Have any of you shitters ever scammed anyone?

>14 year old me
>playing runescape around 2009/10
>"friend" messages me
>"hey dude, I'm struggling, I want a fire cape but I can't complete the caves, can you help?"
>he wants me to do it for him
>I'm initially reluctant to do it but he eventually convinces me with payment after I do it.
>before he gives me his his pass, he acts sly and logs on another one of his accounts
>he adds me , pretends to be someone else and asks me a bunch of questions to see if I'm gonna scam (he thinks I'm retarded)
>I play along and earn his trust
>eventually get his trust and get his password
> i message him "dw bro, you will have that sweet fire cape in like an hour or two"
>I double log and trade all of his shit to my account
>10mins later he logs on
>messages me "why"
>I respond with "because life is cruel"

14 year old me was an edgy cunt.

Other urls found in this thread:



i was retard but i have always felt bad about being mean to people even if they are some person i'll only interact with online for a minute and never see again

Did some of the small time buying expensive items with message "WTS 4k" scam in Lineage 2.

Inb4 vscape shills show up

Someone tried to scam me out of some csgo items. Sent me an obviously bogus steam trade request with 4 of my items in it. I was about to cancel it but then I went and looked through his inventory, where he had the exact same 4 items. So instead of denying the trade request I sent a counter-offer back to him that looked identical to the one he sent me. He thought I had accepted his offer, and eagerly accepted mine instead. A few minutes later he sent me a steam message that just said "nice" and blocked me.

It was only like $7 but I felt pretty great about it.

>In a clan
>Have a green phat
>Some fucker in the guild has one too
>Say we should stake them for the screenshots of the spoils
>He agrees
>He beats me twice and gives me back my phat back each time
>I win the third time, claim his phat and log out for a couple of hours

I traded trimmed rune chest armour for nothing once. So yeah I was a retard and got scammed

Man, that's amazing if that actually happened.

Aren't you brainlets capable of telling a story without green meme arrows anymore

y-you gave it back eventually right?

I even remember the poor souls rsn

Young Zhou

>private store says WTS... in yellow
fuck you if you did this

I became friends with some guy on wow to the point where we would play on each others account. I still have him on facebook I think

>wow during wrath
>give someone a bunch of mats to make me a chopper
>give him the mats and he makes it then tries to trade it back
>says something like "wtf i can't trade, try /reload ui"
>loaded back in and he was gone
>reloading ui clears chat history and his name had a couple special characters in it

I opened a ticket and got all my shit back, but it was pretty clever

Yep. That's me.

My main trade was level4 PK outside of elf city, killing over and over retards who didn't know the city has two exists.

>14 year old me
Kill yourself

Fucking kek.

I remember being part of this clan. I was really good friends with the leader. I asked him if I could borrow a few mill because I really wanted claws. I was genuinely going to give it back too. Couple days later, I start getting messages from clan members saying if I don't give the money back, they would all report me. I took the chance and just left the clan. As expected, nothing happened and I gained a few mill out of it. Lost a cool friend in the process but oh well.

>save a shit ton of money
>want to buy Kanaxais Axe from some dude
>have around 70 plat + mats + dyes and other shit
>clog up the trading screen with mats
>dude was to focused on the mats instead of looking at the 70 plat
>didn't notice I forgot to put in the 70p
>press okay
>he accepts
>put him on the block list afterwards and run away after i noticed saved 70p
I feel like scum

You're either underage or a senile old cunt

>I opened a ticket and got all my shit back
DId they take it off him or just dupe it for you?

5 of us at school played and we all told eachother our password. That same evening I logged on two of their accounts and drop traded their shit to my pure + I drop traded my mains shit to my pure too to not be on the suspect list

They all blamed one guy who we ended up neglecting for a whole year

>long ass fucking time ago
>Endless online
>know this gril
>she just can't get through hell to complete that one quest
>asks me to do it for her, gives me her account details
>run the quest for her, leave it there
>3 months later she takes a break
>log in, steal her baruta, sell it for 25M

That's not scam, that's betrayal. Scam is when you fuck up someone you don't know.

>why cant we do things like on the reddit website

Fucking hell user. That is some deceitful shit right there. I applaud you

No idea, but I doubt they didn't remove the chopper from him and punish him. They have trade histories and saw who it was, just wouldn't disclose what they were gonna do to him

Tell your story in prose or fuck off newfags, green text is for quoting

go back to /r/autism

>newfag thinks he's smart because he read the FAQ
you have to go back

Not trying to take a side, but calling someone newfag for writing in green text is pretty silly.

Green texting is the norm. How new are you?

That would make him 22 now. Calm down, grandpa.

You forgot the obligatory "Who are you quoting"

>tries to play off as an oldfag
>gives self away
gg wp


Hello le friend! :) Are you lost? Le front page of the interwebz is right this way!

>be me
>diablo 2 LOD, open battle.net
>4th grade or some shit, like 9
>you can use single player characters on open battle.net
>go to open battle.net
>get my fucking ass kicked bc everyone is using hacked charms
>eventually find out you can alter item attributes with jamela's hero editor
>small charm
>120% experienced gained each kill, 120% increased movement speed, teleport, add XYZ amount of damage for specific damages, mana shield, instant mana regen, instant health regen, the FUCKING WORKS
>looks legit, but its still a shit charm with a fuck load of attributes
>make the charm able to turn player model into werebear
>unequip every item (so if you had too much in the inventory they would drop)
>freeze character
>couldnt remove from inventory

best part

>dupe the fuck out of them into my cube, and start handing them out in random PVP games for """extra boost"""
>start servers "free hacks"
>everyone was getting them, and everyone was getting fucking PISSED

eventually, those who knew how to use a hero editor could easily remove them, but the items lost were gone4good unless they had a copy of them for the hero editor
those who didnt know how to use a hero editor, were pretty much fucked

stupid fucking hackers and their stupid fucking charms, kiss my fucking ass

I seriously never understood how people fall for video game scams that don't at the very least involve some kind of glitch abuse or otherwise unexpected game malfunction.

Even as a 10 year old I wasn't gullible enough to fall for runescape scams. The very first thought in any trade or interaction was always "how does this benefit the other person, why would they do this?".

Is this a regional thing? Are people in the US not taught from a super young age to never trust or interact with complete strangers?

i was scammed twice online

once was in some f2p browser mmo. i had bought all of the best armor in the game (with real money) and was walking around one of the starting zones.
some guy came up to me and told me if i gave him my password he would dupe my gold. i was reluctant until two other people entered the zone and started thanking this guy for duping their gold.
i gave him my password and he told me to logout for five minutes. i was never able to log in again, lol.

the other time was in roblox, back before you could wear two hats at once you could do something called a double hat glitch to wear two at the same time.
this guy i knew told me he would do it for me, so i gave him my password. he did do the double hat glitch for me but he also transferred my group of 800+ people to his account. RIP Devil May Cry Demon Hunters.

Is summer here already?

I commend you for getting this many retards to fall for your obvious bait

wtf thats me you fucker give it back

I did that with a guy in vanilla. We would play each other's characters in battlegrounds and shit, was fun.
Shame he became a shizo drug addict.

most of the time it's new players or people that haven't been scammed before, so hey're unfamiliar with the value of items, unfamiliar with the trade UI and still trying to figure things out and therefore more gullible to what people say

This didn't happen to me but an old high school friend who was DEEP into Runescape

>2nd or 3rd year of High School
>He's highest level and played the longest out of all of us
>Gets involved in a clan, all of them seem like cool guys
>They have forums and he wants to sign up
>One of the options was to link his account so people can "add him easily and set up some clan networking"
>He falls for it
>Next day he logs in, all of his shit is missing and he's in the middle of the Wildy
>Day after that he can't log in because his password got changed
>He just gets a message on the forums from one of the guys he talked to a lot saying "lol"

You've never seen a kid become more heartbroken and defeated before, he just FINALLY got his first 99 skill. He was upset about that for weeks and discussing Runescape around him was playing with fire.

Kill yourself

Welcome to your first day here

how much of a retard do you have to be to give your password away twice?


i knew the guy really well in roblox, i interacted with him pretty much every day in my rp group

It's all fun and games for you, what you don't realize is if we fail to tell people who genuinely believe in things he wrote to go away, they will stay.


actually thats wrong you fucking retard

Not really scamming but some goy added me for trading in tf2 wanting my Strange pistol (value about 1 reclaimed metal). he put up some shite items who pretty much matched the price but i said nah since i rather keep the pistol. Then he just put in a key (value around 25-30 refined)(1 ref = 3 rec) and just accepted. never heard from him again

>2004 or so
>always thought scamming was rude and childish
>walking through world 1 wearing that red/blue castle wars armor
>some idiot walks up to me
>"hey can u dye my armor"
>conflicted, don't want to tell him that isn't possible
>but it's also his own fault for not doing his research
>and I needed better armor anyway
>take his armor, switch worlds, block him
>continue on my way

It's no wonder there were so many scammers in that game when it's more difficult to not do it than to do it
And I think it was just mithril anyway

I prefer my stories in little easy to read blocks

Not scamming, but I used to go to popular drop trading places in runescape and steal peoples shit

>mfw I fell for this
I was but a wee bairn new to Runescape.

Man how fucking old are ya ? because you must be atleast 14 to try to fucking enforce such arbitrarily dumb shit.

>that fag who tries to trade with you then fills the trade window with worthless items before trying to replace the actual item at the last second
You little shits made merchanting a pain in the arse.

Who is this semen demon

Top kek. How can someone who is in their second or third year of high school be dumb enough to fall for this shit. I'd understand a young kid but 17/18 year old?

I don't understand the psych of this kind of morons. What's your endgame? Are you the type of dipshits who apply to become janitors?

>crafting sandstone drake in wow
>get all mats traded to my lvl 1 bank char
> send to main and delete bank
Lol some people were so stupid, only did it once though

2nd/3rd year highschool in Scotland. We would have been around 13 or something.

Let me write my Runescape story in a 50 page screenplay for you hold on


>Some guy came up to me and told me if i gave him my password he would dupe my gold.

Please tell me you were like 5 years old at the time an high on dental anesthesia or something.

I literally cannot process what would kin of brain activity or more accurately lack of there-of would have to occur for someone to fall something like this. Why would someone dupe your gold for no reason? Why would they nee your password for it?

This is like "Greasy old hobo told me he would give me candy if I came with him to his hobo cave, I did, and I got raped" tier stupid

Oh right. I guess I could see that happening then. Still though at 13 I would expect someone to be a bit smarter. Then again, we are talking about Scotland here

>we are talking about Scotland here
I would try to argue that but you're not wrong.

le 9 years old haxxor xdxdxD

I started in 2003. Me and my friend scammed all the time. Mostly one time little things because people were retarded.

Here's the best one.

>there's an item on Karumja called a proboscis
>before summoning I don't think it was used for anything at all, but it was tradable and rather common
>Player A would sit in bank saying "SELLING PROBOSCIS 5M CASH"
>Player A would find some rich lookin guy and PM Player B his name
>Player B would whisper him and be like "yo, you got a proboscis?"
>the target usually goes "wtf? no idk what that is lol"
>Player B says "ok, I'm trying to find one, willing to pay 10M gp for it"
>target says "ok w/e" lol
>Player A casually walks around the bank, making sure to be within range of the target but still as far as possible to avoid suspicion
>target notices Player A's spam
>realizes the flip he could do
>buys the worthless item for 5M gp
>we both log

Me and my friend seriously made over 400M gp off that in like 2007 before it finally caught on, so retarded.

Falling Furni in Habbo

I remember starting out and fucking retards couldn't tell my hobbled little shitshow was a scam since I clearly didn't have anything good beside some HC couches but the little idiots were desperate to win.
Started making the big bucks to scam even harder when I got enough capital to start get good trading to make my shit look more legit

>he doesn't like hobo candy
What a fag

>"buying full rune 200k"
>trade window pops up
>he offers full rune
>I put up 200k
>click cancel on purpose
>"Sorry man, misclick xD" (normies love smileys)
>"NP ^^"
>puts full rune back up
>put 20k up and click accept
>full rune for 20k

did this multiple times, it worked a lot.

Normally I'd start selling it next to them right away too.


How does shit like this work. The text on gold would change when it went above 100k. People are retarded.

Yeah i used to scam people alot on WoW back in wotlk/tbc.

Part 1 of the scam
>Make a character on the ptr
>Offer to trade accounts with some random dude
>Send him a screncap of my ptr char as proof of my char, take his account and swap passwords.

Part 2
>Start selling ´´spectral triger´´ codes in orgrimmar, where it was still required to go to BB in order to turn in the code (using the stolen acc)
>Ask people to pay half the money upfront, send them to bootybay, and meanwhile when they are not on trade keep spamming trade chat
>Through multiple accounts launder the gold onto my own account

Get rich as fuck

>Normally I'd start selling it next to them right away too.
>>buys the worthless item for 5M gp

>do this but with a halloween mask
>back then the font made the '4' kind of look like a 'k'
>almost paid 19k gold for a 19m blue h'ween mask

he accepted the 2nd window but declined 0.01 sec before I hit accept

t. underage

That's a classic Personally i used the beads from the witch quest.

>15 year old me playing SWG
> AT-RT mount just comes out as a bonus for buying Complete Collector's Edition
>tell guy I will trade a BARC Speeder for it
>don't have one
>rename trash pet worth 15000 credits
>it's name now shows as (BARC SPEEDER)
>tell him when i'm trading it that it's a glitch and looks like a Kadu
>he falls for it and we trade
>I walk away with an AT RT(worth 14million credits)
>his brother starts sending me whispers that he is crying now and they contacted a CSR about it
>a few days later I see the guy i scammed with an AT RT, dunno how he got it

>Another Swg story
>guy is selling his BARC Speeder for 10 million credits
>I don't have enough money to buy it
>we initiate trade
>menu lets you input the money you want to trade between the two players
>I type in 1000000 to the trade window
>he doesn't bother to read the amount of zeroes
>I get the BARC Speeder for 9 million less
>he tries to contact CSR about it
>nothing happens

Absolutely fantastic. Its stuff like this that makes me realize why some people fail and others succeed

>When you get nostalgic for a skinnerbox.

RS is shit now. The community is completely different and RS3 is high level trash.

>tfw countering a retard trying to the ol' close window repeatedly and swap and getting their bait offer for next to nothing

How many people play Runescape actively right now? (New)

ye several times

biggest scam was 1.6b (1600$ or so back in 2010-2009)

so ezzz

me and my friend went to to a private server once and scammed with Achey logs using the same method

Since pretty much none of these players played on members they never did big chompy bird hunting so they had no idea wtf they were

ez gp


I wouldn't consider myself a bad person, but I was really cruel in runescape.

>"Free trip from lumbridge to varrock for new players ^^"
>get loads of new people following me
>walk them straight into the stone henge with the wizards and watch as they melt
>beat someone in PVP
>get a tell right away saying "please man give me my stuff back"
>"Sure, come to varrock I'll give it back :)"
>wait for him to find me and then sell it to the NPC right next to me
>"check the NPC"
>make a fake formspring account to jack passwords
>call it something stupid like "Runescape level grinder"
>multiple people fall for it somehow
>get a max level cook and add it to my character database

People are fucking stupid.

Oh also, I always used to offer armor trimming for 25k, people knew it was a scam if it was free, but actually thought it was legit if you charged.

Psychology yo.


I don't know numbers but I'll warn you that when 07fags start to dickwave, their numbers are inflated by bots

>Scamming on a private server

>forsooth, I wasth upon mine computing cube
>upon the 4th channel in their digital entertainment podium
>zounds! a homosexual doth take the center stage, proclaiming away the verdant-arrowed text of our forefathers
>alas, t'was but the queen's jester taking the guise of an unaddled man

That enough prose for you, limp-wrist?

>11 years old
>me and my two pals in sixth grade are broke af in runescape and figure out we can scam people in rs
>don't even bother with any clever shit like trimming armor at first
>spam in chat that we need 1 mill and will pay back 2 mill in 15 minutes
>rarely if ever does anyone question this
>fucking set up shop in my friends living room on our shitty laptops scamming people all night on Friday/sat nights
>literally made 100s of million of gold doing this through elementary and junior high
>[a decade later and I last spoke to one of them 2 years ago when we had dinner after not talking for 5-6 years, and the other one did too much acid or something in high school and now lives in an extended stay motel on the side of a highway smoking weed and living off what little money his dad sends to keep him alive[/spoilers]

good times but I didn't want to remember all of that

>user doesn't know [current year]
have you been in a coma?

fucked the spoiler, fuck it though

>set up shop in my friends living room on our shitty laptops
Man, I miss the days a group of us would just gather round on weekends and play RS all night.

>>[a decade later and I last spoke to one of them 2 years ago when we had dinner after not talking for 5-6 years, and the other one did too much acid or something in high school and now lives in an extended stay motel on the side of a highway smoking weed and living off what little money his dad sends to keep him alive[/spoilers]
Hahahahaha man thats an emberassing fuck up

Explain please. Why did they buy them for so much?

Fuck my 4chins cred