Its 91 and rising right now

>its 91 and rising right now

post vydia girls to help distract from this heat

I live in Miami. I sweat walking to the car.

>mfw Canada

Got that chart in American temperature?

>91 degrees
Where do you live, an oven?

91 Fahrenheit.



But why?


>Yesterday: 87
>Today: High of 57

Because America want's to be special and have its own system of measurement. Metric is far better than Imperial and nobody seems to understand


But it is better then imperial?

Burning in the summer heat is great, and OP is a gay faggot.

Summer heat is only great when it's actually summer. We're in the middle of May and Connecticut feels like it relocated itself to the Yucatan.


>tfw start playing Overwatch

It was 102 where I live three days ago

>actually complaining about the heat
Hey, user, I've got the perfect place for you!
Do you want to live in a place where the temperature never exceeds 75 for 50 weeks of the year?
Do you want to live in a place where you'll never, ever be blinded by the light of the sun?
Do you love the colour grey?

Come to Britbongistan!
It's been raining here all week

>91 celsius
nice shitpost


Except in places like Houston its also humid as fuck. Bad enough that you can't even sweat it out and you just feel like shit all over. Kroger I work at even has to make outside cart shifts half an hour in summer because its so shitty outside in the sunlight. Doubly so if there's no breeze.


What a fuckin manbaby you are.

I sweat like a fucking pig even in relatively mild weather. Summer is a hell of having to shower and change multiple times a day.

Just curious OP how much of a fat behemoth are you?

>le "I worked outside in 78°C for 27 hours straight" meme

>middle of May
>trees are still barren
>got two decimeters of snow last week, only for it to thaw before noon

This appeals to me greatly, but the people in there repulse me.

Nigga nobody uses decimeter as a measurement. Where the hell are you from.

Nigga what


If you love sandniggers then it's perfect

>two decimeters of snow
It's a measurement of 10 centimeters, but outside of a certain group of retarded scientists, decimeter is not a term or measurement used in most countries.
Like I know what it fuckin is, but nobody uses it. So I wanna know where chucklefuck is from.

Best girl with best ass

Here ya go senpai. Stay cool!

It's 83 for me right now, it's fine. Granted I'm indoors and have my AC set to 71

That just means college girls in shorts and tank tops a month early.

Awwww yeah.

Im on a tropical island. You think YOU have it bad? Bitch im a pool of meat at this point.

Fuck off Boco you insufferable blot on the escutcheon of humanity

>im melting in 20c+
>tfw european
kill me

That's a fancy word. What's it mean?

>islanders live in pools of meat

>tfw it's 11 PM here and it's 94 F and 70% humidity

Fuckin amerifags

fuck off

Quite a suasage fest if i say so myself.

>obsessed yuropoors sperging out again

American posts are merely one third of all, of course people will get bothered when you start posting retarded measurements.

>still sperging out

australia here, lmao
stop being a baby

Lol it gets to 120 where I live

Tampa area here. Fuck this 96F+humidity bull right in the shitter.


ITT: retards who don't know what humidity is

>when the temps say 90 but the real feel is 104

>tomorrow it's going to drop 16 degrees


I live in New York and it hit 90 yesterday.