you don't HAVE to use touch controls.
I don't recall ever using touch controls in CT DS
Oh god no. You never have to touch the screen. It's completely optional.
If anything the touch screen adds to the game because you can jump to the exact menu you want with just one click.
I like the new (GBA-DS) Kirby sprites better, why wouldn't someone other than for nostalgia?
Yeah, but I am going to replay it on PC because I don't have a DS and don't want to figure out how to emulate DS on 3DS so I'd rather not have to use the mouse.
That's fine.
You can even hide the bottom screen and choose classic mode to have the battle controls in the upper screen.
Nice. Now if only I had a CRT TV to play it on. Oh well, at least DS version was designed for a LCD.
I played the shit out of KSS. That muscle memory is ingrained.
>because I don't have a DS and don't want to figure out how to emulate DS on 3DS
Nigga, DS games play natively on the 3DS.
Using a mouse on DS games on PC is much better than using a stylus on an actual DS
I know that cause I played through the Layton games this way.
But in case of Chrono trigger it's pointless. The button controls are much better.
You navigate through the menus on the bottom screen with d-pad and buttons. Don't worry about the bottom screen having two screens. Treat it like it was one tall screen.
>to have the battle controls in the upper screen.
which is completely pointless as it takes up more space for no good reason while the bottom screen becomes pretty much useless
>don't play like I don't like
all DS games too no region lock!
I'm just saying facts. This guy clearly thinks that you need to use touch controls to use the new control scheme, while that's false.
And the new mode is clearly superior as it's not as small and clutered. Only a nostalgiafag would use the old one, it's just less convinient.
>192p vs the originals 224p
>shows port that is roughly identical to the original
The DS version only improves on so many things, but one thing is the worst. Frog doesn't talk like a nerd knight anymore and that fucking blows. Part of Frog's charm to me was all that verily and thou shit he was speaking. Other than that though, better than perfect remake.
Double Dragon Advance on Game Boy Advance. It's not even the same game as the arcade and NES original.
>Frog doesn't talk like a nerd knight anymore
He was never supposed to do that. That was a localization liberty.
Double Dragon Advance is essentially a reboot.