So are you faggots enjoying the Surge?
Post screens, builds and stories.
You are playing the superior PC version, right?
The Surge bread
I don't think anyone bought it
i really hate the song they play in the safe area
I like how the game uses hitbox porn as a mechanic. There are no iframes on most things, but you can dodge attacks by simply not being in the way of it.
The slide, for example, brings you under most attacks including spin attacks from bosses.
Been playing it. It's not that bad but the levels are shit. You don't put a progression hallway behind shit.
I like that it serves a purpose in the lore. Wait for the final boss.
i like it more than Souls because the game actually requries you to dodge attacks instead of just abusing i-frames aka pressing roll at the right time like a QTE
Can you play as a qt girl in this?
How is the exploration? I love the souls games because they manage to reward exploration like no other game I've played.
Weird because I did
Might pirate it when I don't wanna tackle my backlog and see how it is but it certainly does not look appealing.
I'll pirate it and never play it, like other Souls games
I only just entered the 2nd area and I already feel like I'm going to get a problem if I keep using dual wieldy weapons..
>no character creator
>terrible VA
>terrible story
>derivative Souls-like combat
>knock-off Destiny aesthetic
>hurr durr PC master race amirite?
Fucking almighty kek.
You won't find a whole lot of exploration here. The entire game takes place in an industrial complex which is divided up into 5 main areas with 1 boss each. Each area has around 10-15 rooms to explore, each of which connect to the main hub (bonfire) in the area through shortcuts you'll have to find. Level design is small but tight due to a smart use of verticality as well.
The world and how it everything connects is tight, but it works. It's nothing special, it's merely functional.
not even worth the pirate
No you didn't
Great shitpost. Here's your (you).
Finding shortcuts is one of my favorite feelings in Souls games. More so than beating a boss, a lot of the time. Might check out when it's on sale in the future.
I'm in the second area but I feel really directionless. Like Farron Keep tier. I have no idea where I am on the map or what I'm supposed to do. The entire map is just a series of samey intersecting corridors so it's not like you can ever see where you need to go. Recycling, Link 2, these mean fucking nothing to me. I just explore a corridor and hope the next corridor doesn't take me back to where I was 5 minutes ago.
There was this area where I could kill like half a dozen of these leaping robots and they dropped +6 core boosting implants if you cut off their "tail." I wanted to go back and see if they respawn so I could stack those and open those high level doors early but I legit couldn't find my way back.
>game looks like doom 3
>8gb of ram MINIMUM to run at all
Too bad the hitboxs are garbo
>Not having at least 16 gb ram
Surge does shortcuts incredibly well
One of the best thing about the game
>souls games because they manage to reward exploration like no other game I've played
That's because you've only played shit games, for a sack of shit like yourself.
4th area feels like fucking cancer.
Flamethrows+Gas everywhere+Shield Drones
not to mention 4+ guys in every room
Having a ton of fun with the staff from the security guys. The single rigged from the first boss was great for a while, but bots don't give a shit about stagger.
Is there a good strategy for killing the smelter in the acid pool? The enclosed space and acid burn keeps fucking me up
It runs like shit too given how unimpressive it looks.
So did I. Was worth it for 30 bucks.
So, what weapon should I use? Just beat the 2nd boss
Every weapon is just a sparkly club that attaches to your forearm, so who cares?
It really doesn't. Haven't had a single drop running this maxed out at 1440p on a 290.
You might want to turn off v-sync.
Whatever works. It's easy to maintain two or three weapons at highest upgrade and switching up can make some enemies or bosses way easier.
>game graphics
>touching system RAM
Do you still live in 2004 when DOOM 3 was released?
What's the cap for weapon skills? My one handed is at 13 but everything else is at 0 or 1 because that early sword weapon felt so much better to use than anything else I had.
Look out for maps against walls and obvious landmarks.
There are two areas where in Area 2 that have many enemies blocking your path, but you don't even have to fight them. For me, they served as a marker of where I am in proximity to where I was. You'll see it when you end up behind them, it'll be an "ooooooooh" moment
The guy asking for meds seems like he's about to freak out after the 2nd boss, is the medicine in this area? I feel like he's gonna die if I progress any more.
Problems this game has from most to least severe:
Linearity - Zone progression, and because of that, gear progression, game progression, gear upgrades and chip upgrades are all linear. You can't rush a specific weapon or boss. Every zone is done in order, as is every boss. You cannot go to other areas before the game lets you.
Five Bosses - Self explanatory.
Same-Face-Copy-Paste Enemies - 60% of the enemies you fight are guys in power suits just like you, that all require the same strategy. Dodge the first attack, then attack their unarmored spot until they die. If they're entirely armored, you may have to dodge again. Some of the robots are kind of cool but end up being tedious when you have to fight a bunch of them in a row (especially the monkey-like ones)
no, it's in the next area. there is an audio log on your area that says it makes people go crazy
So, should I NOT give it to him?
>check out a guide on how to beat pax after 3 deaths dealing zero damage to him
>apparently he was supposed to get stunned after i hit him a couple of times
>never happened
A-am i doing something wrong? Also, when do i unlock two handed weapons?
This run like ass for anyone else? I have a 1060 6gb and an i7 6700k and I can't get 60fps unless I drop it down to medium.
>Purple monster boss kills me in one his with every little action it does
>AI breaks when i kill it. Just fucking stands there and i need to quit to the menu.
Nah you just gotta hit him harder. You can get the 2-handed claws from the dude patrolling on the walkway up top.
>first area
>go far away from safe room
>explore some underground area
>rack up tons and tons of scap
>go back the exact way I came from to upgrade my shit
>boss fight out of fucking nowhere
>lose 1+ hour progress
Great design.
At least souls games let you prepare for boss boss battles with fog gates.
Also the leaping and super fap enemies seem to make heavy weapons not useful at all.
[SpoilerHe's already hooked. Doing it has no negative repercussions I've seen so far. Robot Apocalypse in Progress is hardly the right time for rehab if you ask me[/Spoiler]
550ti here and running fine at medium.
If you got the agility rig you can slip and slide into enemies with heavy weapons no problemo.
All of that fucking aliasing. Turn on some anti-aliasing holy shit.
I see, thanks user o/
What weapon type did you like the most so far?
I'm fluctuating between one-handed and staff, but I wanna try and check the other ones out.
imagine being so desperate for souls content that you play a game made by the lords of the fallen developers
I downsample from 2K to 1080p so I don't actually get jaggies. They're only visible in the screens.
Yeah, those are the maps that don't help for shit. No verticality, no detail. And I did at least one of those parts. The one with that boring "attack the back" droid and a bunch of dudes on a bridge. It was incredibly obvious you could go around it.
Single Rigged for running R1R2+Execute on most humanoids
Staff as all purpose main, the one you get from Security is Excellent.
Double Rigged for certain situatons when pure speed is better than the staff's reach.
Couple Staff or Double with Counterweight or Elemental Damage and your DPS gets insane
The thing about Souls clones - they all fucking suck at level design.
Surge, Nioh, LotF, Bloodborne.
I have a 770 4GB, I set everything to medium and turned off all graphical bells and whistles like AO, AA, subsurface scattering etc. and I still get frames drops frequently. It looks like a last gen game but runs worse than stuff like Ryse or Tomb Raider 2013.
works on my machine :)
Is there a way to escape boss fight with all my souls? With a homeward bone like item?
From what I've seen the combat is as floaty as it was in LotF, so it's automatically prevents the game from being enjoyable above mediocre level. But that's not even my biggest complain because...
Holy shit this game looks absolutely awful. And I don't mean the graphics, I mean the visual design is absolute trash intern tier.
Every level looks the same. Absolutely unrecognizable generic "technological" environments: junkyard, factory, storage, etc.
Same goes for the enemies and the player character himself.
The game's design is the blandest shit I've ever seen.
Ah my mistake then. Was going to ask how you play with staircases on everything.
>From what I've seen the combat is as floaty as it was in LotF
Except it's not. Attacks feel powerful and you can feel that energy on every swing. You haven't kicked a guy in the face with the single rigged yet? Start trying out different combos.
This is such a weird little game, isn't it?
Anyway I'm in the second area and getting my ass slapped around. Haven't made it to the second boss yet. I'm upgrading my hammer because I like hammers.
Should I start with Rhino or Lynx?
NVIDIA cards age like shit.
str vs dex
Is it just me or is there shit you just can't block?
Like that poison dude's charge attack (Third armor type dude that shows up, using a hazmat suit-like armor)
Yeah, combat mechanics rely more on dodging than actual blocking.
It's very playable on mouse and keyboard, plus you have access to quick save/load.
Lynx. No contest. Rhino is one of the worst sets in the game while lynx is in the top two and can carry you to endgame. Or at least far enough to get a gorgon set.
Those fucking dogs in the third area are pure cancer. I hate fighting them and they just keep throwing them at me. Also WHO the fuck thought it was a good idea to put one of those big smelter bots in the middle of acid? With enemies surrounding it? What the fuck. Took me like an hour to finally get the perfect run and kill it.
Try wearing the liquidator gear set for elemental resist, it halves the acid damage.
And another reason why heavy weapons are shit when fast weapons scale ridiculously with flat added damage bonuses.
Holy shit, heavy weapons are a joke.
Im disappointed
Just wait till you get to the fourth area when the dogs get a ranged stun attack to go with their homing lunge. At least it's telegraphed heavily. And you get a free ancillary core with each tail cut.
You can block it. You just can't keep your weapon in blocking mode for longer than a couple seconds.
After You fill the orange bar, he will go to a side, far from you, run towards him and stay under his belly, he will throw the missiles at you, hitting himself in the process.
why are (you)'s so important to some people, are they unloved?
An easy way to beat the dogs is to repeat dash attacks and dodge back. When they telegraph their bullshit charge, dash attack to stagger them.
just lunge attack their eye and dash when they're halfway through their jump
The guy in the acid has four corners in his room where you can stand and he cannot reach you
In case you haven't learned his like, 4 moves, just wait for him to spread the hydro slow thing where his sides open, then slide in, do a few attacks, and back away. Regent stamina, and/or health if you lost any, then continue
If that poison is actually giving you trouble, say if you're not using any Vital boost chips for some reason, you can farm the Liquidator gear off the flamethrower guys which gives you elemental resistance to negate the damage a bit
You have to earn your weapons. See those guys with the two-handed hammer? Take it from them.
Friendly reminder that the pax v2 is hands down the best single rig weapon in the game and is absolutely worth putting up with the bullshit boss requirements unless you want to try again in ng+. Also ng+ is bugged as fuck and can lock you out of armor pieces for good. Also the new enemy spawns don't respawn so you get one or two slightly harder encounter in a area ONCE then it's the same grind but with a few more upgrade tiers. No new weapons or armor.
Does defense actually matter here or is it like Souls were armor are just there to look cool?
Im using the full Rhino set, but i feel like im way too slow and not enough tanky.
You gotta pair defense with HP, and preferably the regen injection
Otherwise, heavy armor is more for Poise than defense as far as I've noticed
I actually like the character/equipment aesthetics, but I really wish the levels looked better, or at least looked more significantly different. After DS3 I am really happy to play a game where the roll equivalent isn't an infinite-use get out of jail free button.
The mobs will kill you in 2 or 3 hits so.. defense does nothing.
They gives some bonuses, like less stamina usage, and something like that
I want to say this is correct. Stability is so important if you're not going to be dodging.
It's especially important since you don't need to "cast" your heals. As long as you are not doing it in the middle of an action, you can spam those heals no problem
Get some gear with elemental resistance
Defense is worthless. It only helps you survive one or two more hits at best. All of the armor is shit aside from the gorgon or lynx due to gorgon crazy good stamina regen and lynx attack speed+low cost of movement. All that paired with the fact that blocking is far inferior to just evading means there is zero reason to ever use a heavy armor over those two.
it'll be more worthwhile in NG+ where you can actually take a few hits without exploding into treats.
first playthrough? not so much
Dodging lets you get away at the cost of positioning.
Blocking lets you counter attack with a stagger.
They're both situational, but it's clear that heavier weapons are better for blocking.
>more worthwhile in ng+
It's really not. Having three v5 hp enhancers is doing most of the work.
>cost of positioning
>when the dash attack is one of the strongest
Yeah I guess if you are trying to trade blows rather than zipping in and out. But that's not nearly as effective. And the counter is not as good as it seems. Not to mention unblockable moves.
How do I fucking survive in this game? Overall problems I'm having with this game is that all of the enemies deal 3/4ths my hp in damage. The problem being that all of the enemies are formidable enough to decimate the player, I believe, not like in Souls in the least. In this game it seems you can just run past every little obstacle, since nothing follows, so that's what I've been doing to avoid having my anus prolapsed from all these security staves in me.
>And the counter is not as good as it seems
Apart from a backstab, that's the most damage you can deal with a single attack (or two attack as with some weapons)
If you've reached the security part, then you just need to fight them differently
Abuse unarmored parts and learn for how long you can stun them before they can get an attack off
Learn to block/parry. Pressing block a second or right before an attack hits you will usually stagger them and also open up for a counter attack, as in a literal special attack that's done after a successful block
Maybe you should have been paying attention when you turned on the power.
It's not worth the tradeoff of possibly getting hit. (with single rigged) it's also just an attack you can use as part as a normal combo without the bother of the enemy missing half the strike from getting thrown back. And backstab is so situational and unlikely to come up it might as well not be there.