Is it worth 12 dollars? I might pick it up depending on what y'all say. I know jack shit about the Alien franchise

Is it worth 12 dollars? I might pick it up depending on what y'all say. I know jack shit about the Alien franchise.

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It is, but at least watch the first couple movies before you play.

One of the best licensed games of this gen. Definitely worth the price of admission.

and you should watch the first 2 Alien movies.

same as these niggas

I really enjoyed it. I don't often play Horror games or first persons but it was an incredible experience. I'd recommend it to anyone interested in the movies / sci-fi.

same as these distinguished african-american gentlemen

Watch Alien and immediately buy it if you liked it.

Watch Alien and Aliens and then play it. It's PHENOMENAL. I've never played a game quite like it, it's visually stunning, the gameplay is great and it feels good. You will love it. Buy it now before it goes off sale, go watch the movies, and then play it.

I really can't praise the game enough.

One of the best horror games I've ever played, as sad as it is to say it does go on a bit too long though.

Yeah, it's pretty cool. It runs on ultra on a fucking calculator too. The alien is literally always right around you though, that's the only thing that brings it down for me.

Just watch the first one OP, the second movie is an action thing where they changed a cool monster into a dumb fucking bug that gets blown apart with ease

>Watching movies to play movie games


You can even be in a "safe" area of the ship but if you start shooting your shotgun and making a bunch of noise the alien will come get you eventually.

only faggots of the highest order bitch about the second

Alright, I'll watch the first two movies this weekend and see if I like them. If I do I'll pick it up. Thanks bros

>play Shadow of Mordor
>but don't watch any of the lotr movies

Isolation is a semi-sequel to the original movie and is highly recommended you watch it so you can really appreciate what went into the game and what is going on.

Theatrical cut for the first, director's cut for the second.

you should pick it up anyway. It's a great survival horror game regardless of if you enjoy the nearly 50 year old movies or not.

Grew up watching the ALIEN films on VHS when that was still a thing.

I definitely recommend it, some things may not be apparent to you since you haven't seen any of the films so I'd atleast suggest watching the first original ALIEN film (1979) before playing Isolation.

In terms of visuals and audio, the game is spectacular and is probably one of the most immersive games that I've ever played.

The whole thing surrounding the Xeno AI itself is so so, I feel like the Xeno get's a tad bit predictable at certain points but on the flip side there's been moments where I've been caught off guard.

Results may vary.

The backtracking in the game towards the later parts upset a good number of people although I feel like the backtracking was well warranted considering there are a ton of locked rooms/vents/etc throughout Sevastopol that require higher tier torch upgrades in order to access.

There's more to speak of but I don't wanna spoil it all for you, turn off the lights, crank up the volume, and enjoy.

Post your steam account or some way I can contact you. I'll buy you it right now.

vanilla game is 6/10

with mods esp. unpredictable alien its 11/10

No, its a shit game and a spit the the face to the original ALIEN


>He posts the Jack and Rich video again

Where is I on sale?

This game is amazing and yes watch the first two movies you fucking stupid cunt

It looks like its on sale on amazon for consoles. I want to purchase it for OP but he's not replying to my post.

If anyone in this thread wants the game I'll buy it for three people, steam version is too expensive though.

It's hilariously overrated but still a decent game and I'd say $12 is more than fair.

Be warned that it's way too fucking long for the amount of actual fucking content it has and becomes increasingly boring and formulaic as the game progresses.

yes buy it

You'll get a hell of a lot more out of it if you watch the first two films but you could probably enjoy it as a pure horror game without it? it might even make you want to watch the films.

the androids are in it too much can fuck off though

Looks like humble has the complete edition for ten

I've been thinking about buying it for a while. I love the alien series

Let me buy it for you user. Give me some way to contact you.

>Be warned that it's way too fucking long for the amount of actual fucking content it has

I always hear this about the game and I don't agree. I suspect the people who have this opinion just don't really like stealth games that much and so the mechanics get old relatively quickly for them. I will say this, the part at the end where Amanda is stuck in a hive was really unnecessary, but that only adds on another 10 or 15 minutes of gameplay.

Seriously, it's about 10-12 hours to beat. How the fuck is that "way too long"?

>hilariously overrated

It has one of the best movie to video game adaptations. Can't find any other game that captures a movie so perfectly. Sure, it does takes way too long, I'll give you that. Although I don't know about the boringness since I got too scared to beat the game.

Yes. Best horror game since Resident Evil 4, maybe Silent Hill 2, barring obscure things like RPGMaker stuff.

It should be a part of Sup Forums canon like New Vegas and what not.

The graphics and environmental design are suberb, and it has some of the best optimization on the planet. It's quite fantastic. Sadly, the Alien is the worst part. I wish they focused more on the Metroidvania and Deus Ex-like aspects of the game than the Amnesia-like ones.

I really enjoyed it solely for the audio and visual quality (PC). It gets a bit repetitive and the recommended difficulty is hard.


theatrical or special edition for aliens?

Stealth games are easily one of my favorite genres of video games, and if you were to consider this a stealth game I'd personally say it's one of the shittiest most repetitive ones ever made. Maybe two or three encounters with the Alien and you already know everything, and the game's barely even started. I cannot think of a single antagonist in video games that I got more fucking tired of seeing than that stupid alien, because every encounter is basically just a waiting game and it's tedious and boring and easy as fucking hell.

mods turn it from an average game to 10/10 ptsd simulator

yes nigga

Theatrical first then go back and watch the Special Edition later down the road if you'd like

Well, I'm certainly not going to claim it's one of the better stealth games but it's not a terrible one either, especially in comparison to the likes of Amnesia and Outlast.

I agree the alien AI leaves a lot to be desired but it's not quite the burden you are making it out to be. The thing barely even shows up for the second half of the game apart from some scripted sequences in areas where it's easy to get by it rather than having to hide and wait it out. Unless you are making a lot of noise or wandering about aimlessly the majority of the game should be a walking sim and even for the parts where the alien does show up you shouldn't be playing hide in closet. The game even flat out tells you you aren't supposed to do that in the tips screen.

>already watched the SE first
well shit

eh still the same film hahaha
That's just the way I watched them years ago

You gonna catch the new movie this weekend?

sent a friend request ;))))

I saw Covenant a few hours ago. It was good. Make sure you see prometheus first.

There's no point in watching the theatrical version. It's not like Blade Runner or something where there are sizeable changes between the versions, it just cuts out lots of scenes to keep the movie shorter because studios think people don't like sitting in a movie theater for more than 90 minutes.

12 dollars? hell fucking yes it is. Most all games are worth 12 dollars.


yep, atmosphere out the fucking ass, tense as fuck

You're right, you're not playing hide in the closet for most of the game. You're playing hide under the desk, or hide behind the gurney, or crouch walk down the hallway, or take-a-detour-through-this-long-series-of-rooms-and-hope-it-doesn't-decide-to-path-in-your-direction. As far as core AI and game mechanics go it's really, really repetitive and mechanical, which is terrible for a horror game as it sucks out all the tension as everything becomes mechanical. And this game becomes mechanical really, really quickly, at least in regards to the aliens. Human enemies and Working Joes were more interesting by far, but the experiences with them were uniformly tainted by constantly injecting an alien into like half the encounters.

And none of those are stealth games and neither is this. Thank god for that really because if stealth were their main selling point they'd all be utter trash.

If it was just 10-12 hours it would be fine, but it isn't. I never finished it after playing for 10 hours because the game dragged on and on.

>yfw I am built to withstand temperatures of up to 1210 degrees.

Aliens is great, fuck off.

I---too---prefer the original to the first sequel but both are excellent films in their own rights. It's almost astounding how influential Aliens is to the action/big budget spectacle not to mention future James Cameron joints (Avatar).

But the original is more closely tied to Isolation.

I honestly can't fathom how people took that long to finish the game. One or two hours longer than me I could get but fucking more than six hours longer? I'm not even that good at games and it's not like you can get lost, the game is linear as hell and the tracker directs you to exactly where you need to go.

I think I'm right, a lot of people don't like stealth games and kept getting stuck trying to brute force their way through rather than just doing it stealth like they are supposed to.

Like you said, some people might take a long time to complete a segment of the game, since they are hiding for quite some time.

I think that they're both really great films but they can't really be compared. Alien is a slow paced horror film that feels very claustrophobic, and it's almost perfect in my opinion. Whereas Aliens is more of an action film with some horror elements, but still at its core it's an action film, it's a great movie nonetheless and a great addition to the series. But because they're two genres its really hard to compare them.

I'm not embarrassed to say that it took me around 35 hours to complete my first playthrough. Not because I kept dying but because I was terrified and really taking my time to explore and take in the environment.

This game is fantastic user and I would like others have said recommend you watch the first two Alien films at least to get a good feel of the atmosphere of the world at whole. It's not absolutely needed to play the game but it will only enhance your enjoyment and appreciation of this game.

Also for a dev studio that doesn't make FPS games, they sure fucking optimized the shit out of this game to run on a fucking toaster on max settings.

>I think that they're both really great films but they can't really be compared. Alien is a slow paced horror film that feels very claustrophobic, and it's almost perfect in my opinion. Whereas Aliens is more of an action film with some horror elements, but still at its core it's an action film, it's a great movie nonetheless and a great addition to the series. But because they're two genres its really hard to compare them.
That's how I feel too, m8. I prefer the original, but Aliens is a great follow-up, and one of the best sequels of all time imo; I'm glad they went the action route rather than trying to rehash Alien and coming up short.

>never seen an Alien movie
>watched Prometheus last night
>mfw it was better than I expected

Gonna try get around to watching Alien on the weekend

I'm curious if someone who actually liked Prometheus would like the other alien films or not. They aren't nearly as pretentious, they are just dumb schlock. Especially Aliens and Alien: Resurrection, which are borderline comic book movies.

>Aliens and Alien: Resurrection
>unironically putting Aliens and one of the worst movies ever made together in the same sentence

Why is the first Alien movie so fucking good

My favorite Alien movies are 1 and 2, with 1 being my favorite by far, and I loved Prometheus and Alien Covenant.

Can you actually see the xenomorph in there somewhere? Or are you just posting for atmosphere?

The movie is actually mostly based on Alien 1. The design, many memorable parts (like the creepy main computer room) and the atmosphere is Alien 1.

Just atmosphere.


I meant the game is based on Alien 1

I wasn't putting them on equal ground as far as quality goes, just as far as how silly they are. Both are more interested in being "cool" than being a serious film. Aliens is undeniably a much, much better film than Alien: Resurrection. The difference is that Alien and Alien 3 are dead serious about being horror films.

Anyone else find the scenes on the Prometheus ship to be really comfy?

>2015 game
>uses checkpoints
Nah, don't bother

Definently worth the price OP, it is sometimes bullshit and the AI rly screws you up (specially on medbay), but it is a worthy purchase. Don't recommend the dlc tho, only if you watched the movie.

Why is no one accepting your kind offer user? If you're still around and feel like it ill be one of those 3 people. Humble one?

I got it for one guy already. Whats your steam name?

>Simulated danger walking simulator trash
Sounds about right. Did you also like realigning that satellite dish for 15 minutes while literally nothing happens?

Read it again, Sam
You're one swell guy user

i sent you a friend request, accept me and I'll sen dyou the link


Use the English language better you dumbfucks. Explain why its bad that the game goes on too long, its a common critique, but one people don't bother elaborating.

The reason people feel this way is that Alien Isolation has several climaxes were the action and suspense all hit the proper notes; but it goes back into a slumber before repeating it again. It's not that having more content is bad, its what you do with more that counts. When your game becomes formuliac you need to do more than throw wrenches as shock value to shake up the same retread. Alien Isolation is good, but try to space out how frequent you play to avoid burning out, after each climax its a good idea to give it a break.

You can't any more close to the atmosphere of the first movie, the audiovisual production is flawless (if you disable chromatic aberration).

Since it's a pretty long game for a cat-and-mouse style gameplay, it will test your patience many times. If you get frustrated easily it's not your jam, otherwise I'll highly recommend it, especially with dark room and good pair of headset.

you know he doesn't even say that.

shit movie by the way.

Aliens is enjoyable. The first is excellent and imo much better but there's nothing wrong with looking at the second as a fun action experience.

In fact, I think 3 is pretty heavily underrated and Resurrection is the true abomination.

Alien > Aliens > Prometheus > Shit > the rest
Haven't seen Covenant yet. Also, only faggots hated Prometheus.

Have anyone seen Covenant? how was it?

I saw it a few hours ago. Was very good.

It's an allegory to the Ring of the Nibelungs.

>Aliens are easy to kill in Aliens

Why do people keep saying this? Don't you remember what happened to all those soldiers who wanderd into he nest to save the colonists? The aliens keep the humans cornered for most of the movie, and are shown to be pretty capable in combat (unless you're watching the uncut version where they run head first into autoturrets)

Prometheus was aimless fucking garbage.

And Covenant isn't really that good either.

Scott needs constraints so that he's forced to be creative.

Give him money and cgi, and the results aren't all that impressive 2bh.

>Is it worth 12 dollars?

It's worth 60.

Anyone going to watch Covenant?

>Prometheus was aimless fucking garbage.
Why? I see a lot of people saying it, but not one of them have said why.

It's a great game, actually worth even more

I would go see it in IMAX, but I don't want to go alone and have no friends in a city I moved to. Also I'd rather save the money for vidya.

>Can't find any other game that captures a movie so perfectly

I know that feel user. Moved to a different stated almost a year ago and haven't made friends here. I feel like going to the matinee alone especially since it's only $4. And I mean, who's gonna care about someone watching a movie alone in theaters in the afternoon?

just spend 90$ on happiness and fugg the spooks you coward spawn of reptiles

Same as my melanin-enriched brethren.