They put those stupid flying lightning mages that can follow you all the way up the tower all around it. The other enemies I can deal with but those. Is there some stupid cheap tactic to killing them because I'll be the cheapest freaking bastard ever if it means killing them. I don't care what because this is stupid. Nine, NINE time's I've tried and failed. I've used shock resist potions and fat good that does me. I still drop 9 million feet every time I get shocked and lose all my weapons. Try and kill them, well I have to swim over and in the mean time all three of them shock me so I;m eating a fucking buffet of food before even getting to a place I can even try to stand a snowballs chance in hell of fighting just one, just fucking one of them, oh the other two shocked me, oh a lightning keese shocked me, oh my WiiU just went out the window. fucking fuck. Seriously.
Fuck Ridgeland Tower
I did this with just the Rubber Helm and didn't get hit once.
Kis can beat this game, kinda sad bro.
Man, if only you had some kind of weapon capable of killing enemies from a distance.
Is this bait or are you that retarded?
Use the opposite of shock arrows and he'll turn to steam
What's the opposite of lightning?
Well, it was one of the most annoying for su-
>central hyrule tower
A good final fantasy game.
Just how fucking bad at this are you? Kiting isn't a modern fucking art! If some Chinese mudhut dweller could figure it out three thousand years ago I don't see why you couldn't do the fucking same!
Get a bow.
Get this.
Get a fucking bow.
Arrows too! Don't forget arrows, they make the bow part work, I swear to god it''s true.
Now, you got a bow, and some arrows, right? Good.
Now fucking kill them!
I did Gerudo first so I already had the Thunder Helm.
Does the thunder helm null all electricity damage? I thought it was just lightning.
you answered your own question
Use the full rubber suit and one of those sniper bows, or fly in from a high mountain to get a head start on the tower
What? That doesn't answer anything. I put the helmet on every time there was a lightning strike because that makes sense. The lightning comes DOWN and hits only your head. That doesn't guarantee it would nullify the fucking electric keese or anything, which attack your body and not just your head. And I don't think I ever tried wearing the helm when it wasn't a thunderstorm. So does it null all elec or not?
You've answered yourself mate
You *thought* it was just lightning
>lightning hitting your head is the same thing as any electricity touching your body when the rest of you is unprotected
I didn't *think* anything. I only wore the helm in lightning storms because that's the only thing that's unavoidable. If it DOES null all electricity I still wouldn't have put it on every time I see an electric enemy because you can just take out keese with one arrow, and every thing else can be cheese with ice arrows.
Oh my god, maybe you're having so much trouble because you're making it as difficult as this conversation. Because of the brain damage.
Just float there all the way from Death Mountain summit. Be sure to fill your inventory with stamina pots.
>Rubber Armor
>Set Bonus: Unshockable
>Thunder Helm
>Bonus: Lightning Proof
Fucking excuse me for not thinking they'd be the same thing when they have two very different names.
You're excused, geez just stop being so whiney about it
Fire arrow kills them in one hit
>Does the thunder helm null all electricity damage?
It does. I thought it was just thunderstrikes too. But it shields you from all lightning damage.
Of course, if an electrically charged physical attack hits you, you still take the physical hit. But otherwise you're immune against all things lightning. Electricity Wizrobes literally can't hurt you.
And if it's raining you can run around with a thunder rod and blast area of effect lightning everywhere without getting hurt.
I climbed up all the towers with almost no assistance from resistances or anything like that. You can start off pretty high there, or just potshot them with headshots.
And they do very different things; one of them lowers lightning damage and keeps you from being shocked and the other negates lightning entirely.
Same here, best way to do it imo. Each tower is it's own challenge.
To be honest all the towers blended together for me so I don't remember this.
Welp zelda finally confirmed shit, way to go OP don't forget to put me in the screencap
You sound literally autistic sorry
>finished rito second
>just revali'd up there as soon as i saw like 4 wizzrobes and those lizard motherfuckers