I do work for konami here in Japan I am developing and listening of big games here
We are making some new Metal Gear games one for phones that is peace walker one for nintendo that is makeover of four old games that are the two on MSX and the american one on the famicom and the one on the gameboy there is one for all peoples consoles with the snake brothers in the future with laser guns and there is another for the nintendo and the playstation that is a third card action game and one small animated movie about thirty minuites about raiden rescuing the baby
The metal gear zombie survival game is not cancelled we are not working on it ourself someone else in new zland is doing that now
We are working with platinum people again to make a new vampire killer game for all people on all console to enjoy
Nothing new with gradius or our other old games
Guy savage is coming back from snake eater as full game
J-san visit once a week to check progress on games he is a smart crazy man
I hope the new castlevania is actually good and comes to pc.
Luis Davis
>Jサンさん 誰?
Mason Miller
Chase Peterson
My bulshit meter is pinging, but I hope this is real
Christian Morris
when will bomber girl come to consoles.
Jace Clark
Why even remake ghost babel?
Hunter Morgan
That's not a haiku This however is a haikku I hate konami
Samuel Stewart
>ほこり >literally translates to dust >not ダスティ You need to use something other than google translate m8
Christopher Long
>This however is a haikku 8 syllables. You fail.
Colton Bailey
I said Sinobuz ya jerk. Oh well bye.
>ガイの野蛮人 笑った
Samuel Gomez
>ガイの野蛮人 wwwwwwwwww
John Rivera
The vampire game, Code Vein is being made by Namco not Konami you retard fuck
David Gutierrez
Pretty sure he was trying to say Vampire Killer as an alternative to Castlevania, even though that's not what the series is called in Japan.
Evan Green
Darn what a blunder I though I was a master Haiku's are hard lol
Aiden Ortiz
Yeah well when he reposted in Japanese he translated Guy Savage to the Japanese word for "savage" so I wouldn't put too much thought into it.
Ethan Gutierrez
>though And now you misspelled a word. You just can't do it.
Justin Sullivan
Jaxon Evans
Caleb Williams
Summer comes early Shitposting intensifies Sup Forums was never good
Oliver Roberts
Fuck you even if you're a fake, nobody wants MGS, just bring bemani games to europe or on console
Jose Rivera
Dominic Harris
Daniel White
This is a vidya game board. Get lost Konami
Nolan Russell
I wish you to die In a fire I pray you burn thy ashes consumed
Jeremiah Lee
>We are working with platinum people again to make a new vampire killer game for all people on all console to enjoy !!!
Platinum Castlevania?
Kevin Campbell
Haikus are supposed to relate to the seasons and nature
Jaxson Bennett
>In a fire I pray you burn That's 8 syllables. Fire is two syllables and the rest are one.
Joseph Hughes
>Guy the Barbarian will return from a snake's friend as a perfect game.
Jose Butler
>204863 are co-ords to the bermuda triangle (gz helicopter crash) and iceland (ds trailer location) >the pt radio talks about gateways to alternate dimensions (mg survive, norman reedus's necklace), the men in the sky and how "they" have been manipulating media, don't trust the news (the patriots / konami-kojima controversy) >moby dick was released without an epilogue, the epilogue was included in later iterations >kojima has posted an IRL silent hill health drink several times >has made several tweets referencing "3"'s, like how much he loved the killing tv show but was disappointed how there was no season 3 (there was) >the second low roar album is called zero and has songs on it such as "phantoms", "don't stop (chapter 1)" and "don't stop (chapter 2)" >before GZ was even released low roar asked kojima if they could make music for him, point being he could've had this included in the ruse because they asked this before the konami / kojima rumors dropped >the pt radio even talks about norman reedus hanging himself with an umbilical cord >time winters (zero) narrates the mg survive gameplay, zero is literally showing us his latest experiment >when asked about the cancelled silent hills project on stage with Mark Cerny kojima quickly developed a massive shit eating grin, started acting really agitated, both him and mark cerny started cracking up >ford commerical called the phantom stars mads having a face transplant in cyprus wearing glasses kojima tweeted called 1985 >new playstation ad has the old kojima productions logo in the background >the contractor who trademarked sony's "v" is also responsible for death stranding and decima Then check out the poster. PT. Reverse Death Stranding. You get SD. PTSD The events of Phantom Pain were a coma nightmare. Death Stranding IS Silent Hills. On top of that the REAL MGS5 will be coming out next year.
Jackson Bailey
To add to this: >mads slipped up and said kojima has 300 people at his tokyo offices working on death stranding >kojima has claimed only 100 people are, to keep up the illusion this is a new independent studio >a gz prisoner mumbles about the schrodinger equation >"last year i thought i lost everything but i...*laughs*...didn't lose anything" - this is what kojima actually said at dorito pope's show >the pt system crash screen is signed by "j", the letter j is on the bridge toro enters in the ds trailer 2 >jordan vogt-roberts laughs when asked about the konami / kojima split 39:08 of youtu.be/x1bPQdbGyUY?t=2348 >the only emblem that's left in the game's coding that hasn't be released for TPP is a picture of Kojima's head, it's going to be released on the first day of E3 >the kojima productions website was created a month before kojima's departure and is set to expire 30/11/2017 >the head transplant doctor said his patient will learn how to move after surgery using VR, TPP is likely a VR simulation Kojima Producions is literally not recorded as a private independent business nor holding company nor any fucking entity in Japan's registration bureau or anywhere else in the world
They also use front organizations to sell their products and those organizations refuse to tell you the name of who owns the intellectual property.
Also to make matters worse; Kojima's logo and name trademark for his team got turned down for copyright. And KONAMI still owns the name "Kojima Productions."
Feel free to mention this to him or his team members in Twitter. They won't dare respond to you.
Dorito Pope also slipped up in when being interviewed about how he got involved in the Moby Dick ruse when he said Kojima approached him and told him he wanted to do MGSV in 3 parts (Ground Zeroes, Phantom Pain, so what's Part 3).
Leo Bennett
>Fire is two syllable It's only one syllable you fuck Damn you're dumbass
Thomas Hill
Are you some sort of inbred hillbilly who pronounces it FAHR? Fire is two syllables.
William Garcia
Henry Ortiz
I'm down for more peace walker
Dylan Flores
Asher Stewart
FIB my nigga i was waiting for you to turn up
Leo Hall
It's pronounced "Faer"
Nathaniel Cooper
Bentley James
Joseph Reyes
Yo, I read your thread yesterday, and now I can't wait for E3
Hudson Martinez
Caramel and FIB are two different people, the later was banned some day ago.
Jayden Long
Brandon Bell
Glad we have some believers in the thread.
Robert Morgan
え…そりゃSup Forumsを見る以外何があるってんだよ…
Dominic Martinez
I didn't say that. I have no clue and no stake in this, but somebody will get BTFO at E3. I don't really care who.
Blake Smith
Then keep your mouth shut. I have no time for non believers. Either strap yourself into the ruse cruise for maximum hype or get the fuck out.
Lucas Phillips
It's not terribly fair to laugh at someone for being wrong if you're not even bold enough to hold an opinion.
Leo Gutierrez
mentally ill
Jeremiah Ross
Ludvig Forsell aka lumparn is streaming on twitch right now
Ian Robinson
kojima exposed with overwhelming autism drones blame konami
Blake Bell
holy shit lol what i made that picture and posted it on reddit some months ago
Ryan Cox
Jackson Reed
It depicts the connections in a clear and concise manner. Good job.
Caleb Campbell
Thanks I dont really know if im still on the ruse cruise though
But this last thing with Konami retweeting that thing about disarmament and chapter 3 is tickling my conspiracy fetish
Luke Perez
Josiah Diaz
Back to r/neverbegameover you autist
Anthony Evans
If we take your belief that MGS5 is happening and is also an entirely separate game, which has been worked on for at the very least 4 years, how do you explain the absence of any leaks whatsoever up to this point?
Parker Wood
Any news on Suikoden? At least ask a new team to take over it? Even as obscure as it is, it has a following of its own.
Aaron Cruz
Kojima is making it himself with literally no staff in a cave on a thinkpad with no wifi
Aaron Reed
An NDA is not a joke that you break because YOLO xD. You can lose every asset you have and if you break one. You can literally become homeless overnight.
Another interesting note is how much of the game was finished in the 2013 red band trailer. Seriously, what the fuck was Kojima doing for two years?
Brayden Ward
Jace Gutierrez
I know your reasoning timing-wise. Non-disclosure agreements are generally sufficient to keep most information secret but it's fairly rare for any major game to have literally no leaks whatsoever, even if it only goes so far as to indicate it exists. I'm holding out hope, but unless Kojima's team has absolutely iron discipline and commitment to the ruse it seems unlikely.
Hudson Barnes
Notice how all of this seems to be aligning perfectly... E3 is about to happen, people are creeping up on the AAA+ PF ranking that the game instructs us to aim for when we first boot it up, and depending on how much tin foil is on your head you could also note that we are approaching the time when Canaveros supposed head transplant is supposed to take place.
Something Id like to point out tho that I am slightly disappointed in. When this game came out and I was looking at the ruse, I had the hope that whatever led to chapter 3 was something that could could be achieved at any given time. I thought that if the players are truly in control of their own destiny then this would truly be a new and amazing feat done in gaming. Sadly tho, this was clearly never the case.
Christian Gonzalez
Now Konami may try and sell us and the public that Chapter 3 was able to be unlocked by the players by working together, but we all know this was never the case. It seems that Chapter 3 has always been locked away until Kojima/Konami decided its time. "Until its time for your resurgence." The nuke tab has never worked. Ghost accounts constantly flooded the community with an endless amount of nukes at the reset of each week. FOB blockades have heavily and unfairly favored nuke hoarders since day 1. And Kojima/Konami have never attempted to fix these issues.
I think Kojima was doing all of this on purpose to break the fourth wall and make the player feel the same feeling and have the same revelation that Snake has at the end of every game. Snake, and Raiden in MGS2, are led to believe that they have some control over the situation. That they can make a real difference. That their actions and choices are their own and have influence over how things play out. But then at the end of each game, they get the bomb dropped on em. They are introduced to the revelation that they were never in control. They were a rat in a maze the entire time. Everything was orchestrated and they were simply pawns being used to carry out the will of the ones behind the scenes.
Lincoln Jenkins
>it's fairly rare for any major game to have literally no leaks whatsoever Does not that happen quite often. Aren't game companies often NOT SECRETIVE in the slightest about their releases? Everybody always knows Rockstar are making a new GTA, a new Red Dead, a new Bully eventually. Everybody knows that Capcom are always making a new Devil May Cry, a new Resident Evil, etc, the game companies sometimes leak this shit themselves because they want people to get hyped up and the existence of the project is not meant to be a secret, they want people to know about their games to drum up hype.
MGS5 is supposed to be a secret. There is no hype they want to drum up prior to the official announcement. They want the announcement itself to be shocking.
Brayden Butler
Agree with this. Nuclear disarmament was a rigged game from the start but Konami / Kojima will play it off as "it was up to the players all along". Aspects like the blockades makes it literally impossible to disarm the nukes in time. As we approach E3 I guarantee they'll remove the blockades. Even if all players were to disarm the nukes I'm sure Konami have set up a few dummy accounts to hold an infinite supply of nukes. Kojima said nuclear disarmament would take more than a year to achieve.
Nuclear disarmament will be reached when they allow it to be reached.
Juan Moore
>Capcom are always making a new Devil May Cry
Don't rub it in, please.
Evan Phillips
Don't kid yourself. It might be this year, if not next year, if not that the year after, but eventually they will make another Devil May Cry.
Alexander Morales
Fortunately, there's no ruse required on that front. We know the director of the series has been cooking in the kitchen for a while now.
Parker Peterson
Sorry for all this autistic rambling guys, I forgot to take my anti-psychotics this morning.
Adam Allen
It's ok, happens to everybody
Ethan Rogers
Can one you "senpais" translate this gook talk going on in this thread?
Jayden Kelly
shut up retard
Jordan Jenkins
>Konami >Video Games Pick one.
Angel Smith
FIB actually ban evaded and came back yesterday; he was banned just 2 days ago
Carson Campbell
>I think Kojima was doing all of this on purpose to break the fourth wall and make the player feel the same feeling and have the same revelation that Snake has at the end of every game. Snake, and Raiden in MGS2, are led to believe that they have some control over the situation. That they can make a real difference. That their actions and choices are their own and have influence over how things play out. But then at the end of each game, they get the bomb dropped on em. They are introduced to the revelation that they were never in control. They were a rat in a maze the entire time. Everything was orchestrated and they were simply pawns being used to carry out the will of the ones behind the scenes.