Why is Sup Forums so shit at video games?

Why is Sup Forums so shit at video games?

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I want another future chapter or at least show why she leaves him for another guy. It is great knowing she NTRs him but development would be nice.

I think it's pretty normal to be shit at video games when you don't play video games.

All talk, no practise. People would rather bitch about artificial difficulty and faulty level design than learn how to actually play the game.


We don't really like them.

I like playing and finishing a bunch of different games rather than dedicating 1,000 hours to a single one like an autismo.

This shit again

I don't know but I'm tired of talking to people who think any semblance of challenge is bad game design

why is she always so smug

So when is she going scheme MC to kiss her?

Do they end up together?
I have only seen this story through quick glimpses on Sup Forums.

They play no skill garbage like fan service games and visual novels.


Who is this semen demon?

But I'm a top tier FIFA player


stop posting lies, he will eventually get with the smug girl who teases him!

if it literally ends in NTR I will rage


Honestly that sounds like marketing suicide if they end a series in NTR.
Like that one series that ended with him saving a girl in the past to lose in the future, what a shit show and a big waste of everyones time.

>top tier
>FIFA player

She ends with MC

They're okay with it if the series is already marketed as NTR at least.

his top tier at them FIFA cards user, leave the poor user be... PFFTHAHAHAHA

>denial -----

Put that NTR warning logo on the series that they do for doujins


>Not realizing that she's teasing the readers


>tfw only glimpsed at a few pages posted of the smug girl mango

is it actually a good read that doesn't end in NTR? please say yes so I have something to do on this rainy night

last chapter was in the future, she marries another guy and said "id be nice if i married him back then"

it hasnt ended yet

there is a false ending the author did to 'tease' the audience

I'm top 10 in a smash bros game in my state.

Can I be good at vidya gaems Sup Forums?

I'd destroy anyone here at brood war

i used to wreck everyone shit in def jam FFNY back then, even won a small local tournament

>already NTR in the girls mind

its all over lads. burn the lot.

i played for the top team in T:A at one point

I hate competitive games and competitive practices in general. Even when I win I still don't like it.

He's lying, user. She marries the MC in the flashforward

Race me in midnight club faggot. I'll wipe the road with you.

>NTRfags at full force

Literally can't wait for the anime.

>STILL in denial

just embrace it, there is literally nothing wrong with being a cuckold

She marries the MC, the whole point of the flashforward was a joke to trick the reader into thinking she didn't until the very end.

>NTRfags in so much denial they try to tell others that they're in denial
This is hilaious

This one? myanimelist.net/anime/34383/

reminder that the platename was added by the translator, the raws didnt have a name on it

*rolls eyes*

>theres no traps
what is this shit


We don't have time to play videogames, we must perfect ou're shitposting.

>trusting ntrcucks to have a rational mind

what did you do to that poor Skyline you nigger

hello i am computer


hello computer!