
Have you ever refunded a game, Sup Forums?

I just issued my first Steam refund, and I autismed all over the note section.


No, I haven't. Don't fucking reply to me

Wow rude.

I commend your autism

Have you considered the Jumbo might have more armor due to superior metallurgy in the latter part of the war?

I refunded Killing Floor 2, but I just said that the devs had ruined the game over the course of early access. I mean your autism is cool OP but I doubt it was necessary.

Why did you write that to Steam support on a fucking refund ticket? Do you honestly think they give a shit?

>leaving a note

how pathetic are you?

>"You shouldn't be able to refund my game because you can refund a game within two hours and my game can be beaten in that time period!"


Then it probably is good that the system is automated in cases of 2hours/14 days, and nobody will ever read that.
>I initiated this conversation to tell you that I am not interested in this conversation.
Obvious lie.

If your game only lasts 2 hours we shouldn't pay for it whatsoever unless it's good.

>speaking of good, short, FREE games...

>dork souls
>average playthrough takes say 20 hours
>speedrunners can beat it in under 30 minutes
This is why you shouldn't be able to refund it!

no one actually reads the notes, the process is automated.

the vast majority of refunds is automated, nobody read that shit. if you played the game under 2 hours your request was automated. all they check for is time played and to see if you have abused the system in the past.

you should have posted that in the discussion forums. you probably would have gotten hiveminded from people who dickride the game but at least you would have been heard by an actual person.

If your game can be beaten within 2 hours and costs more than 5 bucks and isn't the most replayable, magnificent fucking game in existence, you deserve the refunds.

People should not make games that people are not interested in keeping for the price they are asking.

3 possibilities:
1.) The game is not fun.
2.) The game is overpriced.
3.) You stupidly marketed the game to a much larger audience than would be realistically interested in what you made, and thus got nipped in the bud by the right of the people valve affords them quite justifiably.

If this happens you are highly likely at fault, because in general people do not refund games they consider worth the money, and the assholes that do are so rare that you would have had to go out of your way to advertise the game to people who naturally would not consider it worth the money, but you hoped that they would not be able to, or forget to/have played for to long to refund.

Most pronounced evidence for this assumption of mine is of course the way the devs who are "victims" of this almost always go on childish tirades on social media of your choice.

wehraboo tears are pure gold

False. I got a refund for PUBG with 13 hours in. I mentioned that I closed the game and left my computer overnight but didn't realize the application was still racking up time. Die

Refunds should not be a thing. If you didn't want a game, why did you buy it?

>Buy for honor
>Have fun for first hour but then start to just die to bullshit
>Refund it
>See all the bad stuff about it

Heh... nothin personal

>Points out flaws in both sides

This webm is what set me off to refund. Anti tank guns hit a tank destroyer a fuckton of times and do nothing. A rifleman squad walks up to it and destroys it in a single hit.

I did once. Way back when I was subscribed to totalcancer and he glowingly recommended some indy 4x space game. Like, you could practically hear his erection slap the bottom of his desk while talking about it.

So I decide to give it a try. Buy it, play for a half hour and wouldn't you know, it was shit. Said as much in my refund request and got my money back very quickly.

Smashed that unsubscribe button too.

if it takes less than 2 hours to beat its not a video game. sell your "narrative driven interactive experiences" elsewhere. its bad enough even new aaa shooters can be beaten in under 6.

I tried refunding an early access game I bought 2+ years ago because the developers abandoned it, but they denied the refund for being over 2 weeks.

To refund it
Have a problem with that?

I purchased a game and it was so bug ridden that it couldn't be fixed and crashed constantly. I wanted the game, I enjoyed what little I could play, but it was broken on a fundamental level so I got my money back. If it wasn't by some tiny European studio I might have had some hope of it being patched to a playable state.

I accidentally purchased 2 gift copies of a game once and refunded one. That's it. I'm not a brainded retard who buys games without knowing the developer and reading the reviews, so fuck EU for enforcing their consumer laws upon Valve. It makes the games more expensive for everybody because a portion of people don't have responsibility for their actions.

So frontal hits from long distance don't do much to Jagdpanther? Really surprising there.

Multiple times.

Refunded multiple games during steam sales when either the performance was shit on my beefy PC, lack of controller support when it was a console port, or is lacking in resolution options and there is no way to mod it (Its one thing if its a 2D game, its another when it is a fairly recent 3D game that is locked to 720p).

I usually install the game, run it, see how the performance is, and decide if I like the game or not. Refunds are also great when you get a game that is broken or has not been updated in forever and crashes on startup and there is no workaround.

I refunded Revolution 60

It blew and you can copy and paste the folder of the game to another location and play it from there anyway, it has absolutely no DRM

>anything better than Kruppstahl

You purchased Revolution 60 in the first place? Why not just stick your dick in a toaster if you hate yourself that much?

>purchase a game
>store page claims there are 7 levels
>actually only has 1 unbeatable level
>can't refund

I was planning to refund it from the start anyway.

>buy game
>play for 90 minutes
>eh this game is shit
>try refund
>refund rejected

there is nothing you can do about it either. google it. Steam can literally just tell you to fuck off.

76mm penned Jagdpanthers at 1200m+ in postwar tests, the range actually helped counter the slope because shell drop normalized the projectile.

Even if it did not penetrate, the insides of the tank would be coated with shrapnel, enough to kill any crewmembers ten times over with that amount of firepower.

The bazooka the riflemen were using has 80mm heat penetration. The frontal armor of a jagdpanther is 120mm accounting for slope.

No matter how you look at it, the tank should not have been "just fine" after getting pelted by 76mm guns, and it should not have exploded when hit by a bazooka.

yes fuck balancing in a multiplayer game.

Are you stupid?

>game claims to be historical 11 times on store page
>isn't historical


>Buy game
>Get far in it.
>Run into crippling bug that causes the game to no longer save.
>Try to get a steam refund and explain what is going on.
>Get denied.
>Have to wait a month for the company to finally acknowledge the issue and patch it.

Happened with Mankind Divided last year and it sucked. I admit I wasn't expecting a refund since I was about 13 hours into the game, but still.

You are talking about journey of the light, right?
Doesnt steam offer unconditional refunds on those things?

I've refunded at least ten games and have never written more than three sentences in the note section.

I refund steam games all the time and only type 5 or so words in the note section

>Run into crippling bug that causes the game to no longer save.
I assume you would need to have the "luck" that this happens to more people, because "game does not work anymore, swear on me mum" is probably the go to excuse people go for when trying to abuse the system, which makes it suck all the more when it actually happens to you.

I refunded Planet Coaster because it didn't run as well as I expected for the type of game that it is
I'm sure two hours is no where near enough to judge the game itself though
Also, fuck paying $45 especially since I had to use dollarydoos

I kinda wish there was a way to attach images and or small videos to refund tickets to show what errors or whatnot you are running into, at least to strengthen your case when shit actually does go wrong.

Then again, valve doesn't give a fuck and tries to get away with minimal interaction or reliability where possible.

Nope. It's rare enough for me to even buy PC games nowadays due to having a huge backlog on my handhelds and PC library. I also don't really buy games that are more than $30-40 unless it's something I've been looking forward to for months like I dunno, Persona 5 or whatever.

Most of my games came from bundle packs or were so cheap it's not even worth refunding.

These days I mainly mod Fallout NV or play time sink games like Civ or Total War.

I am interested in Planet Coaster but I heard it lacks in the management aspect. Plus according to it's sale history, it doesn't have sales that often. Maybe in the summer sale.

Just waiting for DayZ to come out so i can get that sweet sweet refund

I tried to refund deathwing, but it was after 2 weeks. I held out to see if the game ran better, it still runs rather poorly. i didnt get a refund

What a fag, did you know if you add any sort of note, it has to be checked by a human otherwise its fully automated as long as you are eligible.

Some poor smelly pajeet probably had to sift through that diatribe and it contained no important technical information at all.

Wow you are fat smelly scum for that. I bet you chuck your drink and popcorn at the ground at the cinema.

The history purist man that I am is pleased by your post.

PS: I red thumb every WWII game I have that censors swastika and the like, even if the game is good. Don't get me started on wrong calibers, etc.

I just pick the "its not fun" option.

worked all 5 times.


It's the rules on steam.
Don't like it? Don't publish your game on Steam.

Also, if people really wanted to play your game without paying, they would pirate it.
If they refund it, it's because it wasn't satisfactory enough for them to give their money.

Make better games.

>buying games

>and to see if you have abused the system in the past.
Have a refund request even been denied because the system was "abused"?
It's written nowhere in the rules that there is "limits" to the

I refunded Limbo's sequel because my tired eyes read 2 bucks instead of 12.

>>play for 90 minutes
>>eh this game is shit
>>try refund
>>refund rejected
Do you know why? The rules states that you can refund.

Only one and it was Europa Universalis IV. Fuck Paradox.
Victoria II will always be their best game.

OP confirmed massive fag.

Not an argument ;)

Today, today I will remind them.

what is inflation dobson?

Fuck your 'inflation'. An spare me your taxes meme.

Never pay more than 20$ or you've been SCAMMED.

Stay mad shill.

Never buy a game until you've played it. Period. Then pay however much you want to, preferably not through Steam.

>Buy used game from Gamestop
>Get 7 days to refund it for full price

The U.S. dollar experienced an average inflation rate of 2.33% per year between 1990 and 2017. $20 in the year 1990 is worth $37.28 in 2017.

>$20 in the year 1990 is worth $37.28 in 2017.

autism much honey?
>dat pic
yes u have severe autism

>Buying games in the first place
Faggots never learn

Don't even get me started on health insurance.


are you trying to trigger /o/ fags?

140mm effective dont suddenly outarmor 150 @ 50ish degrees

Tiger IIs UFP was not penetrated a single time in the war while Jumbos where not a big problem for Long 88s and to an extend long 75s

Good autistic ramblings, user.

I've refunded a couple of games because they didn't work. All you need to do.

I refunded a couple of games up, on the notes section i just wrote: "Regrets." As long as its within allowable limit, support don't even read your shit.

I am Setsuna is my only refund to date
Game was obviously low budget and just fucking awful in every single context

The game wasn't amazing but not bad enough to get a refund

Disagree, especially when they had the nerve to put a >40$ price tag on it
I'm not a picky person but it could at least have been the same level of quality as Bravely Default

I don't even remember the name of the game. I refunded a game that had the same gameplay style of Descent, but it was a procedurally generated Roguelike thing.
After about 90 minutes of extremely dull gameplay, non-enemies that sometimes fired in my general direction and weapons that sprayed like a garden sprinkler even after finding a dozen accuracy/power/whatever upgrades, I refunded it.

It was like the proto-STRAFE before Strafe came out, a "retro" roguelite shooter that was more RPG than shooter, the RPG elements interfering with good gameplay. The same kind of interest in each game was met with the same kind of disappointment, at least I didn't fall for Strafe, too.