OverWatch Event

is it really that hard to make her a skin that isnt total shit?


What's wrong with it? It looks nice. It has some super sentai vibe about it.

it looks like some weird female ironman shit

Looks like Zarya guest starring in Virtua Fighter 1

Better this than cybergoth

>another legendary where I can't see my characters face

It's a great skin

Is it hard to make a fucking skin for Hanzo? The poor fucking bastard hasn't got a new skin since Halloween, and that was just a goddamn recolor

Kinda hard when the character is repulsive to begin with. The best you might get is a humorous skin, but that'd arguably still be "shit"

Hanzofags must suffer.

Apparently it is.

Meanwhile, in TF2...

Why can't bilzz just release her hots skin?

I don't see it at all
Looks like chinese knock-off shit

This. Uprising was bad enough, but this? Awful, simply awful. They're hiring some real incompetent people.

Is it too fucking hard to change her fucking hair color?

The pink ruins all her common and epic skins. They somehow managed to make her hair kill a skin even harder.




The skin's great. The only thing that would make it better is if they different colored versions for different characters to complete the squad. It'll never happen though.

>the skins, emotes and maps are almost definitely going to be temporary, won't stick around

classic Blizzard
this game fucking blows


New Genji skin when?

Don't you want to log 80 hours then be coaxed into panic buying crates on the last day?

they already said they're adding stuff to the regular drop tables though

>caring this much about cosmetics when they're running free fucking updates
classic Sup Forums

t. has never watched a sentai show in his life

If we're losing maps I'm dropping this game harder, they're carrying this game with "muh skins"

Not an argument.

the free updates are garbage though
Ana, Sombra and Orisa are all trash, just look at Antarctica's 3v3 to see how the 'arena' will pan out

you're better off jangling keys in front of your face than playing overwatch

I'm really trying hard to see the Sentai infuence and I'm just more confused
I think that guy's retarded

Considering how big Blizzard is, the game really does lack content.

Free shit be damned

I don't understand how they get away with this, do people really like being literally cucked?

>looks exactly like sentaishit
>"b-but it's from an icky Blizzard game, I can't let be it associated with my precious nipponese shows for kids"
You're a retard.

that's not 'literal cucking' you memester.
Expand your vocabulary

I just want to know when's Doomfist, and will Terry Crews be voicing him.

>Working on like four games at a time, trying to organize tournaments, work on entirely new gamemodes for events, record new lines, make new animations for all 20 heroes, work on new heroes which will require interactions with a lot of the old heroes so that's even more new lines, working on new cinematics, working on new comics, actively trying to appease the competitive community

If you don't like what they're working on that's valid, but "dey lazy" is fuckin' stupid, m8.
TF2 has 9 classes and only tried to actively become competitive in recent years (which was a failure.) It is not the same game.

>making excuses for them

do you realize how much money they have? take a break, Jeff

user this isn't a matter of whether I hate Blizzard or not
I legit don't see it, the suit and helmet barely even has her "color"

Money=/= number of staff
If you don't have the staff you can't always be working on massive stuff all the time

She has good skins they are just in a different game.

No? are you sure?

>look, we were on good terms before but now I know you enjoy buying my random loot crates
>I could give it to yoh but that wouldn't be fun
>how about you play for HOURS and I will give you a crate, who knows, maybe you will get something you want
>ooh too bad, you got another spray
>but you can trade all of your duplicates, only then you can get what you want but hurry up or the offer will expire

If you can't see it then you are a cuckold in denial

>wanting to see Zarya's face

one of them just makes her look like a fat genji and the other just looks shit.

they can always hire more staff, user
they're not fucking indie devs who can't make good and lasting content

Genji gained some weight during his HRT.

I just want a huge collection of mods, community servers, community created maps etc.

Give me fun servers

No, seriously. You guys are twats.

Everyone agreed free to play business models were fucking murdering good games for the past several years (despite rolling in good profits) and what does Blizzard do? They roll out a pay-once game where the only additional thing you can pay for is optional cosmetics (which can be earned through gameplay) that comes with free updates - and all anyone seems to think is "wow limited cosmetics what fucking jews" and "they aren't putting out free maps FAST enough"

Overwatch succeeded using a consumer friendly-business model that's been heavily failing in recent years. Name the last AAA shooter that offered large free content updates and succeeded for it.

Community servers do kind of exist now but Overwatch isn't the kind of game that's catered to it being 6v6 competitive oriented

this is literally Jeff Kaplan

Yo don't want that, user. Mods are bad for the game! Just enjoy the diversity of OW:
Competitive lite
Competitive with quirky extras

Jeff is saying some sensible things then. You should listen to him.

I'm just saying, for those of you that are serious about loathing OW for one reason or another, they're doing the opposite of what you've been bitching about in shady multiplayer business practices for ages. If you wanted more like TF2 content updates where it's just hero/map/balance and that's it, that's a valid reason for you to not like the game but it's not a reason OW is a literally cancer objectively trash game.

people could prolly pull better co-op maps than that piece of shit robot mode in last event
community in general would make the game way better than those horrible official maps if there was ever a possibility to mod this game.
sadly we're forever having spray/voice line/ and pointless shit alongside with super shitty new chars

since when was a map event only? also they confirmed the new maps are 1v1 and can be used on custom games.

Then you can fuck right off, user.
You think I said content in reference to cosmetics?

The map pool is small and most follow the same choke point formula.
Don't give a damn about new heroes, that's a balancing cluster fuck.
I want more map variety and they sure as hell suck at that.

>be Zarya
>Have one of the most essential kits in the game
>All your skins are retarded except 1 set
>Never get any other skins otherwise
>Your best skins are in another fucking game
>New event promised legendaries
>its still shit

I see that you have never played OW.

Always remember that players created Dust2 and several other maps, DOTA, Hero Line Wars, Zombie maps/Zombie escape, RPG modes, TTT and the list could go on and on. Blizzard just needs to get off their high horse.

Halloween version of eichenwalde and the lunar new year edits were event only, but I doubt that'll be the case here, seeing as they're whole new maps instead of just edited versions of old ones.

People just like shitposting.

trash as in she ushered in the tank meta for months, and every hero after hero is simply a band-aid to her mess

Considering what a perpetually unsteady tightrope OW is with the maps that already exist I can understand why it might take a long fucking time to come out with a new one.

Chalk that up to blizzard not borrowing valve's map design, too.


noone needs to encourage hanzo play

but overwatch is an entirely different game to TF2

TF2 balance was almost all band-aid fixes to sate the crying community rather than actual attempts to balance the game, look at what happened to the poor pyro. Literally completely irrelevant in anything other than meme pubstomping.

That 76 skin tho

>All new heroes are trash
>Actually Ana was great, and both Sombra and Orisa are becoming more popular as they get tweaked
>Nuh uh I didn't actually mean they were trash I mean that the meta around them I don't like

You're retarded, people who don't play the game shouldn't bitch about it. Tank meta wasn't a big thing for very long anyway, it went out pretty quick, like half a season was it popular before people started being able to counter it. Bastion meta was the real cancer for those few weeks, just not fun to play against.

I didn't ask for this.

Side step the discussion, I guess.
Not sure how much tf2 you played, but hydro and tufort were the only maps the community bitched about.

Not him but Ana was trash for like 2 weeks before she got buffed hard

Orisa has surprisingly sturdy shields on low cooldown, unlike the monkey. Haven't really seen Sombra much after the immediate post-release hype died down.

That would've been a great skin had they not recycled that generic visor design

>side step the discussion

know, i'm saying that you can't just say "lol why don't they use tf2 map design for overwatch" because overwatch is a game actively trying to be competitive unlike TF2, it has more than 20 characters unlike TF2, and all of those characters have abilities that are completely unlike anything in TF2

it is completely incomparable

>*know*, i'm saying

and of course the fucking retard that said it was sentai now suddenly stops replying once you post something that shows beyond a shadow of a doubt he was talking out his ass.


Here's a webm of it

I don't understand the hype behind collecting skins, I guess it's like collecting virtual action figures that you play with but isn't that shit for kids?

people have a habit of establishing strange arbitrary value to anything considered "rare"

people will wear ugly rare skins even if the default skin just looks better

That's horrible. Looks like a skin from some chinese knockoff game.

Yo where is her hand going?

Especially these event skins that can only be earned for a few weeks, just because it makes them even rarer.
I used to be a turbo autist about it until I realized this is one of those games where you should just take what you can get and stop sweating about it. You will never have a complete collection without dropping money or shit loads of time.

Someone post the dance emotes. I only saw 76's, Zen's, Sym, Sombra and Lucio's.

Design is pretty nice, but I don't like the colors.



i don't even like that skin but i like weird hairstyles so

This game really does live off of cosmetics.

That's the only one out of the three that I actually like.

>panic buying
Only the biggest autistic faggots will do this, and they deserve to lose their money. I play and always get what I want, then buy the last two or three items near the end. If I miss out then who gives a shit, they're fucking cosmetic items.

and Pharah's

I like it

That's so much better than any of her skins in the Overwatch.

thunder guard looks proper dope

Seems someone didn't get THE DEFAULT Zarya skin at the Olympics event.

>New skins and half assed maps

Who gives a fuck? We need more characters to shake up the meta and preferably characters that can shut down Genji/Tracer faggotry.

That is just awful.

Is HoS any good for casual fun?

Is that a hijab?

yeah just put a fucking towel on her default skin fucking amazing idea jeff

it's casual the game, so yes

They can't nerf Genji or make a character to counter him because it would cause 90% of "pros" to quit.