What if we took the genre...

>What if we took the genre, removed everything that made it even remotely challenging mechanically and made it so that all you do 80% of the time is fight in big never ending team battles with a bunch of slow heroes with inflated life pools and the damage output of a wet noodle - to make sure those constant brawls last really long and none of your abilities feel like they do shit

>they are people here who actually enjoy the braindead pointless mini-game named lasthitting

>there are people who don't have hand eye coordination and reaction time required to effectively last hit so they act like the flaw is with the gameplay element and not with them

>they are people here who actually enjoy the braindead pointless mini-game named aiming your gun and shooting
lol fucking FPSfags

>there are people that enjoy video games


There are way better ways to promote active skill based snowballing/farming than last hitting.

Last hitting is literally grandma mechanics.

>last hitting
You must be really retarded

so you admit its a low skill mechanic merely intended to prolong the laning phase.

? lane against a high mmr (6k+) player that knows how to last hit

if you don't know how to manipulate the lane then they're going to completely demolish you. there's a ton of skill involved, a lot of which simply isn't mechanically possible in most other dota clones because they want it to be friendly to casuals (facebook users, women)

dawngate was pretty sweet. rip

What the idiots ITT don't realize is that last hitting isn't just about last hitting. It creates a real dynamic in the lane. Mindgames, zoning, trading, taking hits in exchange for last hits, there is so much more to it at all than just "kill the creep when it's low enough"

>this is what moba babbies actually believe

Last hitting is a stupid mechanic that shits up the already pretty shitty genre
>u-ur just bad lmao
It's fucking boring. Laning is already fucking boring without having to concentrate on last hitting minions. Teamfights are the only fun and interesting thing in MOBAs and Blizzard went all-in on it.

>laning is already boring
>I know, let's make it even MORE boring by making it so all you have to do is just stand somewhere in the vicinity of the waves clashing
>actually let's just scrap laning alltogether, let's just have constant team brawling for 10 to 20 minutes!

full retard
the team fights in this game aren't even fun unless your hero happens to be one of the 5% of the roster that can actually do more damage than a wet tissue paper.

>DotA lasthitting
Lasthitting on DotA is okay, since it's a game extremely mechanic and requires tons of knowledge and skill, but what about oher MOBAs? It's a retarded boring mechanic, like every single one on DotA, I don't understand how can someone like it outside of it.

>I know, let's make it even MORE boring by making it so all you have to do is just stand somewhere in the vicinity of the waves clashing
Yes? I see nothing wrong with this. Laning is more fun when I can focus on nuking waves and poking the enemy laner, not fucking playing the stupid last hit meme minigame. It's a 100% superfluous "mechanic"

>being oneshotted
You still get destroyed in a second if you position like shit and receive focus fire, but you must enjoy being destroyed by 1-2 skills in lane and go back to base every fucking time.

I love playing as a lili
I don't have to lasthit, I don't have to even aim my heals, I don't have to do pretty much anything at all
I just use my abilities on cooldown and I am playing my character to the utmost maximum

>I just use my abilities on cooldown and I am playing my character to the utmost maximum
No you're not, most of the times you need positioning to shoot the Winds and Dragons on the correct heroes

>actually let's just scrap laning alltogether, let's just have constant team brawling for 10 to 20 minutes!

That's a great way to lose the game against competent players.

>last hit left
> stolen by support
Fuck LoL.

>What if we took the genre
You mean the Dota clone, League of Legends, and its clones? Because that's not a game genre.

What the idiots don't realize is that you can't just rush kill minions in heroes just because there are no last hitting. you still have to manage your lane, because if you push too hard you get into a dangerous position and when objeccitve come that lane will be pushed back harder. Also you have to deny regen globes from enemy for quests. Just because there is no last hitting it doesn't mean there is no tacti in our laning phase. But from people who only played like 1 hour and couldnt even get to grandmaaster what should i expect? its like i go to your game, play shit and get to silver, and say theres no mechaninc, i just buy items and they are only stat bonuses. So literally KYS.

>you need positioning
ah yes
you only press the blind if you're near other heroes
it's """hard"""

>hitting Li Ming and Kael'Thas with Winds
I hope I'll never find you ever in Hero League, but you're probably nowhere near Diamond

>it's a dotards try to slander a fun hero arena game since their game is so boring

>I love just playing the most casual game in history where all I do is walk around hitting my buttons
>don't have to aim, don't have to do anything, just walk about

>somehow proud of this
just how casual are you?

This. Dota is so fucking boring holy shit. And League is full of squeaker autists. Both are full of tryhards who think a game needs to take """"""skill""""" even though none of these people are professional gamers. They literally do it for free. HotS is fun as fuck and easy to get into, and not slogged down with last hitting bullshit making laning actually enjoyable.

>get near for winds
>get stunned
>get near for winds
>everyone is a caster
Good job

WHAT THE FUCK are you talking about??? With that logic Dota and lol is the same. Every game is the fucking same. Just pressing buttons. What kind of logic is this? And just because you dont understand the mechanic of the game, that doesnt make it nonexistent you retard.

>nova/chromie does a combo and instant kills you unless you are a tank

If you don't like the game, why are you talking about it?

If you don't like the game why did you make a thread about it.

>playing MOBAS
What's it like, knowing you're singlehandedly killing video games by having low expectations and poor taste?

The real problem with HOTS is that there's no all chat, just allied chat. Feels like playing a bot game.

Then when it fails, rebrand it as "2.0" but don't actually change anything.

>Blizzard crap
I am still waiting for one fun game made by those hacks ever since W3.

Wasn't this called Blizzard Dota?

>what if people have fun with a video game

>being on the contrarian Blizzard hate wagon because you hate Overwatch
Pathetic. Every Blizzard game/expansion before Diablo 3 was fantastic. Only modern Blizzard has dropped in quality.

>gold and item management

>Every game is the fucking same. Just pressing buttons.
No, just the causal ones that don't require you to think or make any input other than mindlessly pressing buttons.

>What if we took Video game audience, Removed everyone with a functioning brain leaving us with mindless drones and autists that post written piles of shit 24/7 and give them free range to discuss whatever they want without censorship but still banning those posting on topic content - to make sure those constant piles of shit are posted we banned discussion of video games and put nazis and sjws in charge.

HoN Mid-wars>this piece of shit

>what if people gave money to Blizzard
This is how you destroy the industry

Jesus fucking Christ is everyone a fucking hipster these days?

>giving money
>it's a free game
>the only transactions are cosmetic, heroes aren't necessary to buy and they give you 20 to start out

>Someone makes a MOBA that is different from others on the market in that it focuses mainly on teamfights
>Others MOBAs are not affected by this at all
>Still find a way to complain about having more choices in the MOBA genre now
>On a board dedicated to video games

I played LoL for a long time despite it being shit and, frankly, boring apart from the few moments of pvp.

I played DotA2 for a while but couldn't get into it, for similar reasons to LoL really.

HotS is the same as those two games but the matches feel shorter and more contained. One of the worst things about the two big ASSFAGGOTS is that, when you're losing, it's a slow, boring loss. HotS feels like it has a greater comeback potential as well as shorter games so, if you're losing, you're not wasting your time.

It'll still get boring though.

>It's a free game we're not actually making money on it and the servers are really expensive we promise!
Fuck off shill

HotS' strength is also its weakness though in some way.
Yes it's nice that matches that are 10 to 20 minutes of constant brawling, on the other hand.. constant brawling can get rather boring rather quick.
And on a ton of heroes you don't feel like you do anything. Even some of the assassins are weak excuses for assassins, they still need to go through multiple cycles of all their skills to even kill an enemy.

One of the biggest attraction of dotalikes is that you can outshine your enemy and party alone when you win, or that you can mitigate all blame and responsibility on your team when you lose.
Blizzard failed to understand that this is what baits underage tards into the genre, and just made it the baseline, while removing much of the complexity people got used to and expected.

>enemy has 4000 health
>skill does like 180 damage

Sounds like a great social experiment.

>get btfo
>y-you're a shill

>what if we took a bunch of bitter neckbeard autists who hate everything and make them discuss video games while pretending to come from a position of authority on the subject

Where did he say any of that besides its free? Are you OK user are you mentally triggered right now? You might need to go seek help for this level of fucking autism

Dota 2 > Smite > LoL > HotS

It's not like there's much variety in other MOBAs though. You're effectively playing a shit game of cat-and-mouse while you wait for teamfights or boring ambushes to happen.

You could argue the jungling aspect is fun but that's two players out of 10 getting the fun part, and HotS has some minor jungling too.

How is it a bad thing that Blizzard took out the things that attract trolls and underage players?

Because it left a simple, dumb game complexity wise that doesn't attract anyone at all.

Not really though.
I feel like a lot of people don't really understand these games. Sounds like they think the only thing that matters is "the big team fights". But that's not true. A ton of other things decide the outcome of these games and in Dota (and even LoL) there are so many more variables to the game.

It already is a mutation of the RTS genre for people who wanted it simpler and not having to micro a lot of units, why dumb it down even further?
HotS has its fun moments don't get me wrong, but it's pretty much mobile game tier in terms of complexity at this point.

>games have to be complex and have a high skill floor to be good

DotA2 feels slow as fuck and something just feels off from the original.
Worst purchase I've made on steam.

LoL is better, if you're not a retard, you shouldn't need to grind unless you just want all of the heroes, useless ones included. Meta enforcement on ranked is good, fuck you 2epictroll going fucking retarded and costing me a half hour of my life.
But mandatory flash and nonstop reworks killed it.

>HoN was fun, but literally only played 4 matches in it.

I doubt I'll ever play HoTS. I've been playing some kind of FAGGOTASSES for almost a decade and I'm burned out. I'm intrigued by the simplicity of it, but I have no desire to play another MOBA match ever.

Oh I completely agree that other aspects determine the outcome of a match. The issue is that those other aspects are not condusive to an enjoyable, worthwhile experience.

>get btfo
>by a child who thinks free to play is a good thing
Yeah ok

The point is that it's not even a good thing that it's free to play Free to play is a cancer on the industry.

If the heroes in HotS were more fun to play I would be with you, but the vast majority of them feel awful to play and none of your skills do any noticeable damage at all.
Only a few exceptions exist.

Who the fuck enjoys playing heroes like Tyrael, Lili, Brightwing, Arthas and so on?

>focus the tank
>surprised it has shittons of health

Well people are playing the game, so I don't think that's true at all.
Just because other MOBAs have last-hitting and other things shouldn't mean that every MOBA needs those mechanics. Some players probably don't enjoy them as much, and are more interested in the new mechanics that Hots introduces, like quests and map objectives.
I just don't see the reason how that could be a bad thing. If you don't enjoy it, no one forces you to play it, and if there are some people who do enjoy it, then in my book it's a good thing that it exists.

You typically want to hit the heroes actually worth blinding. If you just run in mindlessly and blind their casters, you haven't accomplished jack shit except putting yourself in a position where you're likely to get killed.

Theoretically, I think Brightwing could shit out damage if your aim was good enough.

I have literally had matches in HotS where we had constant 5v5 team fighting in the middle of the map from minute 1 on until like minute 6 or something.
The few people that died just respawned and ran back in there.

>Well people are playing the game

Hardly, the game is dying and has been since the start, they are constantly doing cross promotion with Overwatch, locking OW skins into the game as a carrot on a stick to basically force players to play HotS, there really is no more desperate moves than this to make people play your free game.

Lili and BW are great to play. Both are low key sustained damage gods, Lili even more so, with her brawler passive, is slippery enough to duel just about anyone.

are you mad that all the lol players blizzard payed to play the game ended up liking it?

I don't know any actual player numbers from Hots. I only played it off and on, but I generally always find a match in under 30 seconds, so it can't be that bad.

Bronze league problems.

Sounds dank as fuck

HotS is like if Dota and LoL had a little retarded brother who won't make it through life on his own.

How are they great to play?
All you do is run around sending out heals without even having to aim them and blinding enemies or putting your stupid tiny dragon snake on an ally or yourself.

HotS DOES have a few fun heroes such as Cho'gall which is no doubt a fucking great concept and idea, no denying that, but the majority of them just feel horrible.

People love these iconic heroes and then you play them and you feel like a slow as fuck thing molassing your way over the battlefield dealing 3% of the enemy's health in damage with your skills.

I love playing as Li Li. You make your team that much harder to kill while whittling the enemies down with your little dragon buddy.

Serpent spec is the best.

It's the direction of the genre. People aren't getting into this shit for actual mechanics and challenge, they want to play dress-up and smash action figures together with their friends. Same reason Overwatch is popular.

I can't believe I'm living in a time where League is actually the second fucking best in the genre

If you want to deal good damage, play an assassin hero. Even the less bursty ones like Samuro can melt most heroes with a well-placed Mirror Image into crit combo.

And you never will, but the fact that this is how they promote it is all the proof we need. You don't see them doing the opposite with WoW or OW, they are trying to raise the playerbase at all costs probably because its looking bad on shareholder meetings.

Blizz does some seriously desperate shit sometimes to raise player numbers at all costs, remember the "sub to WoW for one year and you get Diablo 3 for free" contract?
Its always pretty clear which one of their games are dying.
The one thats receiving updates of money-making content is the one that is doing will (new skins, please grind your heart out events, new card packs and shit) while the one is desperately trying to give away free shit is the one in the shitter at the moment.

Apparently HotS is doing so bad that giving away free HotS stuff is not doing it, so they give away free Overwatch stuff as long as you play it.

They removed mechanics that could be concidered boring and repetitive to make way for the more competitive aspects of a MOBA.

Team-fights and the brawls are what make these games fun, I doubt people pick up a MOBA game for the sake of the 20 minute last-hitting.

it is i, alkaraak

I think Smite is better than League because they at least do something different than Dota with the whole third person view thing, but yeah, they're both better than Heroes

The wow for d3 was before d3 launched

D3 is or was the top selling pc game of all time
Wow was still 10million + subs at the time

Are you ok retard

But that's wrong.
There is nothing really fun about having constant team fights that last minutes because everything is so fucking tanky or deals so little damage.

Even top dmg output assassins like Li Ming will take fucking AGES to kill a warrior at 20+
The only thing you'll ever oneshot is an underleveled chromie or murky or something.

The worst part of mobas is getting 100-0 in less than a second, you can't even react.
Low damage, high.health, slow.movememts make the game.more strategic. Kill yourself

People tend to simplify the last-hitting stage of the game to just that, but those first 20 minutes are actually incredibly dynamic if you're playing with and against skilled players.

Low-skilled players will just hang around in the lane and passively soak exp while their carry gets the odd last hit, sure, but that's not the way it's meant to be played.

With that being said, I prefer playing HotS nowadays. It's much less stressful.

>The wow for d3 was before d3 launched
It was a
>pleeeeaasse stay subbed for this year

The sales of D3 are irrelevant, its about keeping players in WoW.
And no, it absolutely was not at 10mil subs, it hasn't been since the start of WTLK you dumbass. As always, blizzdrones are easy to bait out and are vehement.

No, that is one of the best.
If I play an assassin/carry/whatever and I play a great game, I deserve to be at a point where I can take down any enemy in a second or two.

This is good.

HotS is a casual brawlfest for people who are barely intelligent enough to understand "this thing on map blinks. I go to blinky thing"

>Last hitting


i used to play dota, hots is better

Yes. Blizzard should listen to a high school drop out for game design ideas. They should have made a carbon copy of Dota/LOL but with blizzard heroes instead and compete directly against those games who have 50+ million people.

>tedium = mechanical challenge

But they don't do anything with that 3rd person perspective. If they worked in elevation mechanics like DotA it would be cool, but it's really just League but way zoomed in. The balance constantly feels tenuous, the abilities are mostly
boring, items predictable, skins are constantly references to other franchises instead of being creative, and that cancerous as fuck chest system is only forgiven because the God pack is great value

I also assume that Hots has a lower player base than Dota and Leage of Legends, which does kinda make sense, considering it came out a good while after these two other games, and they do have quite massive player bases. I can imagine a lot of people never tried Hots because they had already found 'their' MOBA, and since these games have some kind of progression, at least in a cosmetic sense, I can see why some would be reluctant to switch to another game.

Why are you so negative about their promotions, though? It does make sense from a business standpoint, to give your players a little something in another game they play to coax them into trying out a game they wouldn't play otherwise. They are not the only ones doing that, even the company I work at does it with products that don't sell well, although that is slightly different.

I only played two or three Hots matches when it came out, and it was only because of the current Overwatch promotion that I actually got into Hots, now I play it semi-regularly. It's a good thing for Blizzard because their business plan worked, and it's a good thing for me because I found another game to play. I really don't see what's bad about it.

Much less stressful just translates to a lot more casual
Just means you sucked ass at dota. It's okay.
At least in HotS you actually get to win some games I guess.

Q1 2012 was 10 million plus when the promo started

Q2 2012 had just dropped to 9mil
Q3 2012 was back to 10 mil

D3 launched q2 2012

You're a fucking moron