Is this faggot good? Should I roll for Ninian?
Fire emblem heroes
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Mediocre in a sea of melee reds. Oh and please stop posting that pic, i can't stop giggling
>first roll of the day
>+Def -Spd
>followed by hordes of shitty units
What a nice way to lift my spirits just to crush them in less than a minute.
>Genny's level 40 confession
Adorable desu
I want to fuck that sheep
>use 4 Star Beruka
>she fucks shit up and has good skills
>look up a Tier List out of curiousity
>she's the second worst Axe User
Tiers are for Queers
Well if you want to use him, he's still good. It's basically neutral ike anyway with that IV's
>pulling for Ninian
>1st pull is Linde, excited
>she's -spd + res
>rest of the pulls are only good for SI, no Ninian
I know your feel way too well
>has good skills
She literally has no good skills or stats.
But I already got a +Def -Res Ike. The only thing Ryoma has over Ike is speed and this one got the short end of the stick.
Oh well, gotta keep sniping reds.
Good A skills for Genny?
I'm surprised I haven't seen art of Kiran building his own 5 star harem.
Did you get that unit you wanted yet?
Impregnation 3
>Have this guy on my friends list.
>True dedication to his waifu.
>She's an absolute monster.
I believe in you user, follow your hopes and dreams.
>49 defense
Why does an assassin need high defense
Well that was the easiest GHB ever.
>Have a Hector with the +3 sacred seal tank the hit from both the Blue mage and the archer
>Have Taco snipe the Peg. Unit down on turn 2
>Have Nowi up to intercept the Lnc. Peg Unit and Lloyd himself
>Use the last turn to kill them both at your leisure
How embarrassing. I hope the next GHB is more of a challenge
>Nothing but 3* from my 20 orbs
Think I can kill myself yet, or should I wait for the inevitable Jugdral banner
Post disregarded
Got a few Donnels, Subaki and Gwens while rolling for Hinoka/Ninian, so not really.
>i beat this map with these top class units so easily i'm so pro
No shit you fucking retard.
Rolled for her and got a 5 star Mist instead
Yeah he should trivialize this map. Without him though this was definitely more challenging than Xander/Zephiel.
Now try it without using top tier 5*'s. They're not balanced for players with hands full of top tiers.
>roll for ninian or klein
>get Faye
"""""Focus"""""" units
Does Faye at least have good SI? Or should i use her for leveling up archers?
cleared it with michalis, rebecca, sakura and effie
sakura and effie still 4 stars but im probably gonna up effie to 5 at season's end
I did the same thing with Hector, baited the axe flyer with Ryoma and used pic related for the lance cav and Lloyd. I didn't even need Abel.
This was my team. Taught Nino smite to help clear it
She's not so bad, great at debuffing and finishing off any Vantage memes with no fear of counter attack.
If you've got the resources to burn you could give her bow to taco for a real monster.
>Lloyd's art
>Every single image of him, except for his map form, is hideous
Well this is annoying
gave michalis smite to punch rebecca out of the archers range after she takes out the flier on the turn after you bait the first move from their side
>have a hector
Kys now
-spd +res Nowi shit?
Her bow is really good for safely weakening enemies and finishing off distant counter/vantage units. Her stats aren't that great though so she needs heavy SI investment.
>negating close counter
Nice meme
>that everything
why is this allowed in a nintendo game
>rolling for hinoka
>get another ninian
I knew this was going to happen
If you're the type that wants to kill things with her then something to raise her attack. Her offensive power is ridiculous.
>only half-decent hero in new banner is Ninian
>already have way too many blue heroes
I just want to roll already. I got like 120 orbs.
>no good stats
What? Her defense makes her a flying brick if you give her bonfire she destroys shit.
Close counter is the meme
Lots of things can ORKO pineapple man now and running it means he doesn't get to run fury/L&D like everyone else. Plus if you're trying to tank melee attacks with your ranged dps then you already fucked up.
He's much more useful with a better bow and +5 atk and spd.
Artist roulette is a terrifying thing. I don't want my waifu to get Rebecca'd
That's a lot stronger than I expected honestly.
>roll genny
>+attack -res
Not the most optimal but should be interesting. What staff should I give her? Absorb? Or just stick to assault?
p-please respond
Fuck man, I've been using Est since launch and I just now found out she's one of the lowest tiered lance users. Still keeping her in my team though.
Looks like she needs to piss
>That everything
good god
she wants to be seen as a big sister or a twin sister?
>hating on gordon ramsey lloyd teaching the world how to chop greens up properly
If it makes you feel any better, I just got Hinoka while rolling for Ninian.
Just got +Atk -Hp Tharja. Is she alright without a +Spd IV or am I better off giving her tome to Snacki?
+attk is more than fine for her
well, considering it's the exact opposite of the optimal build
>+HP -Attack Azama
How do I build this nigga
>try to role for best girl or the staffbot with wrathful staff again with my free 20 orbs
>get a bunch of shitty 3*'s and another serra
Serra is great and all but she's not Celica
>try to roll for best girl
>got serra
>not satisfied
I already have like 3 4* serras
>First roll of the day in Shadows banner
Should i keep going or roll for a Ninian? I don't have a dancer nor a singer at the moment
Atk/Def Balm
A B and C skills don't matter much. Rally/Hone is obviously optimal for C, it isn't a huge difference, but distant def is probably useful, as is Def/Res +3 for A, no idea about B.
What are the odds we see a 4 star Ginny after the banner ends?
I don't feel like grinding up 40k feathers just to promote Cecilia, is Gronnraven+ on a neutral Cecilia with Triangle Adept good for a meme cav team?
Currently I have 5* Xander with Ward Cav, 4* thundercock who will eventually get his cav skill, 5* Abel with Fortify Cav, and 4* Cecilia
And on a related note, is there a list anywhere of the heroes that can only appear at 5 star?
40k feathers to promote cecilia and nino*
You don't have to orbs for her. You'd have to be damned lucky.
Lloyd status: Cavalry meme'd
Online somewhere, i remember seeing it because i was looking for the odds of rolling an Elise. Just search it up user.
It's fine for a meme cav team, but Ursula works the blade tome better. Cecelia's default tome + TA3 is probably better since it doesn't fall apart if your buffer gets killed or you get separated.
> tfw got 4 colorless 3*s and Sophia with my 20 orbs instead of Genny
I'm ready to die.
I woke up 2 am to get my 20 orbs. I summon only reds and at the last amount of orbs i had i get celica!!! My dreams came true.
Not sure what to search. 'Fire Emblem Heroes Five Star Only Heroes' doesn't work, closest I've gotten is a full list of heroes that can appear at five star, but it includes shit like Marth/Chrom which can also appear at 4.
Just end me
Cecilia is great regardless of the path you go on. Ta gronnraven is a nice choice for her since it turns her into a nice anchor and bulwark against enemy reinhardts or lindes which may cause problems for your team if the map screws you over.
>Use those 20 orbs
>Get a Jagen, Gunter, Shanna, and Autism-chan, all 3*
I'm really sick of seeing these old fucks. They aren't even good for inheriting
Just sort it by rarity.
You say this but I'd love getting the grandpas for their horse buffs
I have a vanilla Cecilia (well gave her hone and dragon aura) and she nukes blues and colorless just fine though mine has +atk IV. TA definitely helps with +res IV enemies, but I don't have one laying around. I reckon with a -blade tome she probably reks green as well, but then you might wanna go death blow or just her +atk boon instead of TA
>Genny is Atk+ -Spd
Thanks user!
Horse buffs, Desperation, and best girl. It's no 5*, but it's not the worst possible roll at least.
>198 heroes after getting Lloyd
Do I take the plunge and expand my barracks or send some of my shitty units home?
Inheritance time.
I have (4) feathers. :c
The new defense system in Arena kind of sucks if you almost never get defenses, I missed out on 900 feathers last week.
All these ests are not good for inheritance.
I think he's bemoaning the fact that he got nothing but 3*s, a dilemma I can sympathize with
>hector gets a 5% banner for 2 weeks
>this crybaby maymay still exists
t. GC/Wii/Smash babbies who blew all their orbs trying to get Ike-y Stu.
Is a +spd/-atk Ninian salvagable? As in would it be better than a neutral olivia?
RIP nig
You sound very upset.
What's a good b skill and assist skill for Julia? And should I replace Dragon Fang?
If you have a bunch of copies of some shitter then it's fine to get rid of some.
>implying I don't have a Hector
It just isn't fun to use him since he completely trivializes everything.
>still living in pre-SI world
Hi grandpa, tell me about how Leo is S tier. Taco's best builds are BB+ followed by FSB+. Both without CC.
Would Lunge on a flier or cavalry be a good way to cheese some defense wins?
It's less whining that people have Hector and more that it's retarded to go
>"This GHB was easy as fuck bros, just throw one of the strongest units in the game at it LMAO"
Yeah, I can sympathize. I'm a bit jealous of the Shanna though, I've never rolled one and I have at least 4 units who Desperately need Desperation 3.
Green Tomebreaker is pretty good. I think Dragon Fang works well with her high attack.