Sayaka is for ___ .
Sayaka is for ___
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That game is actually one of my favorite games of all time.
What is cheerful loss?
>9 years old
how did sony get away with it?
Japanese are like fuck the police
Spat clad loli butt on my face.
What the fuck is wrong with you squid?
what fucking GAME
Don't Stop
Catching monkeys. Literally
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Mein großartiges Spiel
Ape Escape, dunno which one
No lewds!
Hot monkey dick.
Stop it right now.
Newmans have the same aging process as cats.
Foot sucking!
KIlling the Ape Escape franchise.
more like being the high point of the Ape Escape franchise.
I never played the series, what's wrong with 2?
Holy shit it's been years since I played this, before I even know what loli was. How does it hold up these days?
>tfw AE3 is your favorite ps2 game of all time
>can't even bring it up on this cesspool of a website without being bombarded by waifufags
Fuck you, Sup Forums.
inb4 "well theres nothing to discuss so obviously i have to shitpost!"
There's an entire series of good and shitty games to talk about. Don't bullshit like there isn't a fucking Kirby or Fallout thread every other day.
hand holding
Just talk about the fucking game then damn. Ape escape 3 is worse than 2, ninja mode is 2 ez, bosses suck. There.
I need the top right picture for reasons.
Lesbian sex with aki
Ruining Ape Escape threads.
Get away with what?
Being the one who made Spikat
Getting away with making AE their Metroid
Imagine an Ape Escape/Splatoon crossover
That's one minor fucking problem. Have you experienced post-Other M Metroid series?
It's part of a set so here:
Nigga know what's up
How would you guys do a new AE?
Pretty good, actually. Not much of a challenge though but OST is great. Great game for a comfy afternoon
What is this, Germany Simulator 2017?
How to trigger AE babies: Knack
Called the police.
>download Ape Escape 2 off the PSN
>it's the Pal version
>Jimmy and Natalie aren't Ash and Misty
>they're british and shit
>they refer to each other by their japanese names
this is weird
Is Ape Escape kino in any way?
He's on a date with Kat :^)
3 is. Just for MGS crossover and the content alone
There's a Kino thread for you on Sup Forums right now
The minigames are for sure, can't tell you how much time I spent on Monkey Boxing and Monkey Soccer.
Ape Escape 4
Is Ape Escape 4 the new Half Life 3?
Remember when Spike FUCKING DIED?
all of them are good. 2 is good too even though most people like Spike over Jimmy. That being said, Jimmy and Natalie being voiced by Veronica Taylor and Rachel Lilis made me like the game a lot.
people mostly care about Ape Escape 3 because lolis in spandex shorts
I wish the mainline series was expanded a bit more to the point we'd see more of the same characters.
I heard Spike had Yugi's VA
Yep. Spike was Yugi, Jimmy was Ash and Natalie was Misty.
PAL fucked it up by using literally who british VA's and calling them Kakeru, Hikaru and Natsumi in the english dub with their shitty british accents
All this just makes Ape Escape more of an already awkwardly handled series, where even the translations are fucked.
The PAL version of Ape Escape 2, when flashing back to the first game and using a cutscene from the first game (looking really bad might I add) actually used japanese footage with japanese subtitles, it was funny
When was it released?
Ape Escape is legit one of my favorite game franchises.
The first game would be almost perfect if it wasn't for the fucking terrible trio of snow levels.
Remember PSASBR?
Imagine Yumi with tits
Games need more oppai lolis
I played the original and 3 and loved them, is the PS4 version of 2 okay? I don't own a PS2 anymore.
>oppai lolis
No such thing.
Fapped to this one the most
what about oppai shotas?
This girl is 9 years old
That's gay.
I don't fap to fat shotas sorry
gonna commit a crime desu
What a tease this girl is.
Aki is better
let's make the pipo monkey the new Pepe
>Japanese name is Yumi
>English releases change her name to Sayaka
I think you got it backwards
Shitty levels, mostly. But also crappy music and iffy controls for some devices.
>Check again
>Sayaka in Japan and Europe
>Yumi in America
That makes even less sense. And I still remain with the question of why?
Imagine an AE reboot/remake that was just a mix of the mainline series and the alternate one (Million Monkeys)
Maybe they thought that Yumi was easier to remember than Sayaka? Satoru to Kei is believable in that regard.