What the fuck happened to "Best of Sup Forums" threads?
Creating one to show newfags how original this board was before they discover it. Feel free to participate.
Best of Sup Forums Thread
>10 fucking years ago
>this one was half a decade ago
I've been here too long
/r/Sup Forums is for the best of boards. Literally
Someone post the "how Sup Forums makes screenshots" image
Can't remember if these zoom in properly. Oh well.
post the rest of this
I said Sup Forums, not Ruggarell
>"It's people like you that killed user"
Every time.
Niggarell and his micropenis don't represent Sup Forums
>Giving redditors all these epic screencaps for r/Sup Forums
Also not videogames
I never used this one. Screencap'd it on that thread back then when it rumored to be a Sony exclusive.
this is great
Remember to be careful from actual shills here.
Not sure if paid shills or autistic man.
Chinman has always been autistic gaiafag bullshit. The dude who created/posted it viraled it nonstop and newfags latched on. Fuck off with that shit.
I'd say latter, even shill would get tired of reposting same shit.
Paid shills
This reminds me of a woman who had a huge chin and made a song about why Valve should hire her.
The lesson we can learn from this is to never engage in console wars threads
Which year do you think was the best for Sup Forums? I personally enjoyed 2009-2010
2017 has been pretty cool so far
>this fag still posts his knockoff buzzfeed blogs here on Sup Forums
>Sup Forums falls for it every god damn time
I've noticed this. So many great threads. 2012-2015 were the worst for Sup Forums ever.
before the seventh gen
once they announced the Wii and the PS3 this place was insufferable and nothing but console bickering.
I remember when Sup Forums seriously, unironically thought the Wii's motion controls was going to change gaming forever. They never even came out with a 1:1 sword game.
Someone post the screenshot where Aku had to find the real video game thread among a sea of shitposting
Never seen this one before. Hope some user posts it.
You know, I genuinely don't remember the last time I've seen a combo attempt.
>spending thousands of dollars on dragon dildos
>not buying any Cum Lube to lather on
Anything pre-2012. It's the point when the board started falling apart. Constant twitter screencap threads, Anita, /vg/ split, rising traffic, more and more shitposting. The feeling of community and self-aware jokes gave way to agenda-driven campaigning and civil wars.
lol newfaggots what
Like this post if Reddit sent you here
Post the rest
Funny I consider that the worst era for Sup Forums in general.