*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
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If you can't do this you're retarded
I do dragon punches even when I want just a hadouken. Send help.
>tfw I'm retarded
>There are people who play videogames that can't do a hadouken or shoryuken motion
I cannot believe it. Show me proof Sup Forums
too easy
No, blocking is done by hitting away from the opponent
This is why you're shit at fighting games, Sup Forums, you don't even know how to block.
>Right Down Right + Punch
is Sup Forums retarded?
I don't get it.
>can pull off any combo with any character in Ultimate IV with ease
>can't do them in training mode because Dan blocks a hit if you're 0.00000001 seconds off
I can reliably do this maybe 80% of the time. Honestly the problem isn't even the input itself, it's cancelling other moves with it. When you have to do it in a combo in SFV, sometimes I get panicky and start to mash buttons, hoping I get it.
Actually something even harder is cancelling this input into a special.
>try to dp from crouch
>SFV reads double qcf and i super a whole lot of nothing
I do this way more often than I should
>only 80%
I don't mean to be a dick if you're not doing your DP motion 20% of the time that's pretty bad.
There's easy shortcut in SFIV and SFV for doing dp from crouch:
down-forward, down, down-forward
try it
Just use a keyboard or Hitbox
But I am doing my DP motion. Sometimes, my character ends up punching or kicking first (depending on the character), then cancelling that into a DP, and sometimes I just get a Hadouken. Generally, all I need to do is just focus and make sure I absolutely input the DP motion correctly and get it 100% of the time.
youre on Sup Forums, where people think persona has good gameplay
Forward, down, forward, punch. This is so easy that you can do it even when the guy is beyond mid air peak and it will still land.
Stop walking forward before doing hadouken
>"Some people will never be able to perform a DP" -Total "get cancer and die" Bitchtits
Fighting games can be so retarded
Use a half circle to input a fireball.
Generally, I've found that this helps, but it makes cancelling fireballs into other moves a bit harder.
I know better now, but I used to think this input meant this.
if dan is blocking your hits in training mode then you're not doing a combo.
any player could block it just the same by holding back when you're hitting them.
You only need to use it when walking forwards. Cancelling fireballs functions exactly the same way. You just input another qcf + whatever.
People who say that "fighting game motions are hard" are lazy shits. Takes about a minute or two just to become familiar with the motion.
>Doesn't realize he's actually shit at vidya
good thing i have macro for these annoying shit
>do a DP from crouch block
>get a CA every time
>do two fireball motions to cancel into CA
>get just a fireball every time
SFV's input leniency is really fucking weird.
Was anyone here from the last fightan thread? It was awful.
-Community accepts everyone
-Modern fighting games are easier than their predecessors,lots of online material to to help you with
-You can be a good player if you persevere and have patience
-Fighting games are fun
best fightan of all time coming through
this is why melee is the best fighting game
>fighting game
9 times out of 10, fightan threads on here are pure uncut donkey shit. My personal favorite post was along the lines of
>"don't blame casuals for not wanting to git gud because there's no money in it for being good"
I actually blame melee for this mindset:
as they place "da gawds" in such a fucking pedestal, that most just never want to play and just streamboar. Melee's community is 90% shitposting streamboars while the remaining 10% are too busy practicing melee tech to shitpost.
Streamboars are in every game but melee produces the biggest bundles of flaming sticks that not even the rest of the other game streamboars combined can match.
For the latter, I just do two QCFs and mash P or K twice while doing the motions. I generally seem to get it. It's quite easy for me to do, actually and I'm scrubby as fuck.
leffen was fairly new, he just has a good minset
>people think shoryuken motion is "hard"
>never tried shit like deadly rave or summon suffering motions
>dur 3 inputs it too much back to smash
>srk is now down down punch
thanks capcom, keep making fighting games worse.
>not playing charge characters
>tfw main Chun in V
>tfw can't do her cr. lp, st. mp, cr. mk xx SBK combo for fucking shit
>play leona in kof14
>mop the floor with whole teams as my starter
>fags cry about it
>she gets nerfed to shit
>still win all day with her
Love it, I can keep up my defense almost all times while continuously staying in their faces and they can't do shit.
no one actually has trouble with the shoryu input.
>not playing characters based purely on fetishes
>play skullgirls on pc
>no controller
>couldn't play cerebella because I can't do a full circle with arrow keys
On the bright side I got really good with Squigly.
>people say commands are "necessary" for a fighting game to be respected
>Everyone hails tatsunoko vs capcom as the true MvC3
>it had only directional inputs and no commands
anyways I can pull out pretzels, 360's, QCFs, DPs, charge attacks and any other commands, but I dont mind if I dont have to, fighting games are mostly about reads, combo memorization, space control and character experience (matchups) so its no big deal.
you mean 0.01666667 seconds off
>Everyone hails tatsunoko vs capcom as the true MvC3
I literally never even seen anyone on Sup Forums talk about it in the first place.
>bought SFV yesterday
>decide I want to play Cammy because i like her butt
>try doing the trials to master her combos
>air punch, standing punch, cannon spike
>accidentally do spiral arrow every time for like 30 minutes straight
Seriously though, fuck Z input moves. You don't see Mortal Kombat and Injustice having shit like this. Fuck the half circle moves too. There's literally no reason to not just have down forward, down back, back forward, etc. Pointless and frustrating complexity. This is why I prefer other games to SF.
inb4 fuck off casual scrub, git gud. I just want to be able to pick up and play my fighting games.
sorry, I meant places where people actually play fighting games.
See, I can't move from Right to Down without rolling through the bottom right input.
now try doing that with an analog stick on your standard PS3/360/PS4/XBone controller and tell me if it's just being a "lazy shit"
So the imaginary space in your brain that you wish existed? Because nobody talks about that game period.
not my fault you think Sup Forums is the only place on the universe, your circle of friends doesn't play fighting games or that you where born 5 years ago.
Persona has simplified controls, you might like it.
Not the best balanced fighter, but it's fun, and matchs go fast.
git gud
>thinking I think Sup Forums is the only place to "talk" about videogames
I'll repeat, nobody talks about that game in any place.
I actually just bought SFV a couple of weeks ago or so and I thought Cammy's trials were by far the easiest to complete. I breezed right through them in comparison to Ryu's and Chun-Li's which took me a little while.
Currently stuck on Bison's final trial. I actually thought his were mostly easy until the last two. I can't cancel his back-forward charge kick into his super for fucking shit. I swear the window to do it is so fucking small.
Anyway, DP and half-circles are easy as shit to do, man. For the latter, just input them kinda like a Hadouken only you're dragging your thumb across the other side as well, assuming you're on a pad.
>not using space as up
try the hitbox layout, it really helps
I suck big dick at at fighting games but I can do this every time
I've only heard that "it's good" and that's it. No one in the scene plays it competitively as far as I know, which is strange since they gave SxT a year before dropping that lol.
TvC was on the Wii, which probably had a lot to do with it. I really wish Capcom ports the game over to the Switch's VC and gives it online functionality but I doubt that'll ever happen.
Not him but stop being retarded.
I'm sure you mean raising/raging storm.
got forbid someone complains about the button sequence for deadly rave
Difficult inputs were once used to gate powerful techniques. Raging storm for example was one of the strongest reversal/anti-airs in KoF.
Fast invincible start up, good recovery,multi hit with long active frames good damage and covers vertical. The input even worked for cross ups.
If anyone wants to get into fighting games but are afraid of input commands then play Blazblue.
They literally have a character that doesn't use any special inputs other than 236 or 214 and they are actually pretty decent yet simple.
Two words:
>Total Biscuit: "There are some people who can't do a dragon punch motion and will never be able to"
This. I don't understand why does this tigger retards so much.
The input was hard but not impossible. While I don't think that difficult input = stronger attack it's the over simplification of inputs across the board that bother me.
Take Necali from SFV. His lunge forward attack is a back-forward charge input. It forces him to stop before closing the gap. Charge time is very short in SFV and the frame data for the attack is quite poor for a charge move.
Changing the input to "half-circle back>forward" still forces that stop.
Without diving too much deeper simpler inputs are ok, oversimplified is bad. Complex inputs were once used to gate strong attacks and stay secret during arcade era.
some things that can help you getting more consistent with your DP:
instead of [forward - down - down forward] you can do [down forward - down - down forward]
this is sometimes called "crouching DP" because your character stays crouched during it, and is slightly faster and easier to do than the standing DP.
as for sometimes dropping it in combos - it happens. you can practice your combos in training mode to improve your muscle memory, but you'll still drop them in matches from time to time. this gets better over time as you get more practice.
Break the sequence by tapping back then play with a keyboard
New people can do this easily.
How else could they Flowchart Ken?
Then do forward, neutral, down
I think they will increase charge time with the next patch.
and people still claim that Street Fighter is not broken?
Never had problem with that one.
Now if someone could explain to me how I'm suppose to do the one that require to do multiple full circle in a row.