Local Businessman Saves Company's Life

>Kimishima becomes pres
>Delays BotW to give a strong launch title to the Switch
>Makes damn sure that people don't associate the Wii brand with the Switch, no wacky gimmicks center stage, just the powerful appeal of a gaming tablet that plays Nintendo
>Starts pumping out mobile apps to milk
>Kills region locking
>Follows the promising example of Splatoon with more new IPs
>Starts selling stand-alone emulators to reach older people who wont spend hundreds on a console but will gladly pay 60 bucks for a hassle free way to go on a nostalgia trip

Now I'm not saying Iwata's death was the best thing to happen to Nintendo since the launch of the Wii but

He also knows that big butts sell games.

Leave Sony to us

he also started pandering to girl fetishists

A lot of these decisions were made when Iwata was still alive. He's merely carrying out years of planning.

The only thing I believe was his was the marketing for the Switch since I really doubt if Iwata was running things they would do a superbowl ad.

Heck the marketing in general has been leagues above the mess that was the wii u. It's like they fired the old people

>nintentobler trying hard to make this man a meme

Iwata was soft, too nice. He liked games, and makign them, but he did not have it in him to utterly CRUSH his enemies.

Did this post from another thread really need to be made into it's own thread?

They litterally did.

>Reminder that people doubted yakuza man

He wont be the face of Nintendo, but he'll work business deals in the shadows

>Goes to Konomi
>Throws money at them and forces them to sign contract at gunpoint

Based Kim

what's the point of pointing a gun when you throw money at them?
I mean the real deal would be to make MGR2 Switch Exclusive

Really? Because it genuinely shows. Would love to know the idiot that thought wii U was a good name over wii 2 and that E3 reveal where the damn console wasn't even shown.

>The new controller
>The new controller
>The new controller
>The new controller

After the Metal Gear Survive fiasco, it would be best to avoid anything Metal Gear related and focus on reviving Bomberman. Reviving a dead franchise make Konami look good in the process.

>Kimishima stands over the hospital bed. His solumn expression soon becomes a quiet fury. He looks at the lifeless body of his friend, and gives a single declaration.
>"I will make them understand."

Why is this shit so funny

>I will make them understand.

>What's the point of throwing money at them while holding them at gunpoint?

To make sure the ones that 'can't be bought' get the memo


>girl fetishists
This fucking word has spread too fucking much already.

Its a shit meme my friend.

>"I will make them undastandu"

Kimishima will make them understand.

I'm making a Kimishima folder, post your rare Kimishimas for E3

Delaying BotW was the only choice that makes sense.

Wii U was beyond saving so the Zelda name is better used to reboot Nintendo's efforts this gen.

>I'm not saying Iwata's death was the best thing to happen to Nintendo.

You do know Iwata was the one who set the Switch in motion right ?

Yeah they are no longer using the outsourced marketting company they used for the wii u.Though the E3 presentation was mostly Nintendo I imagine..

>>Starts selling stand-alone emulators to reach older people who wont spend hundreds on a console but will gladly pay 60 bucks for a hassle free way to go on a nostalgia trip


NES mini. Normalfags ate that shit up man.

>no wacky gimmicks
>gaming tablet

Man, I can't fucking wait for this years E3.


>Dub trips

Your wish will be confirmed soon, checked

Someone draw this

Wake me up when Nintendo finally gets a president that doesn't look like someone who will send yakuza at me after he catches me that I was pirating Nintendo games all the time.

Oh boy, you fucked up.
Kimishima is in this thread, RIGHT NOW.

I want this scene to be drawn


>You heard him confess. Send in the Starmen.

Konami should revive Sunset Riders

Fuck off I was just shitposting, why are you taking me seriously?

I would read a doujinshi where Kimishima fucks young anime girls, you know because he looks like those business man that the japs like to put in

>Some fuck at Nintendo probably tried to call the Switch the SWiitch
>Probably got promptly shutdown
I'm glad we're finally escaping the Wii brand. Now they just need to kill off the 3DS.

I welcome this new yakuza president.
I loved Iwata as much as the next guy (no homo) but Nintendo needs a balls of steel leadership like Yamauchi's.
The era of the meme-businessman have to end.

I can assume the name nintendo wii pad or wii tablet was suggest at one point. It had to have been

Currently in the process of doing so.

except it'll be a Nintendo Phone hybrid.


Those were truly the darkest times.

>Yamauchi said that the name of the Wii U was fucking stupid and that it'll hurt sales
>Iwata held firmly to the opinion that it'll be the Wii U
>Sold like dogshit and hurt the Nintendo console brand
>We're now at the point where the Switch will either make or break Nintendo
I hope Nintendo pulls through, I genuinely like the Switch.
Reminder that Iwata literally apologized for how fucking awful the Nintendo E3 2015 Direct was before he died.

>Nintendo thought the Wii U would sell on brand alone
>Bit them in the ass super hard

I imagine all japanese communicate in broken english with each other

Wii U was a huge flop but it's not hard enough to bankrupt Nintendo in one go.

The switch is already in a better spot than the wii u AND the 3ds already after their launches and they have a nice sream of games coming out constantly instead of wide gaps.

>Nintendo thought the Wii U would sell on brand alone
>Bit them in the ass super hard

The world wasn't ready for the gamepad just yet. Perfect for internet porn :3c

I think the Switch is a piece of shit but I don't want to see Nintendo die either.
If anything, I hope they take some cues from SEGA and ease up on their IP protectiveness bullshit. I'm still unapologetically butthurt about AM2R.

>MGR2 Switch Exclusive

ooohhh nooo

The wiiu was a neccessary failure. The wii and ds put them in their own safe space bubble for too long.

Yes he does

Oh man now I want a dramatic Nintendo documentary

Perfect for internet porn :3
Glad I'm not the only one autist that does that.

>Gunpei Yokoi dies in a car crash
>the camera focuses on a broken Ultra Hand sticking out of the wreckage

>be capcom executive
>have first ever meeting with new Nintendo president, reminds me of my uncle so I'm not that nervous
>he comes into the conference room and sits down, I bow and greet him politely, hand him my business card
>before we can start talking our green tea arrives
>kirishima suddenly slams his hand on the table
>taken aback, no one ever turns down delicious green tea
>bald man starts shouting at me in English
>slept through English class so I have no idea what he's saying
>he stops and stares me down. When I make no reply he whips out a gun
>just like my American movies.jpeg
>panicked, I say the only English I can remember
>y-you too
>make bomberman for the switch
At least I like bomberman

>make MGR2 Switch Exclusive
The asshurt that would cause would blot out the sun for a decade.

>mixing up Capcom and Konami
This is a real oldfag meme.

You're mistaking braindead for an oldfag

N-no, r-really, I was just memeing, I swear!

Japanese don't do business like that. The reason why Microsoft will never be popular in Japan is because the way they do business, they like to know a person and drink beers before they make deals.

He's either stuck in the past or focused on gimmicks. Needs to retire.

He's a real genius but needs people to tell him when something it's a stupid idea. I guess nobody in Nintendo have the balls to tell him "no you idiot, removing the option to move the reticle with the stick and having to do it with the gamepad it's retarded".

It's more that Nintendo is full of similarly thinking idiots.

That happen everytime everywhere, miyamoto is right where he is

haha no

George Lucas
That sounds like George Lucas

I'm sorry
It's too late.

Re-read what he said.

Not girls. Girl fetishists. As in men who fetishize women.
Your graph supports that.

I don't know if Kimishima is doing a good job on making sure people don't associate the Switch with the Wii. My family members sometimes call it the Wii Switch, and someone at my college campus yesterday said, "So you got the new Wii?"

I unironically laughed

>a girl gamer means a gamer whose a girl, not a boy who play games about girls
>a girl fetishist doesn't mean a fetishist whose also a girl

Konami is still making pachinko wtf are you talking about?

My parents call all handhelds Gameboys, it doesn't mean much.

Nintendo is at their best when they're pure evil. See: NES, SNES

>Girl fetishists
Has sjwgaf gone too far?

>They are both people who have created vast world with creativity and imagination.
>They are both surrounded by mediocre yes-men who won't argue with him in anyway just because they respect him.
I mean I know that this it's not an isolated case, as mentioned this tend to happen everywhere.

I respect both, but when there is nobody to correct you, then you end making something like the last 2 paper marios or in the worst case, mighty no. 9

>men who fetishize women
Is this supposed to be not normal?

>seeing Iwata on the credits of BotW and MK8D

I legit shred a tear when I saw his name on the botw credits

Let them try to make this a meme. It will be as successful as their Hillary Clinton campaign was

Think that will change a little now that they said they have more younger developers.

Everything you listed was pretty much planned by Iwata before dying though

He is only saving the company in Japan, the west still cares less about Nintendo.

>But Switch stock...
I found 3 Switches at my local Walmart, 4 at another Walmart, 5 at every Game Stop I been to, 6 at Target and 4 at Toys R Us, theres lots of stock.

Amazon might be running the system at $400-430 but look out in the wild and you can get a Switch for MSRP.
No thats Akihito, you don't fuck with Akihito.

where do you live, I can't find a single switch any time I try to look for one and gamestop just tries to keep selling me that stupid bundle

Mikami was always a tryhard faggot.
>RE4 started the decline of the series
>TEW sucked
Thank God he retired.

He finally made us understand.

actually a girl game (galge) is a game for men about girls

Why do people say Kimishima is a ruthless yakuza boss?

Because he looks like one.

>no wacky gimmicks center stage

Whatever you say, buddy.

You left out that the DLC and amiibo are worse than ever.

>I found 3 Switches at my local Walmart, 4 at another Walmart, 5 at every Game Stop I been to, 6 at Target and 4 at Toys R Us

Why are you doing a take of switch stock? Do you have nothing better to do?

>RE4 started the decline of the series
You can masturbate furiously to RE2 and Code Veronica all day but RE4 isn't just widely accepted as the best resident evil game but one of the best games ever made.

He's making it up

the country's buisness culture immediately goes from crushing and depressing to hilarious

>he fetishizes breasts, hips, and vaginas

literally rape

What? No love for armpits?

I know. It also made Capcom try and recapture lightning with RE5 and 6. 5 was OK, 6 not so much.

You're delusional if you think development for any Kimmy project has come to fruition yet.

The marketing strategies, yes. That's all him.