Now that the dust has settled

Now that the dust has settled,
who won?

Not the cherrypicker.

Zelda > Horizon > Witcher

this desu

If Nintendo had made TW3 it wold be the best game ever but they didn't

Unironically this

gee I wonder which answer OP wants us to pick

maybe OP wanted to say that fun is not in the graphics?

Witcher 3 stop asking this

Gee yet another newfag that doesn't know how to Sage. If you fucked actually knew how the catalog won't be swamped with shitposting threads

Newfags are fucking cancer


I don't see some aspect that remotely good at this game. Am i need to be fanboy to appreciate it?

lots of weapons! :D

because they last 3 hits :D


If Zelda can pull even half of the 251 GOTY awards TW3 got, I'll recognize it as a good game.

>You need to be hyped at small irrelevant details while ignoring the glaring flaws in the game.

question like this could be only asked on Sup Forums by nintendo fanboying oldfags

witcher 1 was far superior to all games like that desu tho

>"the weapons break so easily in this game!"
>pick up twig
>hit it against rock golem
>it snaps
>"load of bollock init?

it pulled 3 million switches, you edgy contrarian

I thought they were both boring and had shitty combat, but I like how they both look visually.

Sales don't indicate quality

>pick legendary master sword, forged 2000000 years ago by magic gods
>hit 3 times
>LOL out of charge :D

applies to twigs and the Master Sword too

Witcher 3 because tits

>legendary weapon wintersbane
>200 times worse dps than my witcher sword

Hardly 3 hits for the master sword and when using it against shit like bosses or guardians it takes fucking forever to lose durability and is one of the stronger weapons/

They're both good with their respective strengths and weaknesses.

How is that statement contrarian? Are you saying that loyal Nintendo fans buying Nintendo hardware to play the latest Nintendo game "the way it is meant to be played" is any indication of the game's actual quality?

Dont get me wrong. I'm not saying that BotW isn't a great game. But better than TW3? Hahaha I don't think so.

it has the best open world to come out in a long time

if they pull 20 i'll shave my balls
but Zelda is so shit that i am thinking 10

The Witcher 3 is GOAT

try 70 you fucktwigs
it recharges in like 5 minutes anyway, try not being a sperg and using strategy to conserve durability

You mean TW3 right? Look at the world design in Zelda: flat fields with little to no detail.
TW3 on the other hand feels natural and real.


>that bottom image

please tell me it doesn't look like that. please .

Some nintenbro you can take a screenshot of the game on the switch and post it here. please prove me wrong because that looks fucking terrible.

>I'll literally eat a bag of dicks

>2 great games
We did.


Is that really the best screenshot you can come up with?

it's a render lol


you must have the brain of an autistic manchild to like it. if it didn't have the zelda brand on it, nobody would have talked about it

also, it seems nintendo fans are far, far, far worse than the worst sony or pc fans. their autism is almost palpable, it emanates out of their rants. they also lash out really desperately, like they're trying very hard to prove something while attempting to hold an overwhelming inferiority complex in check. just make a decently worded thread praising the witcher and disregarding zelda and see what i mean

figures that the company with the most childish icons/art style/games would attract the most pathetic manchildren

Good GOD

Playing through Zelda as we speak. Very fun game but I prefer the Witcher overall. Both are good fun though.

what's wrong?

>Witcher weapons are carefully crafted to accomodate the witcher combat style
>random """""legendary"""""" swords are made for the average joe
Who would've thunk?

Links Awakening is better than both tbqhwymf

ITT: cherrypicking

why are you comparing a game released 2 years ago to a new release as though it has to be one or the other?

both are good games both are overrated games
.. but still good games soo uhhh everyone kinda wins with the exception of people that actually believed the mainstream reviews that basically describe both games as perfect lel

Where do you get the horses in the 5&6th image?

Can you keep them?


holy shit

you really tried with those buzzwords

cease this faggotry at once

You're either lying for (You)'s or you haven't touched BotW because I own both games and I can tell you right now Zelda isn't just "flat fields with little to no detail."

Why there are so many nintentoddlers on /v?

>This game is so shit it ONLY got 10 awards for Game of the Year

>Nintenbros finally realised there "10/10 masterpiece" is actually just your average 7/10 open world ubisoft game


>Why there are so many nintentoddlers on /v?

it's an american thing

you should be shaving your balls even if it doesnt win
its just good hygiene my friend

because it's a video game board and nintendo is the most well known video game company

>tfw people unironically post these montages trying to prove something

Lel trigerd

>i'll shave my balls
The absolute madman

I don't think I saw Nintendo fix their RGB color range settings once. Every showing was so washed out they did.

it takes 0% effort to say "pshh, not impressed" at everything when you have an agenda

That looks fucking terrible

to be fair, it's a handheld with a smartphone tier gpu

I don't give a fuck user .it's more powerful than the WiiU and SS looks way better


>SS looks way better

Here's a random screenshot I have

why is everything so washed out

Haven't played BotW, but I enjoy W3 a fuckton. Beautiful world, great quests, that 'we are poor, life sucks' realism, gwent.

From what I have seen the interactivity from BotW with the world itself is better.

kek this post is b8 rite?

This is my biggest complaint with the visuals. Not always, but a lot of the time they are quite washed out or certain areas have a fog filter that keeps things from popping like I want them to.


if you shrink it down it looks better, this works with ugly graphics.

Okay i LOVE BoTW and all but TW3 was better. A much larger overworld, expansive caverns, multiple story threads all happening at once, weapon durability is WAY more managable, more armor, the list just keeps going on and on.
I think BoTW is the best zelda game they have ever made, but i haven't logged even close to a quarter of the time i have in TW3.

>>if you shrink it down it looks better

the Switch is 7"

those thumbnails aren't even 1 inch

I dunno pham, if I just saw gif related I wouldn't care if it was a new series or not I'd still think it looks neat.
if splatoon was a mario game and it sold the same I bet you would go "I-I-IT ONLY SOLD WELL BECAUSE OF MARIO BRANDING"

Breath of the Wild has the worst dungeons/bosses of the entire series. The Witcher 3 wins by default.

>But better than TW3?

Why are you acting like this is some kind of high bar?

please zoom

each pic is bigger than my phone which is 5.5"

when I zoom in they legitimately look like a PS2 game, even dated looking MMOs like ffxiv look better.

a tablet game looks worse than a pc game?


it's almost like

you know

pc is

dare I say


Why have i never heard an actual reason why this game is good beyond "nintendo" and "zelda" and "open world"

that is the best damn PS2 game I have ever seen in my entire life

They are vastly different in terms of feeling and scope.

TW3 is the pinnacle of modern map centric open world games. It has an amazing story, dense world but still has map clutter as well as pretty linear areas, with very little reason to explore.

Zelda promotes exploration as a primary method of gameplay, it relies on the player wanting to explore rather than following map markers and feels pretty old school because of it.

Both games are really good, but for different reasons.

This. You have to REALLY pump yourself up for some great flourishes and details and then just completely ignore shit enemies, bosses, shrines, divine beasts, fucked up dodge-to-flurry detection, lame weapons with no moves, etc.

I never seen a game with such attention to detail completely devoid of meaningful content.

because stupid sexy link

are you still posting 3 year old 500x250 bullshots?
you know the game already came out and everyone knows how it looks like

Eh because you have selective memory

Because you have your eyes and ears closed and plugged to ignore reason.

Also aside from the samey dungeon art styles, it's one of the best exploration games ever made and features immersive sim elements rarely seen in 3rd person action adventure games.

It does look like that user. I have the game
>fucked up detection
>weapons with no moves

Oh man it's just like TW3!

By having even worse dungeons and bosses?

but you were defending its graphics

Zelda > Bloodborne > TW3

because you pretend the responses that answer your question don't exist

lots of weapon variety
deep cooking system
body temperature, food, clothing all has to be taken into consideration every where you go to withstand certain certain climates and weather changes
villages and npc's have a lot have deep interaction
many mechanics make for a fun sandbox experience when you just want to dick around

there's a few

>but you were defending its graphics
I'm defending the graphics considering the hardware yes

Are you implying this looks better. Do you have eyes?