explain this
Explain this
>quick nvidia we need to get our system out by march and it needs to be a handheld what've you got
>our tablet I guess??
>how did we go from handhelds that existed alongside consoles
>to a handheld console hybrid
It's OK when nintendo sells a system that is too expensive and large to be a handheld, and too underpowered to be a home console
>too large to be a handheld
You need to be at LEAST 5'5'' to post, my friend.
You're clearly well below that with some Trump hands.
Include me in the screencap
best handheld coming through
let me just charge it first...
>It's OK when Nintendo does it!
>literally everything Nintendo does is hated by a majority of people
nintendo is garbage for children
there is no reason for handheld consoles to exists in 2017 when mobile is growing so quickly
>too underpowered to be a home console
Allow me to let you in on a secret.
They can release a literal toaster for what i care. If it has fun games i will buy it.
>it's a "sonybros beg for nintendo titles on a platform they can play while simultaneously trying to pretend they don't want those titles" episode
pc master race you console scum
>too large
>mfw manlets
I like how it has Reddit meme faces to tell me how to feel.
Excellent taste in video games, good sir! Show them console cucks a lesson!
wtf i hate this pic now
Hahahahaha :)
Sounds like the Vita. Except the Switch is actually doing well.
Wrong image pal. I'd replace the PSP with the Vita if the damn thing has a lot of games in it.
Dsi such a stylish console, I need to get another
Id replace the PSP for the Vita if the hacking scene was better and bothered with version 3.65
Can't user. Exploits are a little hard to find. At least you can spoof your system version to 3.65.
My hacked Vita is great. Just waiting on my 64gb men card in the mail.
Yeah the Vita was a mistake
>look at me im being disingenuous for attention
reddit is that way
I mean I can go and install VHBL on PS Vita, but I don't know, does it run PS1 games well?