>Have a 8/10 basegame that goes to 9/10 during your first playthrough, since you really feel like a newcomer to the zone, and since you don't know enemy placements, areas are dangerous and spooky
>Could change it to a 10/10 experience by playing your first playthrough with a mod like M.I.S.E.R.Y. 2
>"n-no you can't do that, you have to play it vanilla first"
>"well, to see all the changes the mod does, of course."
Have a 8/10 basegame that goes to 9/10 during your first playthrough, since you really feel like a newcomer to the zone...
Other urls found in this thread:
How do you know the mod would be "10/10 experience", if you've never played the game nor the mod? You just gullibly trust random anonymous posts or your gut feeling?
I mean sure, I quite dig MISERY myself, but a HUGE pack of STALKER fans do not.
And seriously, the (patched) vanilla games are great, and have their own balance and atmosphere that is usually totally butchered in numerous ways with mods.
On top of that, seeing how we've had HUNDREDS of Stalker threads start with "waah! I can't finish teh first mission! This game is artificial difficulty!!!", what do you think would happen if you throw these beta rookies into a literal SAS bootcamp-tier challenge mod, meant for true Stalkan vets?
>save scum reload, sneaki cheeki breeki his shit and ohko him from behind.
>has 1 spare round and 0 ammo in his gun
>M.I.S.E.R.Y. 2
First - maybe, but 2nd is worse.
I don't think difficulty could be an argument that stops people from playing a game. Of course you don't just pick a mod at random, you'll look into it a bit, like "Oh, it says that this mod makes the game really hard and makes resources really rare." The main argument people have is "how do I know if this mod fits me?" Well, how do you know if the basegame fits you either? It's literally just a coinflip
I don't think MISERY hides any info regarding where to go. Sure, you don't know that before installing the mod, but once again, you don't really know if the basegame does that either. Or you could ask around in the general for what mod fits me, but most answers come up as "No, play vanilla!"
How is this a MISERY problem, it happens in the basegame, tho you get like 20 ammo instead of 2
And I think MISERY has an option where they run out of ammo, doesn't it? Or is that some other mod I'm thinking of?
Honestly I've played both but I played the first version such a long time ago that I have no memory of the big changes. I just see people dissing MISERY 1 so I put 2 there to avoid arguing about that
Serious question. I finished the game with Misery 1 but I heard that Misery 2 has a much-hated RPG style progression. Like weapon caliber means shit all and you have to get high tier weapons to even scratch enemies.
Did he remove this after people complained?
>I don't think difficulty could be an argument that stops people from playing a game.
Trust me, it is. And has been. Vanillas have already caused lots of whining in the past years, and boy oh boy you should see the posts of those poor souls who STARTED the series with CoP+Misery.
>Of course you don't just pick a mod at random, you'll look into it a bit, like "Oh, it says that this mod makes the game really hard and makes resources really rare."
People do just that, except they sometimes don't even read the description. That's why COMPLETE mods are still such a rave in some circles.
>Well, how do you know if the basegame fits you either?
By playing it.
>How is this a MISERY problem, it happens in the basegame
Not to such degree, no.
Seriously, I'm quite a fan of MISERY, but it has tons of absolutely ridiculous bullshit that only works if you recognize that the entire mod's a self-imposed challenge of its own, like DooM's "Nightmare" difficulty.
>I finished the game with Misery 1 but I heard that Misery 2 has a much-hated RPG style progression. Like weapon caliber means shit all and you have to get high tier weapons to even scratch enemies.
You've heard bullshit.
Name a better difficult complete overhaul mod for CoP
>Misery 2.0
>out of 10
MISERY is nothing like vanilla. I don't mind people playing with Complete or even SGM. but MISERY is completely different game
casual as fuck and obsolete upon arrival. Just use Starter Packs.
far from vanilla. Pretty much Oblivion Lost of SoC.
the AMK 1.4 + Arsenal of CoP. And yeah, not for rookies.
I'm very interested in your opinion on these mods, thank you for sharing
I wanted to like misery but it slows to like 10 fps after 5 minutes of gameplay
I know my pc isnt very good byt there is something very wrong here
>Trust me, it is. And has been
What I meant is that it shouldn't be. In these circles the problem is in the player, not the game, if they can't handle the difficulty
>People do just that
Same point, they shouldn't. You could say that who am I to decide that, but come on, it's Sup Forums, we wanna be as beginner friendly as possible?
>By playing it.
Yeah, but my whole point was that if you play vanilla first, you waste your magical first time experience in a sub optimal product (in my opinion), so if you're looking for as atmospheric of a experience as possible, if you play MISERY on your second playthrough, the magic is gone, and you don't get that 10/10 experience
>Not to such degree, no.
So where do you draw the line?
It's okay to for the enemy to shoot 1000 rounds but only have 20 lootable ones left, but not okay when he shoots 1000 rounds but has 5 left?
Vanilla is shit, don't play it, I played on hardest and after hour or so I had too much ammo and shit, also shitty game mechanics, heal is almost instant, radiation does almost nothing and is very easily curable without any consequences. And shitty weapon models, shitty scopes, unusable grenades, you just dont need em.
I played only Misery v.1 tho, but it was good and challenging, you feared even those fucking dogs and there was reasonable stealth, also game looked nice, fov was customizable, whole theming of stalker went from shitty to great depressing. Also ammo was rare, food too, heal wasn't instant in any way, start was hard, weapons weren't overpowered and mutants were mutants.
Now go download misery and never look back.
Answer this then I didn't say it would have to be like vanilla, my whole point was that vanilla is a sub optimal experience. You're exactly the kind of a guy who I was describing, who thinks you should play something similar to vanilla first, for reasons I guess.
>anything like AMK
I fucking wish.
AMK turned SoC into a harder more immersive version of itself.
Misery turned CoP into an RPG.
I did download it, but unfortunately I believed the people in generals and played it vanilla first.
The big problem people had with it was that enemies had like 10 ammo on them, but the whole point of that was that unless you played the encounter out well, shooting people for their gear is not worth the bullets. And I loved that
Just because there arent alot of mods out for CoP doesnt mean that the one extensive mod that was actually made is automatically good.
SoC and CoC are better than CoP which is why more mods were made/are being made for them.
Misery 2.0 was complete and utter shit though and it's release is a perfect example of why you should play vanilla first before jumping into mods with no real clue as to what they do or if they do it well. I don't know if they actually fixed it's core with 2.1, but I'm sure it's still far from perfect and you won't have any idea what it actually does well or does poorly since you have no reference. There are also plenty of people that love STALKER, have spent hundreds of hours playing it and modding it, but hate Misery because it takes the game in a direction they don't care for and is also shit. Your argument hinges on the fact that Misery is objectively superior to the base game when many people would prefer playing the base over Misery and many people wouldn't get interested in the series or the plethora of other mods if their only experience was Misery.
So I want to play the first game. What mods should i use that don't complete fuck with the originally intended game?
I never played vanilla Stalker more than the 5 minutes to realize how shit it is, but I have 100 hours played all on Misery. of course Misery itself is shit without the damage rebalance mod from the forum, but with that it's 10/10.
So why is vanilla better than a difficult overhaul mod like MISERY? My whole point was that vanilla is the shittier, easier, clunkier version of the game, with less content
Vanilla is NOT shit, but it is the easiest STALKER game out there.
>unusable grenades and scopes
Someone never used F1.
Also MISERY's scopes are literally covered in mud.
Consult this Starting Guide,
then see the /vg/'s huge Stalker General for more tips and links: Play in the release order. Start with no mods - only latest patch, OR get the full "Starter Pack" first; these contain bug-fixers and light visual mods that can help performance as well.
Leave big overhauls for later playthrougs. Avoid the "Complete" -mods. Always play on MASTER difficulty for best realism and atmosphere, and disable crosshair.
Don't give up in the beginning! The starting gear sucks ass and first area can be a bit boring.
>my whole point was that vanilla is a sub optimal experience
And there are mods for improving that experience, not completely changing it. What you're suggesting is similar to saying that for the first time Skyrim playthrough to use an Enderal mod. Sure you can, but it's not Skyrim. Misery is not Stalker.
Check the general, I'm pretty sure they have a starter pack or recommended mods to improve graphics and fix bugs.
Because for all the good stuff misery adds, it adds 5 things that are fucking terrible.
You'd have to basically completely remake the mod to make it bearable.
Why is it better to risk playing a shit vanilla version the first time, rather than risk to play a shit mod the first time?
And don't say bugs because just the engine makes all the content just as buggy, unless you play some shady at release alpha mod that was made in some Pripyat basement
Because of style and balance.
Quantity =/= Quality. If you think that having literal fucking Mein Kampf books as lootable items somehow "adds" to the game, then I don't know what to say.
Do you people seriously play the series out of order, and start with CoP as well?
>5 minutes
OK, so you barely checked the options menus and watched intro cinematic.
How about you neck yourself.
Call of Chernobyl. at least it still plays like stalker.
>vanilla can be improved
why does there need to be a complete overhaul? just add some QoL mods and you're fucking golden.
go to the general, download the starter pack in the OP
More like broken/10
That mod is garbage
That you had to actually decide whether it's good idea to kill those bandits? Yes.
Unlike in vanilla, you had to think whats worth and whats not, in vanilla you could kill anybody and nothing happened to you, doesn't matter in what part of game. And that just killed atmosphere along with many other things.
Lololololo, you just DID NOT NEED TO USE GRENADES.
>covered in mud
Atmosphere and kinda seems real, you don't have time to clean your scope and you very often lie and shit, also it's rainy there and muddy.
I played CoP because I heard of Misery, played Misery but uninstalled it because of the dumb bulletsponge damage system, tried to play vanilla and uninstall.exe'd as soon as I fired my gun and saw my bullet drop 20 feet in front of me, then I reinstalled Misery with the damage rebalance submod and had a blast. I did play SoC but it was linear and boring.
STALKER gives me major bathesda syndrome and that prevents me from playing it. It really seems like it's fun once you learn what you can handle, but it's too much for me.
>Complains about clunkiness
Pretty sure in the base game you didn't have to change the batteries in your flashlight, or carry around a backpack full of worthless shit just to make it through the day.
>mfw someone is too dumb to play dumb game and participate in duscussion in which is discussed mod that makes game not dumb
Because the vanilla version actually lets you know how the fucking game works so you can tell what you want changed and have a better idea of what mods change rather than just downloading any mod that sounds cool without any real understanding of how they change the base game and how they might be flawed or do things you don't want.
So why is it required to play the vanilla experience before a heavily modded experience first?
Especially if they're such different games at that point? Just because?
I was hesitant to put "content" there because I knew people would cling onto that instead of the other points, but alright. I'd say it does add to the game. How can it possibly be a negative thing to have 50 sellable junk loot in the game instead of 10? I mean I'd understand if the game added something completely out of context, but I can see some people in the zone being the type who keep that shit as a bible.
Same argument as before, why is it required to get the vanillaish experience before a heavily modded one? Just because "m-muh vanilla, to appreciate the mods"?
The way I see it, it's literally a coinflip on
>well, if I play it vanilla it might be a worse experience than a heavily modded one
>well, if I play it modded it might be a messy experience compared to the vanilla one
I'd also say that a modded experience has a higher chance to be a better one, since the modders have played the game and noted the faults in it. Sure, sometimes they see different faults than you, and but it's still more likely that they made the game better.
>literally 50% opacity mud and shit on scope
People like you should be gassed.
Artificial difficulty and shitty dark brown/grey/black art "design" don't make a game fun. Enjoy your shit mod.
MISERY try to make stalker into a real "you're going to shit yourself" but it fail at every single point of it, i've tried it when it was first released and even with the /sg/ patch that fixed some issues, and i even managed to become filthy rich by selling artifacts and doing random missions.
if people tell other to play the game in vanilla is to make sure others wil like the type of game and get the best experience of it so later then can choose the mod THEY want, so no it's not becasue MISERY is popular and make everything batshit insane difficult that mean it's the best mod out there
Are you angry?
>someone shoots are you
>you shoot back
>How can it possibly be a negative thing to have 50 sellable junk loot in the game instead of 10?
Pointless padding that just ruins focus.
I'm all for using mods for a first playthrough, just not MISERY 2, because it's shit.
So once again, why do you need to know what the mods changed?
And last I noted, MISERY didn't take away any info on what to do, it just makes all you do harder.
And once again, I say that it's literally a coinflip on do risk playing the inferior vanilla experience, or a possibly messy modded experience. Why is the first option any better?
They really did improve on the base game.
Misery is trash.SGM is way better.
>How can it possibly be a negative thing to have 50 sellable junk loot in the game instead of 10?
Because it clutters the fucking menus and is an eyesore for no actual benefit.
>So why is it required to play the vanilla experience before a heavily modded experience first?
I'm not telling you to play vanilla, faggot, I'm telling you that MISERY is absolutely completely different game. Comparing Misery and vanilla is irrelevant to most users because they've played neither. This is also when the argument gets very subjective. What's the point? What's the point of playing Deus Ex when you can play EYE? I dunno, the fact that they are different games?
Still waiting for your answer
>M-muh artificial difficulty, its not FAIR!!!
>10/10 experience
>M.I.S.E.R.Y. 2
I see you are mentally challenged if you think playing as a 300lb man who can only sprint for 5 seconds is good where everything cost 1 million rubles and sells for 2. Where you have about 10 rounds total. Then you get an exoskeleton and the game is just a cakewalk
>Have a 8/10 basegame that goes to 9/10 during your first playthrough
This is where you are wrong though you queer cock sucking mods dick lover. The vanilla game is already 10/10.
You are one of those compulsive turd suckers who feels his ADHD tingling his cornholio until he doesn't install a bunch of shitty mods to the basegame.
I bet your PC case is full of LEDs and bling bling trash and you still wear hot wheels pants.
>ruins focus
>in an open world game
So where do you draw the line? Is 20 lootables okay then? 20 guns instead of 40? I see that as world building. And in an atmospheric game like Stalker, world building is pretty damn important.
Alright everyone what are some tweaks to make MISERY actually playable?
Things that need to be changed
>Projectile damage
>enemy weapon condition
>clutter out the ass
>brown and black visuals
>vendor prices (selling aswell as buying)
>sprint duration/stamina recovery
>inability to move while eating/drinking/applying bandages
Feel free to add more and ways to fix this.
Misery becomes easier than the base game once you get the high tier armors and guns
>In Prypiat
>Wearing the best armor
>Ambushed by 12 Bloodsuckers
>They scratch the shit out of me
>Toss me around like a ragdoll
>Kill them all with just one magazine
>They barely make a dent on my armor
Bug testing would be nice
>feels ADHD
But I wanna make the game harder and more atmospheric, so your argument doesn't apply. It's not like I'm installing Skyrim tier mods with anime girls and Razer weapon skins
But the basegame also has terrible difficulty spike problems where certain weapons/armor make the game a cakewalk
If you take those things out, you might as well be playing vanilla. I'm not objecting, mind you, I think you should be playing vanilla, at least over MISERY 2.
You also were not completely useless before getting the good stuff either.
All the economy based shit I don't agree with. The whole point is to make encounters not worth it, if you don't play them out perfectly. Realistic that the enemy has 10 bullets? No. Makes the economy game more challenging? Yes.
>misery 2.0
Its a mess of a mod with questionable difficulty changes. Most glaringly obvious of all is the shitty economy and enemies being bullet sponges
How can it be 10/10 if you need more mods to fix the shit it broke?
>So once again, why do you need to know what the mods changed?
>Why is the first option any better?
becasuse you dumb ass motherfucker, some people have DIFFERENT OPINIONS, some may like misery, some don't, if we tell people to play vanilla first it's because some of them will like it, some others don't and will use an other mod, and some people will use MISERY while others will use something else because they fucking want to
now why would you force everyone to enjoy MISERY, i don't fucking know but you are surely you most retarded shill i've ever seen, now fuck off somewhere else
I don't know what kinda MISERY you've been playing, but I never hit a wall where I can't kill anything. Early game even the basic shotgun takes care of pretty much anything, and midgame you'll have a decent midgame assault rifle and/or rifle with some AP ammo to take care of harder enemies
Don't you think there's a problem with brand new NATO weapons being worth as much as a loaf of bread to sell, and worth 10000X as much to buy?
I'm not forcing people to enjoy MISERY, I'm against the majority of people making people play the game vanilla first, making their first, magical playthrough a possibly flawed one
but muh difficulty and realism
Liking the mod is subjective but your taste is objectively shit.
But it DOES make sense, you also have 20-40 bullets or so normally, and if you count how many did he shot, then it's ten.
Because the original game is already good. Why ruin it with some trash mod thrown together by some amateur working on padding out his resume?
>making their first, magical playthrough a possibly flawed one
Same thing with using overhaul mods for your first playthrough. Keep in mind these mods were created under the assumption that you've already played it once and want something more out of it.
Nobody's making people do anything.
Also, MISERY 2 is more flawed than vanilla by a long way.
If you've got 20-40 bullets normally, you're doing something wrong.
>go to any stalker thread
>"hey guys new to the game how should I play it?"
>75% go "You gotta play it vanilla first man, to appreciate the mods, of course"
>making their first, magical playthrough a possibly flawed one
and that's why we tell them to play vanilla, so they can change it to whatever they need
>i don't like damage system but i like the trading just fine
>i want more suit
>oh look this mod has everything i want, better install it to make the game is more enjoyable
now with you it would be something along the line of
>why would you play the base game so you know EXACTLY what you want and instead spend half a fucking day to try out the dozen different mod one after the others just so you know you don't want any of that and the base game with just some tweaks suits you fine?
>why do you need to know what the mods changed?
So you can figure out what mods you want, you fucking retard. How did my previous post not explain this clearly enough to you? Playing the base game is the difference between "Man, Swartz's radiation system looks annoying as fuck, I'll just get MSO and a weapon pack." and "Why the fuck is radiation so fucking obnoxious, I'm sick of this fucking game."
>MISERY didn't take away any info on what to do, it just makes all you do harder.
Don't know why you're bringing this up since I never said it did. FYI though, Misery 2.0 was designed around players following the designer's strict path through the game world and any deviation from it was supposed to be downright impossible until you grinded good enough gear. So, it didn't really take away info, it just made the info already there irrelevant without adding anything new because Troj wanted to make a STALKER RPG.
>Why is the first option any better?
I don't think there's really a point in explaining why again.
If that counts as making someone do something, then you're making people play MISERY and Slayer were responsible for Columbine. Take your shitty argument and fuck of back to your brown mod.
Because its the recommended way to start, dumbass. If you already know that some mods exist, why bother asking Sup Forums how to start a game as a new player? Also, in the case of SoC, people actually recommend you to install ZRP to fix some game issues.
I've finished every instalment in the series at least 10 times now.
Never played it with any mods.
>in an atmospheric game like Stalker, world building is pretty damn important.
The base game and many mods have been praised for atmosphere and they didn't need to force you to sort through 40 different junk items to get that praise. Guns are entirely different and you're full of shit for even suggesting they're comparable to random crap in your inventory.
At least try AMK1.4. bro. I think there's even a new pack for it on the general that adds GRAPHICS.
You're clearly autistic for wanting excessive realism in STALKER so I'll just leave you with this
Misery 2.1 fixes some of the bullshit
Fuck off, go die in a ditch.
>MISERY2fags still exist
I'm currently running Autumn Aurora 2 for SoC, have I made a mistake?
why would you even be playing when muhrealism fags moved on to milsims and stalker modders moved on to CoC
I'll never understand the appeal of those. You have to suffer from profound autism to enjoy them, because no way in hell someone sane can find milsims fun. When normal people are truly into military stuff, they go join the military instead. Why bother with a retarded "simulation" when you can easily get the real deal?
I assume you'd have to be too fat, old or washed out from basic
or a tinfoil nutjob that would get cockblocked because he can't stop talking about flat earth
But misery is shit.
You are basically ruining your vanilla experience you never had.
>tfw Tejas will never play MISERY
>first, magical playthrough
it's just a game you queer